Soft Chapter 2: Substitute

Soft Chapter 2: Substitute I was sitting in my desk when a women that wasnt my teacher walked in. she looked crazy Kayla: Is this how all your teachers look down here \*chuckle/whisper\* BEfore i could respond the women spoke. Mrs.Evans: My name...

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Soft Chapter 1: Kayla

Soft Chapter 1: Kayla Hey, My name is Jeremy. I am 15 years old, long blonde hair and very athletic. I have alot of friends, I am very popular and was voted winter king at my high school this December. I live in Detroit Michigan in a small studio...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 20

Darkness Chapter 20 Wyatt: What do you want A fight!? Me and terriermon both climbed down my window into the soon to be battlefeild. Matt: Oh no, we cannot fight in mid day! are you stupid!? thats why we brought him! A different kid in the age...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 19

Darkness Chapter 19 Renamon (all told in renamon's perspective) i snuck back into the castle quietly, If Matt would have caught me well I dont know what would happen. as i opened my bedroom door there stood Matt. Matt: Where were you...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 18: A Day with Renamon

Darkness Chapter 18 A day with Renamon Me and Terriermon awoke to a very pecculiar sound coming from my window. The sound was a mixture of nails on a chalk board and tree branches scraping the window. So I grabbed my D-ark and my cards and walked...

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Digimon Darkness 17

Darkness Chapter 17 Kyle: Before I destroy you I am supposed to tell you this from the Dark King! Wyatt: Wait you work for the Dark king!? Kyle: Just shut up and listen! he offers you peace If you join him! Become a Dark tamer Like me! Wyatt: Dark...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 16

Darkness Chapter 16 It was the next morning after our Renamon incident. We were both very exhausted and wanted nothing to do with dark digimon which was great because it was our big city celebration which meant.....CARNIVAL IN TOWN! Wyatt:...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 15

Darkness Chapter 15 Renamon (all told in Renamon's Perspective) It was Cold outside but i was already to the point were i was numb enough that I could no longer feel The cold I sat there and Thought to myself Why!? Renamon: WHY!?!? \*Shouts at the...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 14

Darkness Chapter 14 Wyatt: What do you want! do you want revenge! Matt: Oh no circumstances changed this is much much more then revenge now! you see i am the dark king I can make Digimon turn dark with the flick of my wrist. And you! you can make...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 13

Darkness Chapter 13 Wyatt: Shit! I was pacing around the dark laboratory with my hands on my head. I was trying to take in what had just happened! Gargomon looked concerned! Gargomon: Wyatt! just calm down! we will get out of here And then just...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 12

Darkness Chapter 12 Gargomon: Gargo lasers! The powerful energy bullets collided into Renamon! But she was up faster then when she went down! She leapt right on Gargomon Renamon: Run! \*sounding concerned\* Gargomon: huh? Renamon: GET YOUR TAMER...

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 11

Darkness Chapter 11 Terriermon (all told in Terriermon's perspective) I was getting my ass kicked! Renamon was delivering hit after hit! Matt: How does a little puke like this manage to delete all those digimon? haha PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE...

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