Digimon Darkness Chapter 19

Story by nightowlstudios on SoFurry

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#19 of Darkness


Chapter 19

Renamon (all told in renamon's perspective)

i snuck back into the castle quietly, If Matt would have caught me well I dont know what would happen. as i opened my bedroom door there stood Matt.

Matt: Where were you Renamon.....you reak of that Terriermon

Renamon: No I-

Matt: *slaps renamon across the face* Shut up! i cant have you fratanizing with the enemy *shoves renamon to the ground*

Renamon: Matt Stop!

Matt: Shut up! *kicks renamon on the ground*

Dessperate times call for dessperate measures *pulls out a giant syrange with a black substance inside*

Renamon: Matt....

Matt took the needle and injected it in my neck! Darkness crept over me and my vision was covered by a red film. I felt anger and hate and most of all the aching feeling to destroy wyatt and Terriermon

Matt: there I dont think we will have anymore problems do you?

I voice not my own came forth from my mouth

Renamon: No!

Matt: Good.....Good

Wyatt & Terriermon (told in wyatts perspective)

Wyatt: Terriermon! i have beaten you T times now *starts putting away monopoly*

Terriermon: you cheat! i saw you print counter fit money the other day

Wyatt: haha what?

?: *scratch*

Terriermon: the window again.....its renamon!

I through open the window and saw Renamon and Matt in my backyard....Renamon was battered and bruised and bleeding from the nose......it was obvious matt had beaten her and something more....she was dripping black liquid and her eyes glowed red! Then a weird mutated voice came out of her mouth it sounded like a deep voice half talking and have growling!

Renamon: Terriermon! Get your puny ass down here NOW!!!!!