Digimon Darkness Chapter 19

Darkness Chapter 19 Renamon (all told in renamon's perspective) i snuck back into the castle quietly, If Matt would have caught me well I dont know what would happen. as i opened my bedroom door there stood Matt. Matt: Where were you...

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Change Your Spoons

The mouse stared blankly at the beets. beets. who ate beets? who could stand beets? beets should be illegal to eat. or even sell. or anything. bloody beets. in the red, red juice that spilled out of the bowls and onto the table. sticky, syrupy mess.


Dear Diary (Part 4)

She was the one who got beet red then, but i don't know. that's always been a me and dad thing whenever he's been around. i know i can control myself in my other shape, but still...it's a big jump for me.

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New Year's Day

"in spite of your not liking beets, you tried my borscht. that is tact, my young bear. besides that, lorita doesn't care for it either."

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Pt 13 - The Druid's Choice

"i said to get a beet, not a child. how did you manage that? did the magic follow you around?" gux shook his head, missing the joking tone as he pulled out the beets he'd picked. "help lily... then we talk. can see her?" nightshade nodded.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 14 (Sexual Tensions - Part 9)

Naruto yelled, his face beet red. "i'm not judging you naruto, please just calm down." "i... sorry..." "so, do you think you're gay naruto?" "i don't know... i think so."

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 20

Soma: haha this is the little kid you want me to beet up? matt: ah not yet dark but still itching for a fight.... i am interested to see this! matt mumbled something and two black chairs appeared both him and renamon took a seet soma: ready punk?

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 14

What is up with her she attacks terriermon and beets him to a pulp but then she helps us escape! i dont get it! wyatt: a fight! is that what you want!? matt: oh wyatt! thats always what i want renamon attack him!

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To Laugh Once More

My beet red irises, breaking my ties asunder. what binds me to this world, so dark and empty. what kind of pains to unfold, so stark yet temping. my arms so sore, my legs clenching painfully.

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Lion King : Family united part 5

Karo,karo trys it again but this time karo spined and threw zian off balance,zian stumbles back trying to regain balance, karo hits zian and pins him,zira jumps on karo from the side and knocks him off of zian,zian spang up and pins karo,karo's eye's turn beet

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part 3)

I glance out the window and see we are now over the ocean, knowing we are getting close makes my heart skip a beet. the plane starts to slow-down and tilt up slightly.

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Pokemon Journey to another world Ch2

You beet up a fellow trainer and stole his pokeballs and pokemon?" "no i beet him up so he wouldn't send another pokemon to try and attack me." her eyes went wide when i told her this but she nodded and said.