The hunter becomes the hunted (part 3)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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The flight felt like it as going to last for ever! Your excited, you have no entertainment and the only sound you can hear is the buzz of the engine trough your ear-muffs. Its no wonder you need these ear-muffs, if you can hear a buzz trough them than it must be a bad noise without them. I guess I could always look out the window, the trees and ponds racing by, under us... And now I feel sick.

I reach into my pocket and pull-out some antacids, I just pop it in my mouth and let it dissolve. I glance out the window and see we are now over the ocean, knowing we are getting close makes my heart skip a beet.

The plane starts to slow-down and tilt up slightly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself. the planes floats hit the water and my eyes snap open and I glance out the window to see that we are coming to a stop. The side of the plane that I am on pulls-up next to a dock, as close as possible.

Deon turns-off the plane and gets on the float on my side, using a paddle (duh) he brings us close enough to tie the plane to the dock. He climbs into the plane than onto the other float and tosses a anchor over the side, he gives the rope enough slack so the plane will rise and fall with the tide safely.

Working like a conveyor belt at some factory we un-load the plane and lug it to camp. We put all the stuff away and Deon shows us our rooms, his is at the beginning of the short hall, Cory's is on the right of the hall after that and my room is on the right after that. Cory asks Deon "where is the bathroom or outhouse?"

Deon said "there is a out house" he stepped outside and pointed at the small building "right there" he finished.

Cory ran to the out house. Deon said to me "This is my last trip here, I am getting too old for this... And I am a little out of shape"

Cory came out to the out house and said "thanks"

Deon said "it was nothing... uh, At night, if you like wake up and have to go... I suggest taking that handgun" we nod. Deon said "you should wait for tomorrow to start hunting... But Its not too late to go to the beach and see if your guns are sighted in" we nod and Deon shows us to the beach.

The long sandy beach looks like it could be a tropical resort... in the cold of Alaska. None the less, It is a long straight beach, from what I see probably 300 yards. Using my range finder, I find a spot 200 yards away. Deon has two empty bear bottles, I set one 200 yards away for me and my .338 Lapua Magnum and one 100 yards away for Cory and his muzzle loader.

Cory starts loading his muzzle loader as I line-up my shot, my gun is sighted in for 200 yards so it is as simple as getting the cross-hairs on the bottle and *BANG* the loud shot echoes trough the hills and the bottle is obliterated.

Cory takes aim at his bottle, his gun is set for 150 yards, 50 yards farther than his bottle... It is still as easy as setting the cross-hairs on the bottle and *BANG* the bottle is pulverized.

Deon clapped his hands and we set back to camp for the night... That night I take out something that I packed without Cory knowing... the last picture of us together, me, Cory and his mom... my wife, she too is a wolf and she also looks like a pissed husky... She looks almost the same as me, she only has more grey than black.

She has been gone for two years today, I catch myself saying "I miss you so much right now, Linda" and cry myself to sleep.

The hunter becomes the hunted (part 4)

I woke up, the suns light only just peaking over the horizon. I go to the out house, do what I have to do than wake Cory up, he goes to the out house while I tell Deon we are going hunting. We get our guns and bullets and such, me and my .338 and...

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part 2)

Me and my son, Cory, walk into the house, he says "nice job building suspense before the .338" I say "and did you see that crazy-long shot!?" Cory nodded and I said "the current record for the longest sniper kill was taken with a .338 Lapua...

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

A full bottle of water is sitting on a grassy bank, motionless. \*BANG\* the bottle flies up into the air, torn apart from the power of the bullet ripping trough it at nearly 3000 feet per second. I said "And thats how I feel about littering!" the guys...

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