Inter-Dimensional Farm Story, Part 1: Introduction
His complaint was rudely interrupted as barry knocked him down and buried his face under his massive butt, adding the stink of his sweat and musk and releasing some not-so-quiet wet farts that were muffled between the dog's butt, the boy and the floor
Kiss My Arse 7 - The Rescue from the Darkness
#7 of kiss my arse the clash of steel and resulting sparks showered in fury across the floor as fang and dark retreated back. "you're getting good," stated fang. "yeah but i need to get better," i replied.
Wet Ass Pussy (song parody)
Some wet-ass pussy cougar in the top spot, that's some wet-ass pussy, huh
A Friendly Wager: Day 2
Mikemon said as he wiggled his butt around. gaomon did as he was told and began licking his friends butt completely clean. while gaomon was busy cleaning his friends butt, mikemon was busy munching on the breakfast his friend made. "wow.
Salvager Skunk
He responded, as vincent merely brushed off his rather big butt and hips. "nice ass by the way..." ember added in a somewhat satisfied tone, causing vincent to gently wag his rather large skunk tail.
A Friendly Wager: Beginning
I didn't wipe my butt." said mikemon with a little bit of pride in his voice. then, mikemon lowered his butt until his tailhole was just barely touching his friends nose and ripped a seven second fart that stunk of rotten eggs and unwiped butt.
My Little Pony: Shake Your Tail
Her rear wiggling also.
(rump) tail twitching. and eyes locked. ready? yes. ready? yes. get ready. wiggle your ass. (rump) ready. steady. pounce.
Pachyderm Potty Predicament
At this point, she couldn't help covering her bottom with one hoof, her bottom tightly closed as it was. all the while her stomach crying out, making her legs shake.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 11: Camp
Spyro crept ahead of cynder from behind unaware orcs into tent what where guarded properly moment ago. as they entered inside and their eyes adjusted to dark they saw someone behind centerpole back towards them.
Pet Sketch
She kissed the fox before plopping him down right behind hunter and forcing his nose up against the lion's sagging bottom. andlat squirmed desperately as vitani held him there.
Conker and Berri
Berri found it very cute, and kept landing smacks on his rear saying: "that makes two of us conker." while smiling. conker smiled and relaxed wiggling his rear playfully.