The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 11: Camp
#11 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past
Chapter 11 - Camp
"Okokokokokokok I heard you! Glad to be a assistance! Now keep distance please!". Sparx said behind Spyro still in panic. Cynder looked Spyro with satisfied grin and Spyro grinned as well, trying to hold his laugh.
"Hehe I think you overdid yourself this time Sparx" Spyro said amused
"Not funny!" Sparx replied sharp.
"But it was."
"Not!" Sparx shouted. Spyro shook his head and turned his eyes on Cynder still smiling.
"well I think Sparx got one of his endless lessons for today don't you think?" Spyro said
"Well that is totally up to him if you ask me." Cynder replied grinning as she approached Spyro.
"No... stay away from me!" Sparx shouted behind Spyro. Cynder came next to Spyro and gave brief kiss to Spyro's sheet before she lad herself on cap resting and glancing smokes in distance.
"So what you think?" Cynder asked. Spyro laid himself next to Cynder looking same direction.
"I think rescuing that ranger is going to be difficult."
"That's true but I meant did you come up in anything special about him. You said you have had dreamed about him."
"Yes I have. Well it ain't much really but what I do remember is that he is a friend. I know it ain't much but I know that is true."
"I hope you're right. I wonder why these orcs wants him so badly, having all the trouble bringing so huge group here just because of him. He is skilled and dangerous but other than that I don't see any reason them of chasing him down." Cynder said wondering. Spyro remained silent and tried to remember his vision/dream considering ranger.
"Knowledge." Spyro Said. Cynder looked Spyro wondering what he meant.
"What you mean?"
"I just remembered, he said he had secrets in my dream."
"Did he say anything else?"
"Nothing I can rememberer of." Spyro lowered his head.
"Don't worry, we'll rescue him soon enough. Look, sun is already setting. Few hours and we can go." Cynder said. They glanced how sun where setting below horizon and prepared themself for rescue. As sky became dark Spyro and Cynder took off on mushroom and flew slowly few hundred meters away from closest tent. They have exit from swamp and no cover from curious eyes where present. grass grew as high as their chest and calm wind waved them slightly. They crept together carefully, shadow to shadow avoiding light emitted by small campfires.
"Could you do something about that glow of yours?" Cynder whispered to Sparx
"Sorry." Sparx said as his glow dimmed slowly. Spyro crawled to nearest tent and glanced briefly inside the camp and pulled his head back.
"Looks like most of the orcs are sleeping but there are few around those campfires and fewer patrolling area. We need to be careful" Spyro whispered to others. Cynder and Sparx nodded.
"Now!" Spyro whispered and they creep behind other tent. Spyro looked around the corner again and walked slowly around it and Cynder followed him.
"Down!" Spyro whispered and they all went low as possible. orc guard came second later behind corner and walked just next to them and looked around, but didn't notice Spyro nor Cynder as he looked too far ahead. orc groaned and walked away. Cynder stood up and looked behind the corner where orc went back. Seeing him continuing his walk towards one of the many campfires she decided to sneak to the next tent about 20 meters away. Spyro looked at the guard as well before he went after Cynder.
"Look over there Spyro. That tent has guards front of it. You think that is the place they're keeping him?" Cynder whispered as Spyro slowly came next to her
"There is only one way to find out." Spyro said as he was about to creep next tent near guarded tent but he pulled himself back as he saw one orc sitting just behind the very same tent's corner they where hiding behind.
"We cant get trough here, orc blocks our way." Spyro whispered and went on opposite corner and looked around only pulling himself back again quickly and gave serious look on Cynder.
"Guard is coming right here!" Spyro whispered eyes wide open.
"Oh no... We must get away from here" Cynder whispered back and where about to lift herself on her wings
"No! They spot us if we do." Spyro whispered stopping Cynder's intents.
"They spot us if we stay!" Cynder protested
"They will not spot you two... as for me..." Sparx said and flew behind corner right at approaching guard.
"Nonono Sparx!" Both Cynder and Spyro whispered but too late. Sparx flew determined towards walking orc and began glow again. Guard stopped and looked at the approaching light.
"Who goes there?" orc groaned but Sparx flew just front of his eyes. They both glanced each other for a moment.
"You're ugliest firefly I've ever seen." orc said with groan.
"And you are ugliest dummbag I have ever seen." Sparx said, gave ugly gesture back and flew away.
"Why you...!" orc Groaned loudly and ran after Sparx. Loud voice orc made made nearby guards gather around and wonder what was going on as they saw one of them chasing and waving his club towards what seemed to be flying yellow ball.
"Quiet there! I'm trying to sleep!" One orc shouted inside tent nearby. Spyro and Cynder realised their opportunity has came as they noticed guards guarding the tent leaving their posts. Spyro crept ahead of Cynder from behind unaware orcs into tent what where guarded properly moment ago. As they entered inside and their eyes adjusted to dark they saw someone behind centerpole back towards them. Spyro and Cynder walked slowly around the pole and saw ranger hand tied up with chains behind his back and around the pole. Both Spyro and Cynder startled as they heard loud snore nearby, they looked over where noise came and they saw Edgard himself sleeping just behind them smirking for some reason. Spyro sighed relief and turned to see ranger. Just when Spyro tried to look closer ranger open his eyes and rose his head slowly. Spyro startled first but looked closer ranger as ranger where confused for first about his presence and then his eyes widened as he saw Cynder nearby. Spyro understood that he was at least confused.
"We are getting you out from here." Spyro whispered unsure would creature understand him. Creature seemed to understand that they where secretly in tent and he should keep quiet but unsure why, as far his expression told to Spyro. Spyro circled behind ranger and Cynder took better look for ranger with serious face. She moved her head close ranger head, stared directly into his eyes and sniffed once, twice, ranger moved his head back a little with every sniff she took. Cynder looked ranger with narrowed eyes.
"If you ever, ever again hurt Spyro again you're good as dead." Cynder whispered with cold tone.
"A lock. I can break it but that will wake up Edgard and melting it could hurt ranger." Spyro whispered from behind pole.
"Then we must find the key." Cynder whispered and looked around. Spyro started to search as well. When Spyro got front of ranger he heard him whispering something and looked ranger.
"Tuolla, Avain on tuolla." Ranger whispered and pointed his eyes on Edgards gear on ground. Cynder stopped her search and followed Spyro with her eyes as she saw Spyro walking towards Edgard's gear and Edgard himself nearby. He looked over his stuff but did not find key or anything extraordinary and he looked back at ranger who just nodded. Spyro looked Edgard's equipment again and took huge warhammer between his jaws and tried to lift it carefully so he could access other his equipment but hammer was heavier then he thought and he slipped it on one of many armours lying down with loud bang. All three's eyes got wide and they all looked sleeping Edgard who where getting up.
"What? Who dare interrupt my sleep!" Edgard said as he stood up and his eyes narrowed as he saw two dragons staring at him.
"You two!" Edgard groaned loud and took his huge sword next to his bed. 'Now or never' Spyro thought and ran behind pole and blasted lock into pieces with earthblast. Ranger felt chains getting loose and he freed himself quickly, ran to his equipment pile and took few knifes and short sword. Cynder on meanwhile stood front of Edgard trying to buy some time
"This is the last mistake you make in your pathetic life of yours!" Edgard roared and swung his huge sword downwards. Cynder leaped right and just in the moment she landed Edgard Swung his sword again. Cynder duck and sword went above her head inch away and hit central pole behind her instead cutting it to two pieces which made whole tent starting to collapse.
"Time to go!" Spyro Shouted as he saw tent collapsing around them. Ranger ran outside first and Spyro ran after him.
"Cynder now!" Spyro shouted at the moment he ran outside. Cynder looked behind after she has dodged one of orcleader's furious attacks. Edgard continued his mindless attacks against Cynder and he didn't notice tent collapsing at all. Cynder turned around and ran outside. Edgard tried to run after her but in the same moment tent fell on him.
"You Ain't getting away from this long as my name is Edgard The Strongarm! RAAAR!" Edgard roared loudly as he tore tent's roof and freed himself from inside the what used to be tent. all the nearby orcs where gathered around their leader's tent and glanced on three fugitives, some of them confused, some of them angry.
"You're not going anywhere!" Edgard groaned eyes narrowed as Spyro, Cynder and Ranger prepared to the worst.