Xenophobic Tendencies

You never really understand the world Until you travel and experience As much of it as possible. You could Not possibly understand the grand growth Of their cultures, speeches and of their stance Against the rest of us, for the race's...

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ABC's - Coming Out.

xenophobes stare. you couldn't deny it anymore. "zach and kevin are going out." they whisper.

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Humans were, while not hostile, some what xenophobic, having a hard time wanting to leave the comfort of their home system and moving to one filled with aliens, even if they were well wishing.

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To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -

#1 of to court the fèidh order of the hart - prequel - is a brief introduction to the order, a group of borderline xenophobic religeous offshoots, whose sole purpose is to rid humanity of the threat of the therian and the were's.

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Ideas for future stories

, michiru's boyfriend is a horrifying yet heroic pseudo-hulk with autism (i picture him as similar to a doom hell knight), michiru leaves after turning into a beastman, boyfriend follows alongside deathclaw pet, lots of problems because beastmen are xenophobic


Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

Though peaceful meeting was made at first, a new prime minister took command of the human forces and the furs were slowly being exterminated by a superior, xenophobic force.

3: The Five - Basic Overview

They are quite susceptible to being prejudiced and xenophobic too, however this isn't to say that it's ubiquitous any more.

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Chapter 3.1 And now for something new!

Despite us being on the border of an ocean the trolls that populate the sea region have prevented any sea salt production because of the xenophobic actions of the alamar kingdom.


As-of-yet-Unnamed-Fantasy Ch:1

They were actively xenophobic in those areas and the crimes i'd seen committed against my kind in those cities scared me. lynch mobs, burnings at the stake, and stonings had all been witnessed in those towns.

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The Fireborn: Prologue

For all of the xenophobic possibilities out there especially in a place like the states.. the londoner folk proved again the power of their unbreakable spirit.. their terrible cool.

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