Chapter 3.1 And now for something new!

Story by WriterHubris on SoFurry

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#11 of A Strange Journey

Since I gained the achievement for the book, three days have passed that I've used for cultivation almost constantly. Add in the rest of my time in this study and it can be honestly said I have made this my home. But finally, I've walked out, cheerful thanks to the abilities I've gained because of this study.

On top of that I was able to use the time during my active cultivation to finish reading off everything in the library. It turns out, reading is a lot simpler when the words appear as thoughts in your head, plus I can bring up the information in the books whenever I feel like it! All in all, I've learned plenty about this continent I'm on and the Dukedom that I'm set to inherit from Arnold... I've also learned more about the Smith family, which has given me some ideas on why all this shit's happened.

While I moved through the halls of this mansion, I'd think about everything I discovered through my reading and own thoughts to connect the dots. I'll have to talk to Helmsford to finally confirm things, but I think I got it figured out. Meanwhile, I looked through the mansion, walking around to better understand the place that I'm to call home.

As I moved, I'd see servants moving around seemingly busy with cleaning and keeping up the appearance of the mansion. Which by the way was quite a lovely home, it was a stone foundation with strong wood and at least three total floors when you included the basement floor my room was in. On top of that, the building itself was situated on a hill some distance away from what I could only assume was the province's capital city. Rolling plains was all that separated the dark wood mansion from the city, well... That and some hills here and there.

There was also numerous gardens situated around the mansion, apparently a hobby of my mother had been the planting of gardens and despite Amy's attempts to have them removed, they were all prevented by Arnold. Which I'm honestly glad for, the gardens add a tinge of beauty to the mansion and gives something nice to look out. Unfortunately, my room that I originally woke up in didn't have any windows to see such beauty.

As I walked, I'd find that the rooms of this mansion were quite large, even something as simple as a dining hall could entertain a good many people, and Alexis' former bedroom before he was put in isolation was actually on the second floor and was facing one of those gardens, on top of being a beautifully large room. I had to ask a servant for the key to it though as Arnold had locked the room out of worry that Amy would want to move her son into the room. Apparently she had been completely confident that I would die soon... Too bad bitch, but I took over when the boy died.

Anyways, eventually my exploration brought me to the kitchen and with some curiosity I would begin talking with the chefs. Of course, they only tolerated me in the beginning because they only saw me as a kid, but after I started to ask questions about cooking that showed my own knowledge... Well, it wasn't hard to befriend them.

Thanks to that I actually finally learned why the bacon they served had been air-dried rather than salt dried. Despite us being on the border of an ocean the Trolls that populate the sea region have prevented any sea salt production because of the xenophobic actions of the Alamar kingdom. So the Trolls have made their objections to treatment known with action rather than any further words.

The chefs were annoyed with the inconvenience, though rather than pointing their fingers at Alamar they would rather blame the Trolls. For me though, I can understand the issue the Trolls have. All they wanted is to be given the ability to tax the sea salt production that's happening on their lands, which includes the entire coast line. It would just be fair, but some people are just assholes.

Still, I'd talk with the chefs amicably for the time being and even exchanged cooking pointers with them, including ideas about creating drying areas for the meat that was closer toward the sea, or even using some ice magic cores to create a special building to control the drying process. Once that idea entered their mind, it wouldn't take them long to start it down it's direction. Finally Helmsford would arrive after having spent some time looking for me when I wasn't in the study. Excusing myself from the chefs, I'd walk out with Helmsford, smiling, "What's going on Alfred?"

Walking from the kitchens to the dining hall, Helmsford would tell me as we made our way down to my isolation room. "Your father has sent notice that he's arrived at the capital and is beginning to deal with the politics of the capital. But since you're recovering he wants to move you back to your old room." Opening the door, I'd walk into the room and moved to the table, climbing into the chair, I'd sit and look at Helmsford with a smile. "That's good to hear, but... What's the real reason you've come to speak with me?"

With eyes that narrowed slightly, he'd finally close the door behind him, checking down the hall before it closed. Finally he'd approach the table, looking at me seriously. "When will you call to have Mrs. Smith killed?" Hearing the question, my smile grew a bit but I didn't answer immediately. Instead I'd use the inventory, setting down a dagger I had swiped from the kitchen. It wasn't easy to hold the tool, but I'd still grip onto it's handle, touching the tip to the table.

"My dear Helmsford... Are you anxious?" Looking at him, I'd finally move my hand, touching the handle's end, I'd balance the knife between one finger and the table, letting it twirl slowly. "Actually, I would like nothing more than to kill her... But I've learned enough to know that doing so would cause a political situation... Why is it that you don't care about that, Helmsford?"

I'd look at him carefully, studying his face as he did the same. Finally he'd sigh deeply, "You really don't have any memory of us at all, do you?" Hearing that, I was confused but also something clicked. "You're not just a butler if you ask that... But you're right, I don't." Looking relieved that he was right, he'd relax a bit and would look at me with something like fondness. "Tell me, what do you know of your mother so far?"

The question was sudden, surprising and soon I'd sink into contemplation. Moving my finger, the knife would fall to it's side with a clatter, but I didn't care, instead I'd rest my arm on the table. Fingers tapping against the table in rhythm as I thought and thought. What did I know about that woman who died? She liked to garden, working with her own hands and despite the short time she was with Arnold, had managed to create multiple gardens... She wasn't a noble, or if she was, her nobility was below the Dukedom because it wasn't a political marriage... Probably love.