Spyro: Dark Master Armies against Dragons Part 1

Meanwhile--- at an unknown place far from warfang and the apes, a beautiful turquoise dragon sat with another turquoise dragon. what shall we do when our baby hatches? i don't know, but it's not safe here, we need to go somewhere else.


Eriol's biography

Place of birth: turquoise town current location: turquoise city appearance: quadruped mammal covered mainly with pure white-colored fur with blue feet, ears and tail.

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A Dragon's Life: Chapter 2

The turquoise dragon whimpered quietly to himself and his body shook violently.

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A Strange Night Out

The turquoise hedgehog slunk his way into the building, flashing his i.d to the man standing out front before heading straight towards the bar. he wasn't usually a drinker, but tonight he felt like it would be the only medicine that would help.

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A Dragon's Life: Chapter 1

Her turquoise brother proved his intelligence too, jumping back into the stalagmites the riddled the floor.

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The Slide of Trust

She had elbow length turquoise gloves like a fox but her pointer and ring finger on both hands were lavender. her middle fingers were white leaving her thumb and pinky finger turquoise.

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 1

"i did not come to fight." said the turquoise dragon comely.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 7

Selene struggled against the restraints but to no avail as the mages gathered in a circle with a unicorn holding an orb glowing turquoise and purple.


The Magic Puzzle #1: Bridget and Colin meet Silver

He was a bit muscular, had blue eyes, fluffy ears, and a turquoise mohawk that covered his ears on the back of his head, almost as if it were also a mullet.

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Her eye opened, a great orb of turquoise. "_and i see you have my medallion._" a hard lump formed in my throat. "y-_yes_," i blurted out.

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Born Of Chaos Ch. 7

Her eyes flashed black once before turning back to turquoise, her pupils narrowing harshly as waves of uncontrolled emotions roiled throughout her body.

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A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 1 [Archives]

The canine had a fascinating array of coloration on her fur, her hair and eyes were a darker turquoise color, with her hair splitting into a darker blue turquoise streak and into a greener turquoise streak.

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