Born Of Chaos Ch. 7
#7 of Born of Chaos
Well then, here we are. I hope that you've this little journey that we've been on, and are looking forward to some new ones as well. See you all again soon!
P.S. If anyone's curious about the constellation called Cetus, here's a link about him:
The hours seemed a blur to the two Princesses as they sat by themselves in the castle's library.
After she had returned, Celestia had taken Luna and the Elements, saying to the general populace that more preparations needed to be made. And, after making sure there were guards posted at every possible entrance, with pegasi flying around the castle on a constant lookout, only then did Celestia finally turn to her younger sister.
"Luna," She started, placing the Elements in a circle on the large table in the middle of the room. "I must be honest with you. I am not entirely sure how to use the Elements of Harmony, or even if they work at all."
Luna stared at her sister.
"What?" She walked up to Celestia. "Are you serious? You don't know how to work them?"
The sun princess shuffled her hooves nervously. "Well, I know the basics; how to work their magics into a conceivable form and what not. It's just how to get them started that has me stumped, and after that, how to end the flow of magic. Or even if those two things happen on their own or not."
Disgust and disapproval rolled through Luna's mind, and, for a brief second, flashed across her features, making her eyes flash their true turquoise color for a split second.
Celestia did a double-take, but Luna's face returned to normal so quickly, she doubted if she had really even seen anything at all.
"So how do you think you're going to defeat Discord?"
A deep sigh came from Celestia. "Well, I was planning on doing more research; see if I could find any more useful information. However," She summoned the hourglass that Discord had left her, a frown marring her face as she noted the scant amount of sand. "I don't think that there is enough time for that. So we will more than likely have to just trust our instincts."
Luna chuckled. "We should just, wing it!" Her mirth doubled and her laughter bounced off the walls of the library.
Celestia frowned again, deeper this time as she noted an almost maniacal side to her sisters' twisted merriment.
"I would ask of you to please take this a little more seriously Luna."
Luna only answered by shaking a hoof at her older sister and tried to keep her laughter in check. In the back of her mind, she noted how her sense of humor had become more like Discords', which made her smile to herself in pleasure.
After a few more tense moments, Celestia returned her attention to the orbs on the table.
"Well," she thought out loud. "I suppose it would make more sense to turn the Elements into a more controllable form."
Closing her eyes in deep concentration and with her horn glowing brilliantly, Celestia picked up the Elements, twisting and shaping them into a form that pleased her better.
Luna's eyes were bright with curiosity as she watched her sister at work. Even if she did resent her, Luna had to admit that Celestia was indeed an incredibly powerful alicorn.
She only hoped that one day, she would be as, if not more, powerful than her sister was.
She scoffed again.
In little more than eight hours, she and Discord would be the rulers of everything; of course she would become more powerful.
Discord had promised.
Returning her attention to what Celestia was doing she saw that instead of six stone orbs on the table, there were now two crowns, each bearing three of the Elements. The one on the right was a shining gold and held the Elements of Magic, Kindness, and Generosity. The one on the left was a lustrous silver and housed the Elements of Laughter, Honesty, and Loyalty.
Luna chuckled softly at the irony.
"Phew." Celestia sighed and her horn stopped glowing, the spell ended. "There, that should do it."
Using her magic again, she removed her crown and placed the golden one with the Elements on her head. "Here Luna, your own crown is ready."
Luna silently exchanged her current crown for the one on the table.
"In addition to the power of the Elements embedded in these new crowns, I have also taken a portion of the magic from every unicorn in the palace, like Starswirl, and added it to the crowns," Celestia explained to her sister. "This shall increase our own magical abilities and give a little more of a chance of defeating Discord."
Luna nodded, her eyes locked on Celestia's crown. She was wondering if there was a way to combine the two into one, and so increase her own magic even more.
Then a thought struck her. Spinning around quickly, she turned and looked at her tail, seeing if she had gotten an alicorns hair. If what Celestia was true, then she should have it. Right?
Wrong. Her tail was the same light blue normal hair.
Celestia smiled sadly, knowing what troubled her sister. "I'm sorry Luna. Since the magic I borrowed from the other unicorns isn't ours to take for ourselves, I only put it into the crowns, to act like an amplifier that increases the power of it. Not giving us more."
Unbridled rage shot through Luna. And she could feel her eyes positively glowing, and she knew that if she turned and looked at her sister right now, then Celestia would see the dragon-slits and turquoise coloring that Discord had given to her. Not wanting to ruin the plan, Luna forced her anger down, breathing deeply to calm herself.
Now was not the time.
After she was sure she was calmed down enough that her eyes were normal, she turned back to her sister. "I understand." She said. I understand that you are selfish and afraid of me!
The sun princess nodded again. "Don't worry sister. I think your time is coming soon. I can feel it." She wrapped her wings around Luna in a warm embrace. Luna awkwardly returned the hug.
After another couple of tense moments, Celestia pulled away and looked back at the hourglass.
"Exactly eight hours left until sunset." She glanced at Luna. "Let's go inform the rest of the castle." Without another word, she turned and walked out the library doors.
Letting her breath out in an annoyed huff, Luna followed.
Patience, she told herself, Soon it will all be over.
The alarm popped into existence on spindly legs, with a pair of matching arms and wide-set eyes. After it looked at the sleeping Discord, it started a high-pitched ringing to wake him up.
Discord jerked awake, his yellow, blood-shot eyes popping open and glancing around him to locate the source of the noise. "What the-" Then he noticed the alarm. "Oh right." He poked the center of the alarm and it popped like a bubble.
Yawning, he stretched his arms and wings wide, hearing a faint popping from his elbows and wing joints.
"It's almost time to finish my creation." He looked at the hourglass, floating softly to his right.
Only one hour remained until he dispatched of all of these wretched ponies.
He stepped off of the cloud and slowly dropped to the earth below, landing gently onto the charred and broken earth.
Looking over at the village, he noticed a small gathering of ponies at the village entrance. "Hello, what have we here?"
Frowning, he cast a spell of invisibility over himself and made his way over to them.
"No, really!" One of the ponies was saying to the others. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have mastered the Elements of Harmony and are on their way here right now to finish off that beast!"
"Oh yeah right!" Another spoke up. "First, where'd you hear this? And second that, thing is way too powerful for even the Princesses to beat."
She shook her head sadly.
"Even if they did master these so called 'Harmony Elements.'"
The first pony gasped in shock. "How could you say such a thing about our beloved rulers? They've protected and kept us from harm for who knows how many years! Remember when-"
Discord had heard enough.
Scoffing at the ponies he walked over to the path that connected the village and the capital of Canterlot.
"Here," he said, dropping his invisibility and leaning against the entrance archway. "This is where the sun and the moon will fall. And chaos will reign supreme for all time!"
His laughter was terrifying, a taunt to the sisters who thought to try and end him.
The sound of evil's laughter indeed reached the sisters and their troops, eliciting different feelings for all. For the soldiers, it was fear and apprehension. For Celestia, it was worry. And for Luna, it was a sick and twisted joy.
"Fear not my little ponies!" Celestia turned and spoke to her loyal soldiers. "Yes, the enemy is mighty, but we have right on our side! We have goodness! And we have Harmony! Today, we shall stand against evil, and we will prevail!" Turning back around, she looked at Luna. "Are you ready sister?"
Luna nodded. "I am ready Celestia." For your downfall, and mine and Discords rise to power!
Celestia returned the nod and, with a flap of her giant wings, took to the skies. "All units, forward!"
As one, the pegasus flew off after Celestia while Luna, the unicorns, and earth ponies marched in step along the path.
"And so it begins." Celestia muttered, flying into the setting sun as, for the first time in over a thousand years, the entire Canterlot army went to war.
Discord smiled widely as he saw the princesses and their entourage of ponies coming down the path.
Clapping his hands and laughing loudly, he made some balloons and streamers to come into being and hung them from the nearby trees.
"Oh hurrah! You made it to my little party! I'm so glad that you decided to accept my invitation Celestia, otherwise it'd hardly be a party!"
Several picnic tables laden with food appeared before everyone and Discord gestured to the grand feast. "Would anypony care for some cake? Or maybe some punch? There's plenty to go around!"
"Enough Discord!" Celestia landed and stomped her hoof on the cracked ground. "We have all had enough of your chaotic ways, and my sister and I are here to end it!"
Discord glanced at Luna and raised an eyebrow. "So... you're not here for the party?"
Luna stifled a giggle, which caused Celestia to toss her a suspicious glare.
Shaking his head, he waved an arm, making the party decorations disappear. "Well then, if that is indeed the case, then I'm afraid that your army is not allowed to interfere. You and I made that bet Celestia, so the fight will be between the two of us."
"And my sister as well Discord."
His smile widening, Discord formed a bubble to encase the Canterlot army, several of the ponies tried to break through it, but to no avail.
"Why not? Let's let little Luna in on the fight."
Celestia stiffened and even Luna cringed a bit as Discord mentioned her name. "How do you know her name? Speak demon!"
Discord put his finger to his lips, realizing another of his "slips".
"I know many things," he explained. "More than you could ever imagine princess."
Scowling, Celestia turned to her sister. "What is going on Luna?"
The younger sister didn't blink. "Whatever do you mean sister?" Her eyes flashing turquoise, she glared back at Celestia.
The sun princess stepped back, the truth hitting her like a ton of bricks.
How could she have not seen it? Her sisters changed attitude, the way she seemed to snap at her and wasn't as thrilled when she returned as she should've been. And those eyes; turquoise dragon eyes.
They chilled her to the bone.
Slowly, she turned back to Discord, disgusted by the satisfied grin plastered on his face.
"What did you do to her?" Her voice was quiet, but it traveled well across the distance between them. Her horn was shimmering with pent up magic, and her mane and tail, usually softer rainbow hues, were turning red and began to thrash out behind her.
"I? I showed her the truth. I sympathized with her. I promised to give her what she deserved."
Discord slowly began circling Celestia, making his way towards Luna.
"And what did you give her? Nothing, nothing but distrust and your scorn."
He wrapped his arm around the younger sister, and she gazed at him with near worship in her eyes.
Right then, Celestia knew she had lost her sister.
"Luna, how could you?"
Luna's eyes narrowed dangerously as she stared at the older pony.
"How? You have the nerve to ask me how? How could you hog all the glory and love from the ponies to yourself? How come my night is never appreciated?"
Luna had also stepped forward, standing in front of Celestia. A grin began spreading across her face.
"But at least that's all over now, Discord and I are in charge now. You're dethroned, sister!"
With an enraged yell, Luna loosed a fiery bolt of black lightning at Celestia, who only just barely managed to dodge it.
The older Princess answered with a ray of white light shot directly into Luna's face.
"Remember who I am Luna! I am the oldest living alicorn, you can't harm me!"
Blinded from the light, Luna stumbled backwards, firing off random bolts of lightning in every direction, taking out trees and chunks of earth, and narrowly missing some of the village ponies.
Discord floated above the battling alicorns, gasping for breath and holding his sides from laughter.
When he had finally caught his breath, he called down to the princesses. "Hey now! What about poor little me?"
He flashed another grin at Celestia as he flew lower, finally landing next to Luna.
"Calm down Luna," He ran his claws through her hair as she rubbed at her eyes, trying to regain her sight.
"Discord," She breathed gratefully, then frowned. "She's right. I still can't beat her, even with the Elements I have. What should I do?"
The mis-matched being only smiled again.
"Just go and stand over there for the moment my dear. I'll take care of her."
Luna grinned first at Discord before turning to Celestia, giving her the evil eye and walking over to the designated spot. "Enjoy your last moments dear sister; I'll enjoy watching you get destroyed and taking your rule with Discord."
"Oh Luna..."
Celestia was crying openly now, tears flowing down her pristine face as she looked back and forth between her sister and the creature that had corrupted her.
"Why Discord? Why twist her mind against me? Why come here in the first place?"
Discord drummed his fingers along his chin. "Hmm, well, A; I have my reasons, mostly just for the fun of it. And B; I didn't twist her mind. Those thoughts of overthrowing you were already in her mind before I came along. I just... nudged them in the proper direction and gave her more purpose."
He chuckled again. "Now then, shall we?"
The two faced each other, the beautiful and proud Princess of Day; abounding with pure magic; and the malicious and warped Chaos personified; over-flowing with wicked energies.
They both stood for a moment, taking stock of the other. Celestia had not forgotten the last time she had stood up to this creature, nor did she forget how that encounter had ended. She had underestimated him, and it very nearly cost her her life. She was going to be very careful this time around.
Discord was the first to move. With a twist of his wrist, he summoned a cloud of parasprites that moved to engulf Celestia.
She countered by creating a tornado that gathered up all the bugs and carried them away to the forest. This was followed by a small stream of white bindings, similar to the ones Discord had used on her, to reach out to her opponent.
He only laughed and turned them into balloon animals.
"Really Celestia? Using my own magic against me? Childish, to say the least. But then again," He grinned. "They say mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery."
He made another gesture, and formed a block of energy to appear above the Sun Princess and drop down towards her.
With a curse, Celestia sent a spike of magic into the block, shattering it. She quickly turned to the nearest tree, or rather, the bouquet of bacon and eggs that had once been a tree, and ripped it out of the ground before hurling it at Discord.
Scoffing, he sent it flying upwards, where it was swallowed whole by a passing dragon.
"Is this really the extent of your abilities Celestia? Fine then... If you aren't going to fight for real..." He reached out both hands; claws and talons extended, and seemed to grab at something. Slowly, he began to move them apart, as if he meant to tear open the very air.
Celestia noted, with shock, that that was exactly what he was doing.
A hole started to form in the air before her; a strange, star-like blackness visible where Discord was tearing open the space between them.
"Ah, there we go." Discord gave a satisfied grunt as he dropped his hands and stepped to the side.
"Now, Princess, I'm sure you've heard of the beasts called Ursa Minor, no? Maybe you've even heard of the even more terrible Ursa Major, and perhaps even Canis Minor and Canis Major."
Celestia's, the other ponies', and even Luna's eyes widened with shock and dread as they heard what he was implying.
Discord's smile grew as he watched their reactions. "Yes, well, I've actually summoned up something much, much worse."
Celestia took a step back and shook her head, eyes white with fear. He couldn't mean... "Y-you can't be saying... No...It's not possible..."
"Oh, but it is," Discord shook a finger at her. "It is entirely possible."
The earth shuddered under them as a roar sounded from the hole in front of them, drawing their attention to it.
"Oh goody!" Discord was clapping his hands and jumping up and down merrily. "I was hoping he'd be awake!"
"You fool! Discord you're an absolute fool! You've doomed us all!"
Celestia's horn was vibrating with power as she sent wave after wave of magic towards the rift, trying to close it. But to no effect.
"YES!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Come Cetus! Come you beautiful Sea Monster!!"
Discord was hysterical as the earth shook beneath them; the summoned creature slowly making its way towards the rift in space.
Then they saw it.
At first it was just a fore-fin, poking its way through the hole into their world. The size alone made all ponies gasp anew with horror; that fin alone was nearly as big as an Ursa Minor. And if that was anything to go off of, they could only guess as to the true size of this new monstrosity.
The whole leg soon followed, its length easily that of two of the castles stacked on top of one another. It was trailed by the other leg, and soon the ponies could see the monster's head through the whole. It had the general shape of a ponies head, but its mouth was filled with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth, eyes half the size of Ponyville, a crest on top of its head, and a serpentine neck connected to the rest of its body, which looked like a fish's.
The monster let loose another ear-shattering roar as it finally pulled the remainder of its body into the earthen realm.
It was even bigger than they had previously thought. This monster, this abomination called Cetus, could easily swallow whole the entire Equestrian pony population.
The ponies of the village began screaming and ran off in panic.
The royal guards; earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns all redoubled their efforts to break free of the sphere they were trapped in.
Celestia cursed and immediately jumped into action, soaring high into the clouds to battle this new threat.
She would have to deal with Discord later. Her horn flashed brilliantly as she sent bolt after bolt of pure magic into the sea monsters face.
Cetus let out yet another roar and swatted at the white princess like she was nothing more than a bothersome fly. All the while, Discord was laughing hysterically, dancing around as if he hadn't a care in the world.
"Discord! What are you doing?" Luna was frantic as she ran up to him, her whole body shivering with terror. "You shouldn't have brought this thing here! It'll destroy everything!"
He turned to her and guffawed. "And? That is exactly why I brought him here! Don't you get it yet?" He sneered at her. "This had nothing to do with you! You were nothing more than a pawn I used to get what I wanted." He leaned in close to her and grinned evilly as tears started to form in her eyes. "You mean nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to me!"
Those words hit Luna like a blow to the chest. She couldn't breathe as she tried to process what he had just said to her. Nothing? That's all she was? Their relationship, his feelings towards her... They meant nothing.
Tears poured like rain from her eyes as she looked up at her so-called lover, her breath was coming in gasps, she couldn't think straight. He had pretended to love her just to get what he needed, and then tossed her aside once he was done with her.
Not only had her sister betrayed her, but so had Discord.
Fire ripped through her soul as that realization hit her. She doubled over, crying out in pain. It felt like her heart had burst.
Her eyes flashed black once before turning back to turquoise, her pupils narrowing harshly as waves of uncontrolled emotions roiled throughout her body.
Her mane and tail began to whip about, as if by an unseen wind, before turning from its usual light blue color, to an ethereal smoke-like substance that resembled the night sky and started to flow magically from her body. At the same time, her coat turned from light blue to pitch black.
Her body shifted and started spasming, bones began to pop and creak as she grew rapidly before everyponies eyes until she was the same size as her sister.
The changes finally stopped with a flash of black light, causing everypony, including Celestia and the monster Cetus, to stop and stare at the newly transformed Princess Luna.
Slowly, she raised herself until she was staring Discord head on, her dragon-like eyes narrowed dangerously at him.
"My, my, my, Luna" Discord was grinning again as he brought his hands together in a thoughtful motion. "So, this is what you look like as an alicorn eh? I must say, it is quite impressive."
"No Discord." The princess shook her head slowly. Her voice had changed, the pitch dropped and carrying a regal tone with it. "I am not the Luna you knew. You killed her when you told her the truth of how you felt. I am the Princess of the Moon and the Stars. And I will be your end!"
She stamped a hoof, black sparks flaring from where it struck the ground.
Discord stood for a moment, chin in one hand as he studied the younger princess. He seemed to take her seriously for a moment, before he burst into laughter.
"Hahahaha! Oh, that's clever!" Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as he bent over with his mirth. "Ahahahaha, it hurts!" He fell over on the ground, rolling from side to side as he held his ribs.
The now-transformed Princess of the Night glared daggers at the sickening creature in front of her. How she had ever fallen in love with this... thing in the first place was beyond her.
But she was going to make up for it.
Without warning, she loosed of bolt of black lightning at Discord, catching him full in the face and hurling him backwards into a nearby house.
A pained grunt tore itself from Discord's lips as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. Groaning, he slowly pushed himself up and brushed off the dirt and rocks.
"Well, that was unexpected." He cast a studying gaze in her direction. "And quite powerful, I must admit."
He began walking back towards her. "Who would have thought that you would become this strong?"
Her horn shimmered in the light of the almost set sun. "Who cares? All that matters now is how I'm going to destroy you!"
Discord chuckled darkly as he turned sideways to the princess and gave her a "come on" gesture. "Well then, princess. Let's see what you've got."
With another yell, she spread her wings wide before taking off. Higher and higher she flew, it seemed she would fly right through the roof of the world.
She finally leveled out, floating softly thousands of feet above the earth. As she looked down upon the ponies and her former love, she felt her anger rise to a whole new level.
This is how it should be, she thought. With me at the peak of everything, with all of creation looking up at me.
She snarled down at Discord. "Let's see you try and hold this back, you slime."
The Moon Princess raised her horn high, the last rays of the sun glinting off of it as she began casting a powerful magic.
She started off with gathering the clouds; all of the collection of atmospheric water within a five mile radius was suddenly drawn to her as if caught in a whirlwind.
The skies turned black as the sun finally set and the clouds above blocked out any other sources of light.
Discord whistled. "Impressive."
As soon as she had gathered the clouds, she began the second portion of her magic.
Slowly at first, the clouds began swirling around her, shifting and twisting as the magic shaped them.
Sweat began to form on her brow as she began transforming the clouds, hardening them, turning them into what she expected to be Discord's end.
Little by little, the clouds turned into space rock, condensing in on itself as it changed into its final form, a gigantic meteor, a quarter of a mile in length and weighing several dozen tons.
With a final grunt of exertion, she finished her creation and held it for all of ponykind to behold, before she swung her horn downward, sending the meteor plummeting towards earth, enveloped in a ball of flame.
"Nothing, am I?" She panted as she began to descend. "We'll see." A plan was starting to form in her mind if this didn't work, one that, unfortunately, included her sister.
Discord was grinning ear to ear as he watched the approaching space boulder. "Yes, yes!" His joy seemed boundless as he prepared himself for what was coming. "This is going to be so much more fun than I expected!"
He laughed and thrust his hands into the air at the oncoming missile, fire poured from his empty hands as he attempted to slow the meteor. It seemed to work, the asteroid was, gradually, starting to slow down.
While Discord was distracted, the Night Princess quickly flew to where Celestia and Cetus were battling.
The Sea Monster had scorch marks covering its body, and Celestia had gouges along her left flank and other various wounds across her flesh.
Baring her teeth at what she was doing, the young alicorn sped towards the creature, shooting her black lightning into its eyes, blinding it and causing it to stumble away towards the forest.
Celestia quickly backed away and flew to her sister, her horn still alight with offensive magic and her eyes burning dangerously. "Luna! What are you doing here?"
"Calm yourself Celestia! I am not here to fight you right now. For we have a common enemy."
She spared a quick glance at Discord, who, amazingly, was still struggling slightly with the space rock.
She smiled in satisfaction and turned back to her sister. "I will help you defeat Discord, but we must be swift and do it while he is busy!"
The Sun Princess eyed her suspiciously, but lowered her magical defenses, if only by a fraction. "Why would you help me Luna? I thought you and Discord were working together?"
"'Were' being the key word there. He's a nothing but a lying bastard!" She quickly turned her head, but Celestia still saw the glitter of tears in her sisters' eyes.
"Well then," Celestia's face softened, "What's your plan?"
The Princess of Night shook her mane and sniffed softly. "The old plan of course. We'll use the Elements."
A nod of the head was her answer, and her older sister started flying downwards.
The younger princess hesitated and followed, before calling out to her sister, "This doesn't change anything between us Celestia!"
Celestia didn't even turn around.
Within seconds of each other, they landed, solidly, on either side of Discord, who had almost completely destroyed the meteor.
"Well well, if it isn't my two favorite princesses!" He turned and grinned toothily at each of them in turn. "How the devil are you? Luna, I must give you my utmost respect with this."
He nodded at the giant rock, almost nothing more than a memory, though it was dangerously close by now.
"It's very well put together, and look, it's taken me this long to destroy it. Very, very good!"
He chuckled as she bared her teeth at him.
"Enough deceiver! This ends now!" The Moon Princesses' horn and tiara started glowing, pulsating in time with her heart.
Celestia took the hint and fired up her powers and discovered, to her shock, that the magic felt different, more... whole, and unbelievably soothing.
The Elements... She thought triumphantly. They're working!
Discord only sighed as he stared up at the empty skies. "You know, once this rock is destroyed, I'm going to take a lot of pleasure in doing the same thing to you two."
He glanced at Celestia. "This would have been a lot simpler if you had just not even shown up the first day I got here. And as for you," He turned to the black mare. "I just wish I had never even bothered with you!"
Tears formed anew in her eyes as, enraged and humiliated, she unwillingly thought back on the whole previous week, and how happy she had been. She would never feel that way again.
The Princess of Night cried out in anguish and shot a beam of Harmonizing magic at him, yelling at him all of her hurt and anger. Celestia, on the opposite side, with sympathetic tears of her own, let loose her own magical ray of peace and love at the dark being. Both streams collided in the center of Discord's chest with a burst of light.
Discord gasped, letting loose a giant fireball at the last of the meteor and destroyed it before taking a step backwards.
He cried out in pain as the Magic of Harmony began eating at him, slowly creeping across his body.
"What- ungh- what is this!?"
Celestia opened an eye and cast a vicious glare at him. "Harmony, dear Discord. You are beaten."
Another short bark of agony tore from his throat as he threw his arms upwards; trying to cast a last spell that would teleport him to safety, but unsuccessfully as the good magic began turning him to stone.
"No... NO!!"
He threw his head back and screamed at the heavens.
"This is impossible! I can't lose!!"
He squirmed and twisted as the stone skulked up the remainder of his body, his neck and arms, gradually turning him into a statue.
"This isn't the end Celestia! Luna! I will be back! AND I WILL TAKE THIS LAND!! IT WILL HAPPEN!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
The magic slowly engulfed his head as he laughed, before finally he was turned completely to stone, a living statue, locked in endless laughter.
As soon as the last of Discords living form was encased in rock, everything began to vibrate violently. The two alicorn princesses abruptly ended their steady streams of magic, both panting heavily, as they felt the earth and air tremble.
The Moon Princess was the first to speak. "W-what is happening?"
"I don't know!" Celestia looked about wildly, looking for the source of the shaking.
The two looked at each other, and then turned abruptly to the statue they had just made. As soon as they did, the statue shook once before a shock wave burst forth from it, spreading across the land faster than any of them could blink.
The wave scattered across Equestria, affecting all that Discord had touched. Within seconds, everything flashed and turned back to its original form. Trees, animals, and every other thing that Discord had diseased with his magic were returned to normal. The things he had brought from elsewhere; monsters, extra-dimensional beings, even the great constellation Cetus were instantly transported to where they came from.
Celestia gasped and turned towards her army. "The ponies!"
She had no reason to worry, the bubble popped as soon as the reversal magic touched it, freeing all of the ponies inside. They all immediately rushed to their princesses, tending to wounds and checking if they were alright.
Celestia laughed gratefully and waved them off.
"I'm fine! Really, no need to worry about me. Go and tend to the village ponies!"
She grinned warmly and turned to her sister. "Luna! Luna, are you-"
She was nowhere to be seen.
"Luna? Luna! Where are you?" Celestia took flight, casting about for her sister in almost a panic. Was she alright? Where had she run off to?
She flew off, easily outdistancing her pegasus guards, much to their displeasure. She didn't need to look very long, luckily. She found the Moon Princess standing just outside of the Everfree Forest.
"There you are!" She dropped down and landed next to her. "I was worried about you Luna. Are you alright?"
The younger sister slowly turned and looked at Celestia, her dragon eyes glinting in the light of the now slowly rising moon.
"No sister. I am not alright. And I told you, that didn't change anything between us. You and the rest of your beloved ponies wasted and squandered my love just as much as Discord did. I will make you pay for it. Maybe not today, or anytime soon, but I will see you ended."
She glowered at her older sister and, with a flick of her now magical mane, tore the tiara from her brow and threw it at Celestia's hooves.
"Mark my words."
With that, she turned and began walking into the forest.
Celestia was stunned. "W-what? Luna! Wait, Luna! Please, I can fix it!"
"No Celestia! You can't." The younger alicorn stopped and looked over her shoulder. "But I can, and I will."
She turned back around and resumed walking before calling back one last time.
"And it isn't 'Luna' anymore. My name is Nightmare Moon."