The Bark-tenders

The only companions the bark-tenders had in the night were the town guards.

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The Gun Bunny Chronicles - 2: All I Want for Christmas...

She tenderly picked up the snowman and smiled, brushing it off when mortar flashes illuminated it, then she set it back into her lap. she turned to simon and leaned over, her hand resting on his cheek.

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Marry Me

The world swims around me in a peculiar haze. I can't focus, for some reason, and my heart seems to be trying to burst out of my chest. Something constricts my throat and prevents me from speaking. My skin is clammy, cold, yet I feel hot beneath my...

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 7: An Awkward Introduction

Suddenly, Jim heard the front door of the flat opening, and a tinkling call came from outside of the bedroom, "Jennifer! I caught an early train, dearie! You're not still sleeping, surely-- OOOF!" the owner of the voice threw open the bedroom door and...

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Dua’s Lust

_ _ **_She gazed into his glorious midnight blue eyes as he stood at the end of her bed clothed in his golden set jewels that draped across his neck and a pure white shendyt that adorned lovingly to his hips and gathered in the front letting his long...

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Comfort Zone ("Under 1000 words" story example)

It could have been that one tender moment between mother and daughter, or the sheer innocence of a child showing care, or maybe just the simple warmth of having someone embrace you; whichever it was, it finally broke rika's mask, and she hugs her little cub

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Tender Tails and Warm Hearts

Her tail left his shoulders, robbing trevor of its tender warmth. again, the vixen began to hum her aimless tune, pausing only as she gathered his kettle and ceramic tea set, painted lavender and orange to imitate the sky at dusk.

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The Tender Heart 3-Reunion

"a tender heart..." he looked up at her and perked his ears. "wha-?" "the otter last night--" "shayden." "right, shayden--he said something about you after he'd had a few drinks..."

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The Tender Heart 1-Separation

_" his usually tender voice echoed off of the building in a scream of pure pain and panic as he tore in front of a newly arriving ambulance, ignoring the blast from the horn and slamming into the doors.

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# Pilot (Nick) > _Like all good things_ > _"The mission comes first."_ * * * The most noteworthy thing about OPIA's headquarters, I would say, is that the operations deck has its own elevator; it's impossible to miss the gigantic column that dwarfs...

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Reference Sheet

**Premise** In Medias Res occurs some hundred years in the future relative to where we are now, but in an entirely different universe. It features Nicholas Gray (a swift fox who goes by Nick), who works for an intelligence agency called OPIA, and...

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Fleet Footwork

# Fleet Footwork (Nick) > _Love must come_ > _"Light only burns and blinds."_ * * * I awaken with sand in my eyes and a large, snoring wolf curled around me. I take care of the former with a weary paw, but the latter requires a bit of prodding...

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