The Tender Heart 1-Separation
#2 of Shorties
Something I had written several years ago that, I felt, needed a make-over. I've done a lot of this story over, and some people may recognize it. Just keep in mind that none of this is real, or based on any real events, even if this is essentially my old fursona. My mind likes to take the emotion I keep bottled up inside, and turn it into things like this. I get some fun writing, and while I'm writing it sometimes I get a much-needed cry to relieve some of the emotional tension. Nothing wrong with that.
I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
I give you, The Tender Heart
Jayde held his head in his hands and cried. He cried harder than he ever thought was possible, tears streaming down his snout and matting down his smooth fur as his entire body heaved and shook. He could barely hear people around him talking, possibly saying things that could calm him down, make him feel better, help make the pain less...but nothing could. Everything was gone...ripped away from him when he needed her comfort the most. No. Nothing would ever stem the tears. What had happened would make sure that, no matter how hard he tried, he could never forget what happened that day. Nothing would numb the pain, or bar the horrible memory...
Jayde forced his way out of the back seat of the blue Sedan, climbing over the malamute before he had a chance to even unbuckle his seat belt, and squirming out of the vehicle through the open passenger-side window to land on the hard asphalt with a loud cry. His elbows and cheek stung from the fall, but he ignored it, jumping to his feet as the car door opened behind him and leaping forward to start sprinting around the back of the car, barely registering the piercing voice of the vixen as she made a desperate grab at his arm before he was out of her reach, tears blurring his vision. "CHRISTINE!" His usually tender voice echoed off of the building in a scream of pure pain and panic as he tore in front of a newly arriving ambulance, ignoring the blast from the horn and slamming into the doors. Without paying any attention to the shouts behind him he charged into the unloading area for the Emergency Room and dodged past a paramedic, squirming away as she made an attempt to seize his arm. "Christine!_Where are you?" "Jayde!" A voice answered, making him stop on the spot and spin on the spot, his hyper-sensitive ears perking and twitching as they located the doors the sound had come from, barely catching a glimpse of sunflower-blonde hair from between several doctors crowding around a gurney. He breathed out her name and took a step, yelping as his arm was yanked back and he was grabbed from behind by the Labrador that he had ducked past as he entered. "Let go of me!" He struggled and panicked in the female's arms, thrashing against her as he called out to Christine desperately. "You can't go in there, kid!" Her arms wrapped around him tighter, but he fought hard against her, slipping out of her grip. "Get off of me!" He tugged at her grip, slipping before she latched onto his shirt and used it as a leash to wrap her arm over his shoulder to hold him back. "Chrissie!" He started squirming, whining loudly while the Labrador called for help, several other doctors grabbing him quickly to hold him back. " I said GERROFF! _" His voice took on an uncharacteristic roar as he spun around, sinking his teeth into the first thing his face met. Blood splashed into his mouth as the Labrador howled in pain, and all of the doctors released him immediately as the female tugged her upper arm free of his jaws to crumple on the floor screaming while he bolted and crashed through the doors. He streaked down the hallway as fast as he could, wiping the blood off of his muzzle as he darted around a corner, catching the crowd of shouting doctors vanishing behind another door. He darted after them, ducking under the paramedics rushing back up the hall before they had a chance to register him, tearing down the hall until he shoved past a nurse into a room ahead of Chrissie, slinking away into the shadows to avoid being seen. Only when most of the doctors had left did he dare to step forward, speaking up with a soft whine as he looked at her, the machines nearly drowning out the sound of his voice. "C-Chrissie..?" He stopped short of approaching the rail of her bed as the doctors worked, jumping at the sound of his voice while Christine looked towards him with wide eyes. The doctors immediately snapped away from her, one grabbing onto him and drawing a strangled snarl from behind his teeth. He struggled against the strong hands holding him back while the door to the room burst open, one of the doctors that held him down in the entryway suddenly working to pry his colleague off of him as quickly as possible. "Jeremy, let 'em go!" He grunted, pulling Jayde free and shoving his coworker away with a scuffle. "This one bites, and he means business!" Jayde paid no attention to them after the moment he was released, but instead streaked directly to Christine, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. "I'm here," He keened, tears flowing in his eyes. "I'm here, I won't go..." "Promise?" "I swear..." He looked at her face, his eyes traveling from her bright, blonde hair to the soft, yellow-orange fur on her face, moving down to the cream white under her muzzle. He rubbed her hand and stared into her eyes, jerking forward as a sob threatened to break free. Her once bright emerald eyes, which used to seem to glow with an inner light, were suddenly dark, and distant. Faded... "I'm scared, Jayde..." Her voice was little higher than a soft whisper. "I am too..." He matched her tone, unable to raise his voice any higher at that moment, moving his hand from hers to the side of her face as he leaned in and put his face close to hers. "You'll be okay, though..." He pet along the fur on her cheek, trying to believe his own lie. "Th-they'll fix you..." He touched his nose to hers, hearing her arms slide under the fabric to let out a gasp when she pulled him down into a hug. He returned the hug, lifting her up gently and squeezing her tightly. "I'm s-sorry, Chrissie! I'm s-so sorry..." "It's alright..." He pulled back to look at her, and spontaneously leaned forward to press his lips against hers. She tensed against him, but she relaxed and returned the kiss, her tongue snaking into his mouth like all of the times they had practiced. A memory suddenly flared to life in the front of his mind, making him close his eyes and kiss her deeply, purring slightly. Suddenly, he was out of the dark hospital room, and lying under her, their nude bodies pressing together in raw passion as their tongues played in each others mouths. The sounds of the heart monitor were replaced with the soft buzzing of dragonflies and splashing of fish, and the cool wind of the air-conditioner replaced by the soft summer breeze at the lake they had gone to two years ago on their class field trip. Suddenly, he was ripped back from that paradise and thrown back into reality as she broke the kiss, whining as one of the doctors tried to pull him away from her. She touched his face, gently rubbing the slate-black fur on his jaw. He reached up and wrapped a paw gently around her wrist, and squeezed with gentle pressure. "I won't go," He swallowed and held onto her. "I'm going to stay with you, here..." He reached out with his free hand and brushed her hair back as the doctor let go again, so he could look into her eyes. "I know, Jade," She smiled to him and looped her arm around his neck, pulling him to her again. "I'm glad you came...I was scared I wouldn't be able to say goodbye." He pulled back and shook his head, staring at her. "D-don't say that..." He sniffed through his nose and squeezed her hands. "I'm not scared anymore, Jayde..." "You're not going anywhere, though! Y-you're going to stay here..." He swallowed and climbed over her, staring at her. "...with me." "Forever?" He nodded to her. "Forever..." "Good..." She whispered, her voice softer as she relaxed back against the pillow, looking at him. "Good." She reached up and kissed him again, briefly, then lay her head back down. "Keep it lit, Jayde...I love you..." She smiled to him and let out her breath softly, and he felt her arm go slack against the back of his neck. "C-Chrissie..?" He grabbed her shoulder and shook her, staring into her blank eyes, blinking in disbelief. "C-Chrissie, come on...wake up...this isn't funny!" He shook her harder, his body shaking as he struggled to deny what was right in front of his face. "Chrissie!" His arms gave her one last stern shake, and her arm fell off of his neck, dropping something past his face and onto the sheet as it slid down by her side at an odd angle. He glanced down, picking the ring up and looking at it before he buried his face into her chest, sobbing. "I will, I promise I always will...I promise, I promise! Just don't leave me!" He didn't resist the hands that pulled him off of her, hugging the ring to his chest as he stared at the doctor pulling the sheet over her face. "Why couldn't you fix her..." The doctor looked at him, the panther's ears pinned flat against his head. "You could have fixed her, couldn't you? could have..." The doctor just shook his head and reached over to shut the monitors off, cutting the shrill wail suddenly. His voice cracked when he spoke. "I don't know..." He walked around the edge of the bed and stopped at the door, looking back. "I'm sorry, kid...I wish I could have, too..." Jayde recoiled from the doctor and buried his face into Christine's mom, sobbing into her belly as the door to the room closed, leaving the child and the vixen to hold one another as they both wrapped their arms around one another and cried. Twenty minutes later, he was out in the hallway, curled up in a corner not far from the door where Christine's body was still laying under the sheet, sobbing uncontrollably while his long tail shielded his face from view and people told him over and over things to comfort him. Things he didn't want to hear, and in his hand where nobody but him knew it even existed was the cold circle of metal, cradled close to his heart.
More than seven years later, the same boy sat up slowly and pulled the covers off of his body, turning to let his feet touch the cool carpet over the side of his bed while he woke up. The alarm clock next to his bed suddenly kicked on, making the adolescent hybrid jump and stare at the red numbers while his favorite song from childhood played, already half-way through the song. He looked away from the alarm clock and reached over, flicking the switch off with his finger to shut out the song before he stretched and popped his back, opening his jaws to reveal the razor sharp pair of venomous fangs in a wide yawn before he bent forward and stood up to start wandering towards the door into the hallway. Without a sound he slipped into the bathroom, turning on the switches for the light and fan, closing the door carefully, before he turned on the water. He hopped into the shower and closed the curtains out of habit, even though he was the only person in the house, and no more than fifteen minutes later he was stepping out of the bathroom to head back to his room and get dressed. Before leaving his room, the nineteen year old hybrid paused and grabbed his necklace off of his bedside table, looping it over his head and adjusting it until the ring the chord threaded through sat squarely over the center of his chest. With a touch to the ring he reached up, lighting the incense burner with a pinch of his fingers. Exhaling a soft sigh, he kissed two of his fingers and touched the glass of a photograph, staring at the two pups with wide smiles as they sat at the edge of a lake, the black and gray-striped little boy planting a kiss on the cream-colored girl's cheek.