Memories of a Past Life
taffy paid the man 5 coins, "thank you so much, i owe you big!" they went back to taffy's house and yoko changed clothing.
Taffy's Story (A Dear Diary Work) - 23 October 2011
So my name is taffy, for those of you who didn't get that from the title. i am a young female with a thick tail and soft fur. those, and my eyes, are the only parts about me i wouldn't change. my name i definitely would.
He is the one that tried to produce you into a pink vat of taffy? \*ahem\*... katz, an insane cat that has loves to kill people. that was all of his bio, now his location. he is somewhere in california, far from here."
Bullet to the Abdomen - Chapter 1
I stood there, like some fat kid in the taffy shop, sparky rustin, shopping here! he bought a few dozen apples, and that was it.
battle on
Felt a hand on my shoulder making me look to see rey ** **"relax tsume , don't worry about that" rey said as i tryed to claim myself but he could tell it wasn't helping ** **"here" he said taking out a pieces of candy that looked like taffy
Equestria Connection 1.0
I'm getting in the mood for some rainbow taffy and choco-hegdes\*\* pinkwonder: silly dashie, i'm already here! i live here remember? rainboommaker: well duh! how did i forget! see ya there! pinkwonder: oki doki loki!
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty
After fighting the trash dragon, my arms had felt like saltwater taffy that'd been out in the sun for too long. now, though? now i wasn't entirely sure i even had arms anymore.
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 3
Blue, and red, and other birds fluttered here and there working on the chocolate and taffy machines and stuff making sure work got done. "i thought you said i laid all the eggs." buttercup said.
Chapter Two
The sun was just beginning to set and shadows stretched out before them like ethereal taffy, giving the few scattered trees an almost sinister appearance. "the sun sets pretty quick out here."
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 17
Chris warned before pulling out a piece of taffy-like candy and holding it behind him. "how about you?
The Synth King
One of them hissed, his tongue looking like forked laffy taffy to travis.
Chapter 1
He dug his fingers in, carving deep furrows into the solid rock, heat softening it enough that he could pull at it like taffy.