Taffy's Story (A Dear Diary Work) - 23 October 2011

Story by TakenByMe on SoFurry

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So my name is Taffy, for those of you who didn't get that from the title. I am a young female with a thick tail and soft fur. Those, and my eyes, are the only parts about me I wouldn't change. My name I definitely would. I mean, what was my mother thinking of, naming me after a sweet? Also, I hate my body, it's so curvy and stocky. The Parent says it's just because we're shelties, and all shelties are built that way, but I wish I was lean and sleek like my friend Mila. Mila is an afghan and she's gorgeous.

Anyway, I was telling you about me. So I love pork and cow-blood and brownies and tissues, and I hate the smell of my neighbour's perfume. It's just so... cat. Also I hate cabbage and snails (especially together), and that creepy komodo Jean who lives down the road. He tried to kiss me when we were both little, freak.

I started this diary so I could bitch and whine about my life to random strangers, so here goes:

Hale took days to get back to me about whether or not he was up for a little 'rendezvous'. I was starting to feel like some kind of woman scorned when I went to school this morning, so I put on lots of sparkly bits, puffed out my fur and squirted my favourite perfume 'Eu de Steak' all over me before heading out. I took the shortcut through the fields so I wouldn't be late after all that primping. I passed Jean on the way; he actually had the gall to yell "Going somewhere, Princess!" after me. What a loser.

So I was late anyhow because I stopped off in the bathroom to check my face-fur first. Sandy was there. She and I used to be friends until I got sort of popular and she didn't. She never wears any sparklies or scent and she's always dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. She runs with a cross-country club and takes photos for the school magazine and all her friends are older. my new friends and I always make fun of her, calling her unpopular and plain, but to be honest I'm kind of jealous of her. She seems really happy with herself, even if she is single. Comparatively, I try so hard to fit in and get (and keep) the attention of guys. Sometimes it makes me tired and I'm never really happy. Maybe I need to try harder to be perfectly polished?

I got into class halfway through but it was ok 'cause it was English Lit. and I have Mr. Beck wrapped around my finger, just so. He's a badger and quite handsome. I'd love to have him in a storage closet for a few hours but he won't touch me since they caught us in a tongue-dance and told him if it happened again he would lose his teaching licence.

After, like, hours of schoolwork that felt like it would never end lunchtime came round and I found Mila waiting outside for me. I always pack up really slow so I'm like the last one out and she gets really impatient with me. Today, though, we had a good giggle about why I was late out. I'd waited till the class was empty and then gone over to Mr. Beck and put my paw on his crotch, come in close, licked his ear and whispered: 'Bye Teacher...' in the most breathy way I could. It wasn't the most original dialogue but I'd had a few seconds at most to come up with it and I was quite proud of the shudder I got in return. He just stood there, watching my tail sway and looking like he'd been smacked in the face, while I walked out. We went down to the bakery to get pizza slices for lunch and giggled and talked together 'til it was time to head back.

Mila was wearing three hooped earrings in one ear and a crop-top which showed off her long, creamy stomach. I hate her -.-

All I could think about in Maths was Hale. He sits two rows in front and to the left, but if I pretend to be tired and rest my head on my arms I can see his back perfectly. He's the sexiest coyote in school. Actually, he might be the only coyote in school, I think most of them don't bother. He's got this lithe silver body and a thick ridge of black fur down his back, trailing all the way from the black shaggy mess on his head. His big, mobile ears are always being pushed down under the weight of it. I could watch his back for hours, he never wears a top, just jeans and army boots. I fantasised about running my hands down that rough back, licking his moist nose and feeling his stubbly whiskers on my sensitive muzzle. I fantasised about other things as well, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable telling even you those yet, diary.

I waited at the end of the day to see if he'd reply to my suggestion but he didn't show and I eventually had to go home or get into trouble with The Parent. Ungrateful git :(

Anyway, Mila is coming over so I have to get going. Write again tomorrow, bye xxx