Dinner Mimicry (Otherwise Untitled)

She bounded over to the stove, carefully sliding her spatula between pancake and skillet. the spatula left a neatly clean lack of pancake, approximately two inches wide, across the middle of the skillet. "...grah."

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Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

~ as the lump of yellow batter crackled along amongst the thin veneer of cooking oil in the skillet, the fox regarded the whole process dubiously.

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A Nightmare to Life: Ch 1/2 Prolouge

As soon as he finished his job of moving the finished food from the skillets, being the eggs, sausage and bacon, he'd turn back to the dishwater.

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Bad Connections - ORIGINAL DRAFT for Chapter 1 created on July 27, 2013

Then, he spread butter on top of each piece of exposed bread on the sandwich, and, holding it by the crust, flopped it into the skillet. the sizzle of the butter meeting the skillet nearly brought tears to his eyes.

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An Advanced Reality, Ch.2

"how about comatose, by skillet?" "okay, curtains in ten seconds...five... here you go!"

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Malcom

She slid the eggs off of the skillet and flipped the bacon, "courtesy, manners, and an obvious appreciation for blatantly obvious sarcastic wit-- do your fair attributes know no end, prince malcom?"

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Virgin Nymphomaniac Chronicles #3: Discovering Lidia 1/3

A three stack in one, and a two stack for me, having slid the pancake from the skillet into the other plate. i was spoiling myself, but it didn't mean i had to be glutinous about it.

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Aiming down the sights

\*\*\* sunset awoke to the pleasant, mouthwatering smell of bacon frying on a skillet. she licked her lips. 'been a while since i had something half decent to eat for breakfast...'

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Dreams: Chapter 3

As i got to work preparing the meat and placing it in the skillet to cook, i started working on the salad at the same time. cooking chicken always leave you plenty of time to multitask since it takes so long cook.

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 1)

I did what i normally do on the bus, drum to rammstein, disturbed, skillet, skrillex, asking alexandria, attack attack, and sometimes hollywood undead.

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Dinner and Movie (Otherwise Untitled)

While he was mixing in the diced peppers into the skillet, his boyfriend lumbered somewhat clumsily from the main room to the kitchen to hold up the box of a video disc using the arm that was still attached.

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Planter's Day Night

Moving quickly, you add just a little bit of butter to the bottom of both of your skillets, enough to coat one of them as it melts, and enough in the other to fill it with melted butter.

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