Lonely Oak Chapter 73

seagulls flying about the middle of their sea. they looked like gnats crawling on a mountain of whipped cream.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series

Aragon fisher (otter, g, ten), jamie velasquez (seagull, g/f, ten) and paul teronura (otter, c, ten) all supported each other smartly, with pt keeping the glass clean with his webbed paws and velasquez making smart use of the one-flap to get tip-ins for big

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Forever in love

The seagulls pecking at the clams that floats onto shore from the tide coming in. the smell of sea salt and kiramino's scent wafting in the air. the cool breeze blowing through our fur.

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Hunted - Part 2

The tall figure steps further inside revealing itself as two of the other survivors: a mountain lion and a seagull, the seagull hanging off of him. "can i get some help here," the cougar calls out, "this one got a lot heavier after passing out."

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Miracle of the Gulls

"those birds are seagulls. but they are native to the east- they've never been seen in utah before. they flew all the way from california to save our fields."

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The New Self Society

"this is robert seagull, reporting for npr in "all things considered". "international headlines have been made today by the nss, otherwise known as the new self society".

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A Big Animal Family

I told a good friend who was a seagul to look out for them. he told all of the other seaguls.

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A Poem

I'm a seagull compared to you, clumsy, dirty, crazy, a fool i don't know where you find my gold i've panned my whole life; i'm empty. you are the gardenia, shining in sunlight sensual, pure, distinct, and pleasing.

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The feel of his embrace

Wildflowers and bees, with the crashing of waves occasionally punctuated by the cry of seagulls. the air so clean and dry, the sun beating down and yet not melting you, just keeping your fur warm.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 30: A Stunning Banquet Invitation!

He noticed the seagulls flying around this area. he was surprised to see the seagulls out and about during the aftermath of the earlier thunderstorm, but needless to say, they were flying around most likely searching for food.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas

No no those birds up there, they're not seagulls, they're goonies." "huh...strange." "is that what you call them in your language?" "yyyyeah, we call them seagulls." "hehe, cute!"

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Bane. Chapter 2 : A stroll through time.

I could see the waves splashing against the shore and a few seagulls looking for food as i got nearer. great, i just love the peaceful view of the sea. i took a dip and to my surprise the sea feels warm.

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