Mass Effect: Chasing Ghosts Prologue

The salarian finally understood and looked over his shoulder worriedly.

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Mass Effect: Chasing Ghosts Ch 1-3

The salarian boy jumped back a few feet, but when he saw his superior greet him with a quick nod, he helped him up.

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Mass Effect: Chasing Ghosts Ch 8-9

To think, all it took was simply a salarian boy to kick rowels off of his proverbial tower of stability confidence! she had to stifle an evil laugh.

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Role Reversal Story: Atypical Teammates

The salarians did it with the genophage, and he knew that they were hardly the first to go for something like that. this, though, this was wrong. they were taking brain pieces and using it to connect machines.

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 5: UNC

I'm sure there are other turian, asari, or salarian spectres who would be _ **more** _ than happy to do this shit! i didn't go through n7 training to go on some damned fetch quest! so, i ask again, why the fuck am i even doing this?"

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Midline Shift 34 - The Catharsis of Evil

_" "_almost,_" said the salarian doctor, "_we just have to put him under before we-_" "_not yet.

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Midline Shift 42 - A Quarian Princess

One panicked brown salarian desperately tried to tackle her from the side, but she dodged and rewarded him with a violent spray of shots upwards to the head.

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Midline Shift 46 - The Missing Number

They all spoke different words, different voices all dead and flat, turian, asari, salarian, human, even the krogan bodies spoke as if ash had come running out their mouths.

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Midline Shift 2 - A Vagrant Among Many

The jellyfish-like hanar who were deeply religious and polite; the squat armoured volus who were the bankers and businessmen of the galaxy; the hulking rhinocerous-built elcor who were incredibly patient and slow to act; the lean bug-eyed salarians

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Midline Shift 27 - Back on the Citadel

James passed through hallways of green and white, beyond gurneys and crippled walkers seeing salarian and human doctors mixed with asari doctors in turn.

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