Midline Shift 34 - The Catharsis of Evil

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#34 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 24 - Midline Shift

Finally managing to chase his prey into a corner, Roy finds that his prey has a much darker shadow than he first expected. One dark enough to hide himself within as he starts to fear that his own personal pursuit for justice is not quite as simple as he wants it to be.

Mass Effect copyrighted to Bioware, FinalGamer to me

The Benning Muraishi Infirmary at first looked abandoned, high upon a mountain region with a large landing pad making them think that they had been given the wrong place. But the moment they started to land they saw all too clearly that this was most certainly the right place. The place was quite a distance from any nearby settlements, but it was clearly still in use owing to the meticulous care and work maintained on its white exterior. They also noticed the Blue Suns ship that was still grounded next to the place, the family all walking out together within a sunset skyscape. "They must know we're here," said Khern, "no other place to land on this mountain place." "I'm not picking up any life," said Calun, "perhaps they're waiting further beyond." "Beyond where? There's nowhere to run off this mountain." "Why is an infirmary even here?" asked Nirethia. "I mean it seems pretty inconvenient." "Maybe it's got good wireless?" joked Alestia. "...I'm just saying!" "Whaaatever...better get your guns out everybody, we just gotta-AAH!" Her shriek sent Khern running up towards the front as she hit some sort of invisible wall at the front entrance, a large black set of sliding doors within the white building structure. Nirethia tried to put her hand on the door, but she couldn't even get close enough to touch it without something blocking her. A forcefield of some sort that shimmered almost invisibly, a bright blue circle that bent the air itself with a mild hum. "Are you alright?!" asked Khern. "N-nothing just...is this...is this an anti-biotic field?!" "Huh?" Khern tapped at the forcefield, finding nothing stopping him until he tried to walk through. His body however suddenly became repulsed by something greater, forcing him back as his hammer glowed blue with a spark of resistance, trapping him from the door. "Nnngh! ...looks like it is." "But that makes no sense, why would the Blue Suns of all people set this thing up here?!" "Probably to regulate who comes in or out, they must turn it off when they're about to leave but...now they wanna stop most people from coming in." "That's still weird...I mean, is this an infirmary OWNED by them, what the heck's this?!" "I don't know. But that means that we can't get in unless someone from the inside can deactivate the barrier." He looked towards his group, seeing that his two biotic daughters, volus companion and biotic-fed varren were all unsuitable targets. Roy however understood immediately and walked forwards smoothly, the volus examining his omni-tool for any signs of life on his radar.

"Looks like ahm thuh only one that's able to go through this anti-biotic field." "Seems so," said Khern, "looks like you're going to have to go solo." "Why not Calun?" "I may not be biotic," said the volus, "but I would rather not...hhhh...die in an infirmary, regardless of the circumstances." "Right...alrigh', ahll try to find a way to deactive this barrier, hopefuly there won't be much resistance on thuh inside." "I'm not picking up any signs of life still. Not...strong ones anyway. It IS an infirmary but...watch yourself." "Okay, keep in contact with me, ahll let you guys know when ah find anything." "Good luck. You'll need it." The moment Roy walked through the forcefield unabated, the doors opened before him before swiftly snapping shut as if afraid to let anything out. They were right to do so when he walked in further towards the main reception area. The light flickered darkly with uncertainty above him, giving him a glimpse of the round table of reception that looped round with two chairs in the centre of it, various sheets and memos left strewn about on the counter. Four hallways split off from the main area, one to his left, one right, and two straight ahead along one middle branching path. He tried the one on the left which was a simple set of consultation offices, empty apart from the usual medical supplies and reports kept noted on datapads. The place was also surprisingly dark, the lack of windows being rather unusual and oddly terrifying for a place so high up in the mountains. Then he noticed the windows were all closed by metallic slats, with a button prompt in each office. None of them seemed to work however, leaving him trapped in semi-darkness. The odd monitor was propped up on a corner ceiling however which gave little comfort. The hallway towards his right lead to Surgery, which he decided to investigate until hearing somebody run from the branching pathway up to the north, the sound of footsteps clacking along the hard floor. Roy did not utter a single word, taking his time to cautiously step forwards towards the two areas with a gun in his hand for reassurance. To his left along the dark white hallway, were Orthopaedics, Haematology and Pathology. To the right was Toxicology, Radiology and burn units. The place was much bigger than he expected, looking along the left side first where the shadow had just went. As the lights above continued to either flicker or remain non-existent, he only saw further the reason for the hospital being so abandoned in such recent memory. It was in complete and utter chaos, a violent mess of wires and sinew twisting round a gurney in front of him. The wires had been ripped from the ceiling to become tightening restraints for a body-sized cast now before him. The size of a human, its shape unmistakeable like the remnants of a sarcophagus. He walked closer towards it, the lack of movement coming from it somewhat relieving him before he went past.

Walking on towards Haematology, the first door on the left out of three departments now before him, he expected blood samples to be contained well within the various cabinets. What he did not expect, was the smearing of blood on the walls of various colouring types. Green, red, blue, all of which made a disturbing pastel upon the walls, a scene unfolding that turned his stomach. The smell of blood from various species did not help, a thick acidic tint that gave a metallic taste to his mouth upon breathing. But the pastel scenes were both bizarre and horrifying, the shapes of strange people and places all unknown to him and painted like a child would paint. Triangular bodies and rectangular buildings across verdant dark fields. Roy had no idea what to make of it, until he made his way towards Pathology finding yet another scene evident on the walls., another painting of blood but this time in all red. Red little stickmen standing around a red bloody field, raising their arms in worship towards some great deity that stood tall above the rest. A single black-winged deity, the only black thing upon any of the wall portraits. "Thuh fuck is this?" murmured Roy softly. "This sum kinda psychiatric hospital now? Hey guys?" "What's up?" asked Nirethia over comms. "Thuh place is a goddamn mess, there's blood all over thuh walls an' ah can't find anybody around here." "What kind of blood?" asked Khern. "Red, green...blue." "I mean the splatters. Is it a spray or dots on the wall?" "...more lahk...a painting." "What?" "Painted. Someone painted stuff on thuh walls, pictures an' lahk portraits of things, looks lahk kid drawings." "...I see." "That's really messed up," said Alestia. "What about the bodies? Any bullets or wounds?" "...no...that's thuh thing." "Huh?" "There is no bodies. Not in this wing anyway, but ah haven't seen a single body while in here...except maybe one." "Might have been a small group, but be careful still. Is there like a security room?" "Not that ah see." "I'm sensing some radio signals northwest of you," said Calun. "Might be a console for security feeds, I can't...hhhh...think of anything else it could be." "Sounds good, alright ahm gonna look. Talk to you when ah find it." He turned off his communications before checking over the other rooms. Sure enough, there was a security console locked away further beyond Pathology, a small room dealing with one mainframe of security cameras across a wide panel of six screens, two rows of three. The place was surprisingly absent of any bodies or blood, perhaps missed over by whatever occurred in this place. But the raptor wasn't sure on how to access it, gently turning dials and pressing a few buttons before consulting his friends again.

"Alright ah found a terminal, got lahk six screens an' a shit ton of buttons." "What's the design of it?" asked Alestia. "Uhhhh...Dinthernia Mark Five." "Oh those are easy, you see a large blue button on your left?" "...yeah?" "Push that, then type in the screen that pops up 'recent activity', that should do it." "Ah cool, thanks." Roy did as he was asked, pressing the blue key before a screen popped on before him, typing in what was asked as slowly one of the screens flickered itself on, waiting to show him what was seen. The terminal noted it was the entrance, the hospital reception shown clearly as four Blue Suns mercs dragged someone between their arms. Two humans and two batarians and a raptor, brown and clear as day. "Come on get going!" "Wh-where the fuck you taking me, what's going on?!" "Quiet, now get GOING!" "NO, tell me who the fuck you are!" "SHUT IT!" "A-AAAARGH!" The batarian merc beat him across the face, slamming his rifle butt on his cheek. "Mrs. Barrows said to bring you intact, mostly...don't push me to try out how intact she'll want you in." "Who the fuck's this Barrows huh?! I don't know any fucking bitch called Barrows I'm part of you guys!" "Yeah...I know. But things change pal." "Huh?!" "Sometimes, you gotta sell a few to make a few." The screen turned off before showing another different place, one Roy had not yet seen but could guess was the surgery, judging by the white operating table and the cold piercing light that shone above FG who was tied down firmly. He watched cautiously, noting the mercs that stood waiting as well as two salarian doctors, already starting their operation. The tools however was not those accustomed to such surgery along the lines of living flesh. Instead, they appeared to be more industrial, ones more used for shearing metal and scraping off steel. "WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Please hold still Mr. Campbell," said the doctor. "G-GET OFF ME!" "Relax, we're not going to hurt you, we're just going to make some modifications to your armour as ordered by Mrs. Barrows." "The fuck-who is this bitch?!" "QUIET!" A human merc cracked him across the face with his large fist, James crying out as he struggled. "You wanna see her so much you just wait...she's just making some preparations." "I swear I don't know who she is, whatever she told you is wrong I didn't do anything!" "I never said you did...you guys ready to operate?" "Almost," said the salarian doctor, "we just have to put him under before we-" "Not yet. We want her to be present." "WHO?!" roared FG. "Hello...jAmEs." "...what...you...hoh god...h-hoh god no." A voice from off-screen followed a strong flicker of interference, starting to come in as a human walked into view. The static was making it harder to see, but the voice came crackling through along with everybody else. "He's here for you," said one merc. "Wh-what did you do?! No...no you didn't...n-no...no, no, no no NO NOOOO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?! _" "_Keep him quiet." "No. LeT HiM sPeAk. yOu hAvE pErFoRmeD yOuR sErViCEs aDeQuaTeLy, fOr a gRoUp oF bEasTs." "JESUS NO!" cried out James. "NOOO! GOD DAMMIT, I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE FROM ME, I WANTED YOU DEAD! I WANTED YOU DEAD, KEEP AWAY FROM ME! DON'T TOUCH MEEE!" "The fuck's he talking about?" asked one batarian. "ThiS."

At that point, the terminal began screaming with static, a rapid burst of sorrow as the sounds of anguish started coming from within. Images burst through as the scene unfolded barely, bits and pieces of some traumatised memory now held within the terminal. Bodies faded away, snuffed out of existence by the sudden lapse of recording before moving back and forth, rapidly flickering as shots were fired, tables were thrown about, and the lights constantly flickered in the most haphazard set of images. Yet the screams were never silenced. Always he heard them, as well as James. James remained always at the middle, tied to the main table, his scream unending as his head jittered insanely back and forth. His screams were soon rising to such a heightened shriek, that the terminal itself burst open before Roy's eyes when he reached a horrifying sound. A sound so warped and deep that it made Roy start quivering at the knees. Shielding himself from the blast, he backed off to see the computer shut down, its searching now over for all signs of recent activity that had occurred on this day. This very day that Roy came to visit, according to the timestamp he saw on the feed. "Uhhh...g-guys?" "Yeah?" asked Alestia. "Ah found thuh terminal...ah don't know whut happened." "Wait-huh?" "Sumthin' showed up on recent activity. They brought FG in, they strapped him before a...someone came by, a human ah think...had a voice really garbled but ah think that's cuz of thuh static. But then ah heard a lotta screaming...sumthin' bad happened here...sumthin' real bad." "You better find your target soon then...unless he's already dead too." "If he is then that's one less worry...but that's not mah main problem right now." "Huh?" "Ahll call you back, ah think ah heard sumthin'." Turning off communications he walked back along the hallway, hearing a deep breathing start echoing across the corridor. He hoped that it was someone still here, a person alive and hiding from whatever unholy terror had come beneath this hospital. At least that's what Roy imagined. The sound he heard James make right before the terminal blew, was a sound he would not forget. A deep trembling roar that meant only fear and suffering, somewhere within his primal instincts. As he made his way back along the hall, the sounds of breathing continued, heavy and beating around his ears. He soon saw that it came from the wired body, the gurney in the hallway that had been left untouched. Someone perhaps survived. As he came near, the breathing started to turn louder, almost deafening as if he was inside the lungs of a monster. The wires seemed to move slightly with each breath, heaving and swelling before relaxing once more. He cautiously reached out towards it, the rising mass of synthetic coil tantalising him with possibility. Just before he touched it, the breathing stopped. The wires began to fall apart, unravelling to reveal there was nothing underneath. Not a single trace of flesh and blood was left on the gurney. Roy's heart began beating quicker, his eyes roving furiously for some kind of explanation that he would not find, gasping with anxiety now upon his throat. Clenching tightly.

He started shaking his head clear and grabbed an item from his suit's armoured pockets, the horseshoe he always carried as a memento for himself. With one deep breath he took, the scents of someone warmer than this place coming back to him, his heart felt more at ease. A soft sigh came from his lips, as he kissed the horseshoe before placing it back in his pocket. "Ah can't stop now...ah have to find him. Then ah can be done with all this. Ahm so close...ah can feel it." He walked on towards Radiology, first on the left with two doors and one straight ahead. The area was surprisingly clean of both bodies and blood. But that did not help to alleviate the fear in his mind, walking from room to room find that nothing was out of place. A few smashed beakers and dull viscous contents of colourless liquid, but no blood. No bodies. He had not found a single dead body or living within the entire hospital. Yet the reports clearly indicated that this was clearly a Blue Suns-operated hospital, the various notes and datapads he found indicating its use. It was not abandoned, its last patient having been here perhaps one week ago. From the x-ray room to the chemical containment rooms, nothing was out of place enough to call murder had been committed. The very absence of sound made him all the more fearful for what came to cause this. He walked back after reaching a dead end, the burn units ward having little to show for it. But when he walked back across the rooms, something worse had shown up. An entire ward from Toxicology completely washed in red, with striking blue and orange just smeared across the floor. Glistening beneath the dull broken lights, Roy was startled to see such a change come swiftly murmuring to himself: "Wh-whu-...but...ah just came here...five minutes ago. Thuh fuck is going on here?" He didn't even say this to himself loudly, harsh murmurs coming from his lips as he staggered up against the doorway, trying to take breaths. But that only made things worse when the stench of blood came back to him, heaving slightly as he cautiously stepped over the puddles. Striking bloody marks came upon the walls, the hands of the dead all around him with at least four on each wall. A laboratory with beakers now smashed, with equipment thrown through walls and doors with such brutal force that they even cracked through the mortar. Nothing appeared to be any different, and what was worse was that Roy had not heard anything. Not a single thing as he made his way back out towards the long hallway.

Reaching back to the main hall, he found something that should not have been there before. A human body, propped up against the wall suddenly as if he had always been there, his legs limp like a ragdoll against the smooth cold floor. His face had been skinned alive to reveal nothing but eyes glaring openly, his skull now red and pulsating above the Blue Suns armour. At first Roy believed that he was simply dead, but when he heard the heavy breathing he found his face was still twitching with muscle, croaking out his words feebly towards the raptor. "H-hhhhh...death?" "Holy shit...whut happened to you?" "Hhhh...death...finally takes me...he won't...he won't let me leave. He won't let us leave." "Who?" "The...Barrows...not...woman...please...take me from this place...take me, reaper." "Ahm not...ahm not your reaper. Where are your friends?" "I don't care...just...let me leave...I don't want him to take my soul." "Ah need to know, where did thuh others go?" "You...they're right in front of you...can't you see? All over the place...red...and blue." As soon as he said this, Roy saw blood from the corner of his eye. He turned to find bodies strewn all over the hallways, most of them Blue Suns of a varying three species, with the odd scientist blending in. He hadn't even noticed it before, as if the bodies had just dropped all around him silently, blood and sinew with grevious wounds, scarred cuts and cleaving blows across the head and belly. The force of twisted broken bone slammed deep into the wall was shown by the bone shards now evident upon the floor, the walls broken with the odd deep thrust into them at a singular point, the last stand for victims who could not fight back. The bodies laid mangled like crushed insects, yet the raptor through his growing horror noticed something unusual about each wound that they had. Something familiar that he saw before. Deep gaping wounds across the chest and through, organs so neatly carved in two. The one human now skinless before him gasped: "They all tried to escape...but the door wouldn't open itself...only one way I can escape...please." "Whuh...but that...that's impossible...they weren't here before, n-none of them were here before." "I thought...you were...the reaper." "If ah wuz then why would ah not see a dozen dead bodies in the two tahms ah came walkin' through here, or even YOU when ah walked past here into Toxicology without even a drip of blood anywhere?!" "I...I saw you walk past me." "HUH?!" "You just...ignored me...I'm so glad you came back." "...can you walk?" "No...can't...trapped...paralysed with..medicine...hhhh...can't even die right, won't let me...be what I want to be...a dead...person...please...take...knife...d-do it. I don't want to be here anymore..."

He tried to sob, aching as his tears ran down his cheeks before seeping into the muscle, rippling with salt and irritation as he cried weakly in pain, exhausted from the suffering he had endured. Roy stepped closer to see that his entire body had suffered the same treatment, wringing flesh seen between the armoured cracks, yet still somehow alive by an unknown force. Or rather the force of various needles of epinephral syringes he found lodged within the human's back, forced to rest on them against the wall by his sheer inability to move from numbness. He walked forwards before turning back to see the human gasp and weep, not wanting to leave him ruined. But he had to keep silent, using a knife from one of the human's pockets before driving it down deep into the human's skull, for an immediate death. "Go quickly. Least ah can do for you. Ahm sorry." The human's eyes rolled back sweetly, almost dropping out of their sockets by the very tendrils of their retinas, gasping his last before he could finally sleep. His head lulled back weakly against the wall as Roy put the knife back into the human's pocket. Walking over the bodies, he decided to head back towards reception and contemplate upon leaving. With the bodies now revealed before him, or rather suddenly now existant before him, he wanted to escape with a growing fear welling in his heart, his panic coming through in the smallest of stuttering breaths. He grabbed his head as he soldiered on, trying to open the door only finding it would not open. His breaths started to turn more shaky now, bringing up his omni-tool to call out towards the other side of the exit. "G-guys?!" "What's wrong?" asked Khern. "Thuh door's not opening! Um...c-can any of you get near enough to open it?!" "Anti-biotic field, remember?" "Ah know! But, just...come close enough so ah can see it open, it must open by proximity don't it?!" ".......it won't open." "Whut?!" "We tried opening all at once, it won't open." "DAMMIT! ...look, shit's really bad here, ahm not gonna hang around cuz ah think sum kinda evil shit's going on in this place, this place is cursed, lahk real fuckin' bad shit!" "Calm down. You won't get anywhere by panicking. Look for another way out. Calun, is there another way out?" "I see a fire exit over at the surgery," said the volus, "if you can just make your way through there you can find a door you can access manually." "Alrigh'...thanks, ahll just get out of here right now." "What about your target?" "Man, fuck him, he wanna survive this place that's his own problem, hopefully he's dead an' ah don't have to worry about him anymore, only-AAAAARGH!"

Suddenly there came a violent scream of electronic signals, shrieking out like banshees as he fell onto the floor. He tried blocking his ears but the force of static was so strong that his head began to vibrate. The monitors across the reception area turned on, including the ones in the offices over to his left. A voice cried out from them, unified into one. One that Roy knew. "HELP ME!" "WHUH-FG?!" "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS, I JUST WANTED TO GO HOME! I WANTED TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEEE!" The static soon stopped and so did James' voice, the lights from the right path starting to flicker with an inviting glow. He hadn't checked Surgery yet, the last room to investigate as well as his destination. He followed on through the well-lit path, the light reassuring him yet also sending fear into him. Being caught in the only light of this dark place made him a very easy target, one that killers would come flocking towards like moths. As he entered the main surgery theater, he saw that James was nowhere to be seen. But there was a salarian doctor, well-mutilated beyond all recognition. He was strapped down to the same operating table as FG had been, his face carved up with his eyes now resting upon his own stomach. The black raptor approached softly, seeing that an exit was further down a hallway more narrow and adjacent from beyond the tool cabinet, its contents broken through with some force as it was crushed inwards, bent beyond all recognition. The operating theater was wide and circular, a see-through dome with light shining down from the sunset beyond. Theh smooth white floor was now covered in green blood, dripping from the salarian's fingers while the light was still on above the table, the place bare of all instruments apart from the broken tool cabinet. Just before Roy was about to make his way towards the rear exit, the cabinet suddenly slammed forth in front of him, blocking his way as the lights turned off above him. It was still bright enough to see due to sunset, but it still made a dark place where shadows roamed free. One shadow started moving amongst the others, Roy powering up his fist with an icy blast whilst holding his gun in the other. He wasn't going to take any chances, as something moved out of the way just before he fired. It was his own shadow, a part of him cursing himself for being so jumpy before realising his own shadow moved, whilst he remained still. A voice came from behind him, echoing beyond the corridor from which he came. "So my host has created his own shadow...one strong enough to dare even kill him." "WH-WHO'S THERE?!"

He turned round fast and pointed his gun down the hall, a body was soon seen as the lights began to dim, its outline marked from the deep dark beyond it. A body that was very familiar to him, but something seemed off.The raptor he had fought and hounded after for many years was now back before him, his body now different in many ways. The first thing he noticed were the eyes, cold and black like the deepest lake. The handprints of bloody smears were somehow thick and viscous enough to be seen upon his modified red armour. The armour itself also had a strange protruding growth from behind it, a sort of staff-like projection now firmly encased within metal. Something rubbed him up the wrong way even more now than before. "...FG? That is you ain't it?" "Roy MacGregor...that is your name isn't it?" He kept his gun pointed, his finger on the trigger and ready to shoot. The voice was unsettling, unnerving with its deep tremble of an infernal nature. "Is that you James? James Campbell? "Do you see any other raptors around here? Perhaps I am an illusion, an anomaly caused by your own hallucinations of fear and suffering...you have been hallucinating quite a bit recently, haven't you?" "H-huh?!" "How many bodies did you see? ...if you saw any at all." The vision flickered before him as his eyes started blurring, right before the red raptor appeared once more within an inch in front of him, forcing Roy to back off and shoot straight for the eye whilst falling back. He stumbled and stood his ground, managing to not fall completely as James, or whatever he was now, simply pulled out the shard of metal now lodged within his eye, thinly spooling it out from his retina like a needle from a thread. He laughed softly whilst flicking the shard away, a deep murmur that sent fear within Roy's heart. "Always they aim for the eye...where I come from I never needed eyes." "...you...this can't be...this..." He brought out his pistol with steady aim. "You really are a monster...just not thuh one ah wuz thinkin' of." "Ohhhh on the contrary...I've been wanting to show you his true darkness for a very long time. How long have you wanted to kill him?" "L-long enough. ...you're not FG at all, aren't you?" "Partially yes, partially no. He is my host, of which I take the reins of his body for my own purposes to...feast upon the unfortunate." "...ah seen these wounds before." "Oh?" "Yeah...back in Raccoon City. So it wuz you. Just, lahk ah said, not thuh you ah wuz thinkin' of." "How very perceptive of you...you're quite intelligent for a reprobate aren't you?" "Reprobate? Heh, that more fits your host rather than me, if by that you mean an unprincipled sinner predestined to damnation." "Yes...true enough, you clearly have a solid purpose in defeating my dear James...are you a Christian?" "Ah wuz raised by them. Whut's it to you, scared?" "The stench of baptism upon you sickens me, yet it is also a strangely familiar scent too that...I find rather soothing to know again." "So you really are sum kinda demon? Lahk, hellfire an' damnation kinda shit? ...ah can't believe it...holy shit dad wuz right, he really wuz right all along." "Ha ha ha ha...ahhhh it is not as simple as that, you mortals think you wrote the book on Hell and the netherworld as if you created it for us. It has always existed, boy...always. Do you want to know what it is like down there?" "...ahm dyin' to find out." "Then allow me to demonstrate your pitiful ignorance. A shame you won't see it when I devour your SOUL!"

Roy dodged just in time the moment he felt an icy prickling along his neck, the creature having appeared from behind him to stab straight through where he had stood with violent long claws. He fired off a few shots instinctively, the raptor before him taking the hits like they were flies upon his skin, seeping into new dead wounds. "And here I thought you were more intelligent than that, Christian spawn." The creature pushed out the tiny metal slivers from his skin through sheer force of will, his dark aura repelling it from the body of his host, trapped dead with eternal time. Roy was fearful, to say the least of this demon's power and the way it simply shrugged off such wounds, but all the more did that make him steel his nerves readily for a fight. He had faced worse than this, he knew that in his deepest thoughts. A demon was nothing he hadn't seen before. He was simply surprised, not terrified. Or at least that's what he told himself. "Would you like to quote a passage to me next?" "No. Ah don't. You don't deserve that, would just be wasted on you." "I am glad to see you are at the very least smarter than those who-" He flitted out of vision upon seeing Roy fire off a shot of ice, streaking across the floor as the utahraptor felt a cold death slip closer towards him. He dodgerolled out of the way, seeing the dark raptor strike at where he had been before firing off a shot into the creature's leg, followed up by a deep burning fire after to seal the wound in a permanent cauterising of heat. "NNNGH...well...this is annoying." "You don't belong in this galaxy...you don't belong anywhere." "I can say the same for you...hmph...is hypocrisy common practice at church?" "Ah ain't been to church in eight years." "Then you have no hope against me." "Sh-shut up. You ain't gonna mess with me. Ahm here to kill you cuz you inherit thuh body of mah enemy, an' no matter who you are, or whut you are...ahma make sure that both of you are dead." "Well you can gladly go and kill James but not ME you wretched little godspawn!" "Godspawn? Come on, that thuh best you got?" "I think James already beat me when he destroyed your life." "...whut do you know about that?" "Perhaps I know something...perhaps I know all his sins and depravation by forcing myself into his heart. I have seen his love, I have seen his hatred...I have seen the many tears that weigh him down world by world. How pathetic." "How much...control...do you have over him?" "...plenty. In this form his body is my puppet. It took me a long time to regain my strength for it but..." The creature slowly slid his right hand along the left arm, as if trying on a new sleeve before admiring the claws. They were ruthlessly long lengths, far longer than what James would have had originally. "I like to think I wear it well." "Can you...look into his memories? Lahk, tell me whut he does an' things?" "Perhaps I do...perhaps I can. Are you looking for your reason to despise him?" "Ah don't need a reason, he wuz thuh one that gave me it." "Really? ...well, that changes things. Why did you come here?" "Ah came here to kill him. Whutever you are is not mah problem...until you slaughtered all these innocents." "The mercenaries? Hardly innocent, if their souls were enough to go by...murder gives a very nice taste to one's soul, did you realise that? It tastes...like fresh citrus over a warm child's skull." "...well, ah more mean thuh hospital staff." "They served their use, there was nothing more for them." "None of them were even armed!" "But give one a scalpel..." "Look, ahm just here to kill FG, that's all. Ah didn't expect sum demon bullshit, ah mean thuh fuck is this, this is a galaxy with science an' shit, how thuh fuck are YOU here?!" "Simple. I am not from this world either. James and I have...become quite close over the years." "Wh-whut?" "Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Scissoraptor...that is the name I now choose for when mortals must take their last breath, for when they whisper my name upon their fated death."

At first Roy was feeling more fearful for the demon's presence, his aura radiating the very essence of evil. But hearing the name however made him smirk, struggling to hold back a small giggling. "S-seriously? That, you wanna go with that name?" "Quiet. It is my moniker." "R-right right, if you were on an internet forum." "I don't understand what you mean, but I do not care. Now...let us make a deal. You want to kill James, and I want his body." "Why you want that?" "Humour me. I find it very comforting to wear." "Ah don't trust you, and ah ain't makin' any deals with no damn demons, mah father would have a heart attack." "I think that would serve no point considering his heart has stopped." Roy tightened his fists with a brief rage of insult, struggling not to let fury take him. The raptor demon smiled, knowing he hit a sore point. "I can see your sorrow, very clearly like a cloak on your shoulders. You carry it so well...and so neatly like you want people to know." "Thuh fuck's that got to do with you?!" "Wouldn't you rather hear my James confess?" "Huh?" "I can make him confess. I can make him give you those three magic words. I...did it. I did it. Wouldn't you like to hear him say that finally? Then we can end this pathetic charade." "...seriously? You know he did it? Did he really?" "Perhaps...but I am not him. Why don't you ask, but...you must allow me a moment with him to explain the circumstances, a message if you will." "Ah would rather he said it himself. Cuz ah don't trust a demon so lightly." "Is this more of your Christian drivel?" "Ah ain't never said ah wuz a christian nor did ah ever make note of it. Ahm mah own free spirit, ah believe in thuh laws of thuh universe." "A pitiful answer, agonisticism is but a retreat for indecisive cowardice." "Well whut DO you believe in then?!" "...me. That is who I believe in. And look...I am as real as you can ever see." "Well you know whut? Fuck you, ah ain't gonna make a deal with you, if ah wanna get whut ah want from FG, then ah have to hear from him personally, not from some punk-ass bitch lahk you." "You DARE to disrespect ME! I am the legendary Scissoraptor! You-" "Pffffffft...hmhmhaha...REALLY?! That's really whut yer going with?! Oh...hhha ha ha ha, awwww man now ah can't EVER take you seriously with that." "SILENCE!" "You nuthin' but a damn fool, ah don't care whut you are, you just a punk-ass bitch, whut kinda name is that?! You don't even got his scissors around here, thuh fuck are those things?!" "I do not need my blades when my claws shall snap your worthless NECK! You claim you were raised by some wretched baptismal whore, but they did not even have the grace to show you FEAR of the unknown?!" "You know sumthin'?! Ah seen plenty worse things than you out there." "What could possibly be worse than ME?!" "...thuh one whose body you're inhabiting, asshole." "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"

The demon lunged towards Roy, who dodged left and striked out with a shattering ice blast that went forcing into his eyes, the monster shrieking with rage as it clawed the ice shards off from his face. Briefly fading away into darkness, it came up against Roy's behind and scarred deep into his back, striking powerful claws that went straight through his armour. Roy staggered forwards screaming, the wounds on his back evident as he turned and fired pointless by reflex, again proving worthless against the demon. But the Scissoraptor simply grinned with fury and glee, blood upon his claws as Roy responded by firing a trail of shots, forcing the beast to dodge one way. At the same time, he shot fire out the other hand, burning across the path and causing the creature to shriek and snarl with rage at being surprised. The demon swiftly turned tracks and leapt onto the wall, scrabbling like a lizard before kicking hard towards Roy and slashing across his shoulder. The black raptor managed to dodge barely, but the catching strike upon his shoulder went through the steel and scraped his flesh. Not bad enough to wound him but enough to become scared by such power as the creature came upon him, relentless in its slashing strikes. Huge thick claws of sickening length forcing Roy to dodge back and forth, eventually creating an ice shield around one hand in a desperate attempt to protect himself. It worked for a few seconds, the raptor possessed shanking his claws through and roaring as it chopped and carved through the ice like it was nothing more than cheap wood. The black raptor used the brief moment of distraction to summon another ice blast from his very fist, punching straight into James' deadened face and shattering through the eyes. The monster screamed and clawed at its own eyes to tear the cold chunks out, the retinas now reduced to bloody shreds before some infernal force began to repair them. A strange dark purple smoke swiftly solidified inside of his own eye sockets, granting him the same deadened black he had once had before. Roy's heart stopped for a moment, before tensing up for another fight. The Scissoraptor slashed out twice towards him, before fading away into darkness and striking once more from the right, then disappearing yet again to come up from the back. Roy was able to guard against three of them, but the back attack got him once more as his back now turned bloody, scarring deeper across the back of his shoulders in an upwards strike that left blood slanting down his tail in hot red slivers across the floor.

Roy started turning desperate, grabbing tools or trays from around the room and hurling them against his enemy. Scalpels he stabbed into the monster's face, scraping deep into the cheek before he was shoved back by a shoulder strike and saw a vicious set of claws come down upon his head. He quickly grabbed a surgical tray and forced against the creature's hand, guarding against the blow as the claws shanked through the plastic before Roy backed off against the wall. Darkness greeted him once more as the Scissoraptor faded, a shivering cackle born of malice from somewhere nearby. Something dripped from above, the monster's claws reddened with his own blood a few feet from the top of his head. He dodged just before the monster landed on him, grasping onto the ceiling with arms bent backwards, snapping themselves back into the normal position upon landing without any sign of being broken. Roy waited for the creature's next move, the body of James lunging towards him as it vaulted over the table, stabbing its claws into the salarian's corpse as it shuddered out of reality, glimmering like a blur from Roy's eyes as the table was thrown straight across the room. He knew it would strike from somewhere else, but he had no idea where as he summoned a howling gale from around his body. The shards of ice began to form from his fingers, nanosparks pulsating a volley of frozen water that was soon broken up in the storm around him. The shards of ice were soon travelling fast enough by the gale itself to repel even demons, attempting to strike him before ice greeted him with a series of sudden pummelling strikes all over its snout. The monster backed off snarling with prolonged fangs, lunging through the small storm and biting into Roy's right shoulder hard. The black raptor screamed as he buckled hard, the pain channelling through his entire body as the gale ceased with his agony. Biting teeth tore through his skin, daring to break the very bone as the Scissoraptor ripped deeper inside. He couldn't even use his right arm, the pain turning too much to even lift it up as he cried and spasmed in agony, punching with the left arm as viciously as possible before grabbing the face itself and sending a burning fire through his nanos. The screams of the monster was his reward as a searing hot smoke started burning the flesh itself, the demon forced to release Roy's now-bloodied open shoulder as he grabbed the creature in a headlock. Curling his left arm hard around the neck and snout, he roared with all his might as muscles flexed viciously inside of him.

The Scissoraptor struggled to escape, but Roy forced him down to the floor and suddenly twisted the raptor's neck, screaming from both pain and fear as he heard the brutal snap of James' neck, breaking the top part of the spine along with his throat. Yet the body did not slump. Instead, the demon growled and brought up one hand from underneath its body to choke Roy's throat, his head twisted upwards with torn neck muscle beneath the brown skin. The black raptor gasped and winced at the claws slowly pushing into his neck, throttling him tighter as the monster said: "That...was very stupid." He grabbed his head with the other hand and suddenly snapped it back into position, untwisting the spine itself with a vile crack as his neck muscle slackened, relaxing back to its normal state as he cricked his neck. "Had that been James, his death would surely be long and agonising, for a good fifteen seconds if lucky." "H-HHHRRRK!" "Perhaps I should teach you how to properly snap someone's neck. I should have done this to his little Koopin, but he almost choked to death within five seconds that it was frankly pathetic, so easy I could have let him choke. Now, I hope you last longer." "F-FFCK...YOU!" Roy slammed down on Scissoraptor's wrist, the force of wind from both his hands suddenly brought forth by his nanos creating an impossibly strong force of downthrust, one that even a demon could not resist as it snapped his arm broken. Not that this bothered the demon who simply snapped it back into place, breaking it into position once more with a simple twist of dark muscular control. Roy staggered back across the room, panting hard whilst the Scissoraptor stood in the very centre of the theater, just slightly in front of where the spotlight was from above. "Not bad...it's almost sad to think that you have failed yet to kill him. You survived this long against me, yet you couldn't even kill a mortal such as this. A fine mortal, with a fine body so perfect for killing many...but nowhere near as perfect as I am." "Hhhh...hhhhh...ghuhhh...ah ain't done yet. Whut do you want out of this? Whut purpose do you have for all this death an' destruction?" "Hmm?" "Here, Raccoon City...prob'ly others...whut purpose do you really have in life?" "Hah, life. Foolish of you to ask." "Then ahm a fool fer askin'...humour me." "My purpose is to consume life itself, to rob the living of their souls and feast upon their remorse, their dreams, their very remnants of existence. I am a soul devourer, a harbinger of death for those who are weak. Those who are pitiful. Those who lack the will to truly survive. That is why I survive, that is why I was summoned years ago." "Hhhhhh...seriously?! That it?! Heh, man you nuthin'!" "What?!" "Ah mean, seriously, all you wanna do is eat souls thuh rest of your life, you nuthin' but a fuckin' animal! Least us people, us mortals, we got lahk dreams an' aspirations! Even FG got aspirations, ah dunno whut he want but he sure as hell got 'em! Ah wanted to be a cop to protect people, an' you just wanna eat?! Lahk some fucking PIG?!" "You...are an insolent little bastard child." "No sir, mah parents done married before they had me. Ahm just insolent, an' ahm fuckin' six foot six." "SILENCE! You are FAR beneath me to understand my desires, I am more than just some predator or wild beast, I am SUPERIOR above you all, living of flesh and blood to be nothing more than fodder for my existence!" "Oh ah understand 'em, you just sum kinda dumb beast tryin' to feed your empty stomach! You got no life, you ain't got no purpose, how thuh fuck am ah beneath YOU when even ah know whut ah want!?" "Because your mortality is a sign of weakness! A weakness that makes you worth nothing more than sustenance for me." "Bullshit, ah don't understand how anything you just said is in any way different to wild animal huntin' aroun' for their next prey. Man, that makes you beneath ME cuz you ain't got no aspiration! Where's your life purpose, where's your GOAL, if you wanna lay around an' eat all day then you a fuckin' waste!" "Then perhaps I shall educate you, boy!" "Nah-ah, ahm already educated. See, there's a sayin' ah remember from an old movie. Education or elimination! An' since you ain't got no education..." He readily aimed his pistol once again towards the dark shadow at the end of the hallway. "...you gonna face elimination." "If you so dare as to lecture me on education then you should at least SPEAK PROPERLYYYY!" "Ohhh yes master, my apologies master." He bowed mockingly with a forced pronunciation of utter politeness, one he hadn't forced in many years. "Let me put it in a way that you might understand."

The black raptor fired his best shot, severing a cable from above the demon's head as something came swinging down hard. The light of the surgery operating theater crushed straight onto his head, slamming to the back of the neck as he screamed violent with agony. Hot surging electric currents went through his entire body, the muscles twitching in warm volatile spasms as he was rendered helpless. He could not even control himself, the constant burning of his muscular interior forcing him to reroute his own energy towards fighting it, struggling to maintain himself. What remained inside of FG's body would either have died or become severely wounded by electrocution, his nanomachines seizing violently inside of him to cause even greater damage within. Yet the demon's own capabilities seemed to counter such ruin, a dark force pulsating around his skin as it was constantly corrected, burned and charred markings being instantly swept over by an evil cleansing, healing the wounds constantly made to him both inside and out. All whilst the most infernal scream began shattering the very windows from above the two of them, crackling like thin ice. Roy dodged underneath a table and watched the falling rain of glass thickly come down, scraping across James' body with scars upon skin, shearing off the flesh as his head became impaled by large glancing shards. The creature stopped screaming only to focus upon itself, forcing the glass out of its body whilst constantly repairing, forcing itself to heal against the deep electrical pains still running through his body as furious anger came through, the hot spasms not affecting the demon's voice. "NO! NOOOOO! STOP FIDGETING, YOU WORTHLESS FOOL! WHY IS YOUR BODY SUFFERING AGAINST THIS LITTLE SPARK OF LIGHTNING?!" "That's whut you call a weakness!" called out Roy. "Just part of thuh deal when you go on possessin' a body lahk THAT! All full o' nanos an' shit, they don't like getting all electrocuted!" "YOU...WORTHLESS GODSPAWN! I CANNOT LOSE THIS BODY! I CANNOT LOSE IT TO BECOME WORTHLESS DUST! NOT THIS ONE!" "Well guess whut?! Looks lahk your warranty's voided! Your FINAL warranty!" "NOOO! I WILL NOT LOSE THIS BODY, I MUST KEEP HIM PERFECT! I MUST KEEP HIM LIKE THIS!"

The glass stopped falling as the beast finally summoned up its greatest power, a deep shuddering of its innate form slowly drawing forth, wrapping itself around James' body. Soon the electric spasms began to stop, the body fixing itself through the sounds of howling mist, a screaming so faint that Roy almost imagined as a hallucination. The cloak of darkness was thick, to the point of almost consuming James from existence as the voice came through, wracked with fury so tightly wound up in its tone. "You may have forced me to limit my power now, but when I awake once more I shall become the very nightmare that haunted you as a child...no matter where you run, I will destroy your very essence...Roy MacGregor." "Trust me," said Roy, "thuh feeling is mutual." As the darkness began to fade away, James' body laid firm upon the floor without a scar upon him. No shards of ice, no glass within him, no burns or electric wounds of any sort. It was as if he had been perfectly healed of all ailments for the time being. He walked over once the screaming had stopped, the sounds of the infirmary broken only by the sounds of creatures chittering from outside of its walls. James was still breathing, as Roy placed a finger to his neck to check pulse seeing that his claws and skin tone were back to normal. Even his eye upon checking was back to normal fierce green, despite unconsciousness. He sat beside him on his knees, shaking his head worryingly as several thoughts came reigning in. Most of which he was unable to answer as he asked vainly: "Thuh fuck happened to you FG? Whut kind of business did you get caught up in?" He sat waiting softly, thinking about calling his friends but also wanting to let things settle. The glass laid splintered from all around them, reflecting the dying light of the sun up above and its horizon turning bleak. A soft cold indigo was in the planet's sky, as a wind softly brushed over the infirmary top. Here lied his most greatest enemy, one perfectly within reach of killing at a moment's notice. He had his gun still in one hand, pointing it softly towards James but half-heartedly. He placed it back down again, still unable to focus from what had happened just moments ago. Then he heard a voice murmur from James' lips. A voice not deep with malice from an infernal beast, but that of a London voice he both knew and hated. Except now. "Nnnn..." "Huh?" "Nnnnhhh...k'pin...m'sorry..." "James?" "H'lp me...help..." ".......I...James, I-" "ROY!" A voice from the corridor came as Khern appeared with his family behind him, the varren running forth to see Roy kneeling beside FG, surrounded by glass fallen from above within a large circular room. Khern started by explaining: "The biotic field turned off when the power to the place went out. What happened, looks like a bomb went off in here." "Sumthin' happened alright," replied Roy. "Ah think...ah need to take him back to thuh ship." "Huh?" "Just...need to figure sumthin' out." "I thought you wanted to kill him." "Just...take him back to thuh ship an' let's get outta here. Ah don't wanna be in this place anymore." Without needing another word, the krogan picked up James' body and slumped him across his shoulder, carrying him out of the dark ruined infirmary as they finally left. The bodies of many left behind would serve only as a warning. A warning of a beast that no one would know, and one that Roy wished he had never met, for now things would become even more complicated concerning his new dilemma.