“Let the Fur Fly” -:A Rave song I thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-

"let the fur fly" _-:a rave song i thought up and decided to post for the hell of it:-_ come on now and reach the sky come on baby let the fur fly! (long techno beat) foxies now step right in! give your tails a twirly spin!


Beginnings Ch. 6

There's a rave party tonight to celebrate the end of school." "cool! can we come?" i had always loved rave parties. i loved being taken over by the music. it was my favorite type of music too, techno and trance. "sure.



Mikah was a good friend of hers, and was famous for his all night raves and his dj skills. the party was sure to be amazing, and all of her friends would be there, but she had a certain passed out drunk to take care of.

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