The Time of My Life Character Sheet

He has a wing-span of 14 ft. and can only posess two elements. orientation: bi-sexual, but prefers males. favorite activity: video games and hanging out with friends.

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Seven-Tails, Chapter 1

He calls himself "Shichi", and says my job now is to support him. Like it was a choice. He let me write this. Maybe it's his way of bragging. Don't really know what a fox has to brag about, but I guess I'm supposed to be some kind of accomplishment....

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:30)

He looks posessed. you look at ludwig. you go in your half and half form. "now....i just saved your ass. you owe me 1. i`m not kidding." you say. ludwig looks up at you, angry. you go over to bowser. he looks down at you. you`re his new hero!

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Sara's date with a wolf.

His mother was human but was posessed and made pregnant by an unknown entity, i saved her from a mob of hunters and religious fanatics that raged on around the area i was at the time. i rescued her and brought her here, but not before she received a grievous


The Anthro Girl: Chapter 3 - I Swear this is a Good Idea

And finally, with ten cartons of eggs in our posession, we hopped silently out of our car into the pitch-black front yard of the harley household.

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Archethal Species Datasheet

Species posesses a powerful heart, fair-sized lungs and digestive system using acids to break down foods in a stomach. other organs equivalent to humans' present, including liver, kidneys and spleen.

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CYSA Ch2: A New School

Inside the suitcase were the only posessions he had left - his father had decided to get rid of all evidence of him ever living in their house - what was in the suitcase were some sets of his favorite style of clothing, and even his birth certifacate

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The Op. (WIP)

I try to scream, but i no longer posess vocal chords. it seems that a single bullet has doomed me to end my existence in silence, no one near, no one caring. but, you can hear me. i can tell. you alone can tell my story to those i left behind.

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A Fall From Grace

He was by no means a weak creature, posessing strength many times over what he should have been able to attain. his mental acuity had also been noted by his tribe. for these two facts alone he had been left more or less alone. he liked that.

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Seven-Tails, Chapter 4

If there actually is anyone you can--rather serendepitously--get ahold of, who actually knows about how posession even works, chances are it's going to be someone who'd just as soon kill the body to keep you from becoming a menace.

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Leurheart II (Chapter 4)

It's said that they're strong warriors and their leader posesses great power." "that's atleast the legend." rozaline said and stood up. "no... there is a high possibility that it might actually be true." mosuke said and caressed his beard.

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Existence Part 2: Tessi the fox and her insanity

The rest of your posessions will be held behind the desk. don't forget to mark off that you have a bra- you'll have to give that up too." "what?" tessi replied, dumbfounded. "why my bra?"

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