CYSA Ch2: A New School

Story by Dalkorrd Malvolio on SoFurry

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#9 of CSYA

Thrax sat in the police van quietly, looking down through the floor.  His hands were cuff...

Thrax sat in the police van quietly, looking down through the floor. His hands were cuffed in front of him and holding a suitcase. Inside the suitcase were the only posessions he had left - his father had decided to get rid of all evidence of him ever living in their house - what was in the suitcase were some sets of his favorite style of clothing, and even his birth certifacate was inside.

Sergeant Ogrady sat across from him. The policestag had tried to strike up conversations with the young dragon the entire day (the length of the trip) but to no avail. Thrax's spirit had been broken when his father said that he would not get bailed. The sergeant was worried, when they stopped to eat or use the bathroom, Thrax had not even looked up to aknowledge that he had heard them.

"We're here," the driver, a policedog named Shep announced. The van pulled up to the gate of long, tall fence which promtly opened when the guard read the paperwork that the driver showed to him. At the end of a surprisingly long road, the van stopped again, this time in front of a six-story, L-shaped, brick building, with only one window, on the top floor. Another building, this one's twin, was just behind it, with a courtyard in between the two that had a fence spaning the sides from one building to the next.

Two guards approached the van, each one had a batton and a tazergun andwore a blue-grey uniform. They opened the van's back doors and stepped inside. They nodded to the sergeant, as if to say: "we'll take it from here". They grabbed Thrax by the elbows and stood him up. One grabbed the suitcase and they lead him out of the van and through the metal doors of the building.

The doors opened to the main hallway, the walls were painted a light pink color - the same used in some prisons to try to keep their inmates calm - and there were metal doors along the hall at regular intervals (None of which Thrax saw as he was still in his zombie-like daze). Opposite of the main doors was an elevator. The guard who was not holding onto Thrax's suitcase and who had a free hand pulled out a key from his uniform pants and pushed it into a keyhole next to the elevator. The doors opened and they went inside, which was painted the same shade of pink as the hallway. The control panel only had one button and, once it was pushed, they went straight up to the sixth floor.

The elevator opened up to a hallway similar to the mainfloor's, but the doors were much more pleasing to the eyes made of wood instead of metal sheets. At the far end of the hall, where the L's corner was, there was a large oaken door with celtic knots carved into it. The guards took Thrax to the oak door, then into the foom beyond. The room was huge, the walls were covered in different motivational, demotivational, and inspirational posters, making a veriable collage. The room had doors off to the sides, and a large desk that was curved, like on of those spy movie ceos' desks. Behind the desk was a highbacked chair that was facing away from Thrax and the guards.

The chair turned around, revealing the occupant to be a bat. The bat's fur was all black, he had black eyes, a black nose, and immacculately white teeth. He wore a white three-piece suit, fadora, and glasses.

"HelloThrax," The bat said, finally breaking him out of his stupor. "I am Vladameir Kahn, the principle, owner, and director at the Conditioning School for Young Adults. But you may call me Vlad. I have degrees in criminology, criminal psycology, children's psycology, and buisness. My grandfather founded this establishment to give hem a chance to reform, and my father and, now, I carry on his work of turning today's miscreants into upstanding citizens. Our program has a success rate of ninty-seven percent. I have read your files and believe that we can change you for the better.

" We like to test our new students before we send them into one of the different divisions, were anthros of similar intellect and body strength are grouped so they ca be better handled. Tomorrow you will take two tests, a written test to measure your Intellegence Quotient, and an athleticised test to measure your Physical Quotient. Tonight, to keep any of the other students from being able to influence your scores, you shall sleep in one of the solitary confinement cells."

"Guards, take him to where he will be staying for the night, and get him his new clothes," Vlad finished speaking, then turned the highbaccked chair around once again.

The guards lead Thrax back down the hall and to the elevator. Oncce on th main flor, they took a left to the staircase. They went down thestairs, and into the basement. The basemet walls were unadorned concrete, with thick metal doors for every room. They took him to a nearby cell and opened it. inside, the cell had nothing but a bed built into the wall, and a toilet. On the bed was a folded orange jumpsuit and a blanket. The guards left without a word, and for the first time in years, Thrax cried.