Bull an' Fox -00 Timotay in Trouble

Printing pornography was a quick death sentence! what with books so very expensive and the penalties for porn so very severe, no printer in his right mind would dare to print a book with a passage like that in it.

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Rythos and Rinth in… The Search for Furry Lesbian Porn

Together they held the framed porn and returned to their rightful dimension, where they celebrated their victories over coffee, using the framed porn as a table. the end


Romance vs Porn

#6 of the art and science of writing what is the difference between porn and romance?can you have both? what should we focus on when writing these things? romance ... sex ... porn ... they are all related.

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Read Harry Potter, the Aenid of our times: Srsly (4 real!)

pornography devoid of artistic merit isn't how it has to be, and there are people working with pornography in all its myriad forms - adult art, erotica, etc etc - trying to express something more.


So after a fairly nasty breakup i started looking for porn, for educational purposes." "so uh, what did you find?" "porn. what else?" "no, i'm serious. did you start watching male on male right away?" "no, no.

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Idle Hands

I wonder what will happen next now that she's unwittingly wandered into a porn studio? well, you've seen the porn i've commissioned. you know what's coming down the pipeline. maybe not -this- specific chapter, but oh boy the next!

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Chris Cross: The Family Business

Chris said through sore teeth, stopping at the words...skank...slut...porn star..."they insulted aunt z...called her...a porn star..." jacob and tabitha both looked shocked and turned to each other.

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All that's going to happen is we're going to fire up this old as shit computer, probably find some really freaky porn or child pedo shit, or some bank info." said the wolf, turning towards the lizard. "that's it.

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My Friend Aaron

At first, i was ashamed and tried to avoid looking for it, but every time i got all heated and horny, i considered watching gay porn. i don't know what it is. i tried watching normal, straight porn, but it didn't interest me at all. no.

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Breaking the Rules

"it's porn," said the fox as he tossed the magazines onto the coffee table.

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(Furry satire) Joining the furry fandom

"what if i don't want to look at furry porn?" "the porn in the fandom is what gives the furry fandom definition. if you don't like porn, you're not gonna be a part of the fandom." he smiled at me. "you know what, fuck this!"

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69 Corinthians 69:69-69

porn is impatient, porn is unkind. it is covetous, boastful, and arrogant. it is rude, self-seeking, and angry. it is a record of wrongs. it rejoices in unrighteousness. it bares everything and believes in nothing.

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