The whole group is huddled around the medical team assisting Crispin, the massive otter still passed out after losing his consciousness underwater during the team challenge. The contestants' faces betray extreme concern as Dr. Paul proceeds to...
Alpha, Alpha Male, Ama, American Badger, American Mustelid Alpha, Badger, Beech marten, Beefcakes, Character Development, Clean, Club, Clubbing, Dancing, Deep dive, Ermine, European otter, Fainting, Ferret, Gay, Giant Otter, Hog Badger, Honey badger, Hotties, Individual challenge, Least weasel, M/F, M/M, Medical Emergency, Muscle, Muscle-ups, Muscles, Mustelid, Mustelidae, Mustelids, Nightclub, Otter, Polecat, Pontoon clash, Pool, Pub, Reality Show, Reality television, Squats, Stoat, Story Series, Straight, Swimming, Swimming Pool, Television, Underwater, Weasel, Wolverine, Young Love, bar, challenge, competition, dive, duel, furry, hooking up, hunks, injury, marten, muscular, passing out, reality tv, slice of life, studs, tv show