The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision

'Yet another remote planet and ends up being another lost prospect.' I think to myself while sitting on the bridge in the captains chair. The Arrow, my ship, is on a mission to find suitable worlds for colonization at the edges of known space for our...

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Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)

Unfortunately, the maximal council, while not believing any of the dinosaur's drivel, agreed that his quixotic quest could alert the other predacons to their secret plans, and ordered a skilled team of assassins from the maximal secret police, lead by the

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With short bowed legs like that of a hopping rodent or kangaroo, jaya bounced to maxim's side and tucked her head beneath his arm.

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Tickle "Torture"

maxim gritted his teeth: likely story! "maxim?" jaya whimpered as the sneasel walked out of their line of sight. "what's going to happen to us?" he swallowed, closing his eyes as the room lurched around them.

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Against All Odds: Part 20 - Bridges

Arranged perpendicular to maxim's chair, beneath the net curtained main window, sat the worn couch that had been there for as long as alexei could remember.

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Against All Odds: Part 31 - Sands of Time

Since we've been here at maxim's, though, he's really gone into his shell.

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Against All Odds: Part 39 - The Extrication of Alexei Korolev

Alexei's eyes remained steadfast in his resistance to maxim, arms still folded tight.

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Against All Odds: Part 13 - Generation Gap

The two wolves went on to discuss how things had been since maxim's last visit the week previous.

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Against All Odds: Part 33 - Reverie

maxim switched of the television from his seat, turning to his right and his grandson's left to glare at the clock sitting upon the mantelpiece. "it is after nine. you have been gone since lunchtime."

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Against All Odds: Part 37 - Currents

Glaring back with narrowed eyes, maxim seemed to be anticipating an explosive response. fortunately, alexei kept from meeting those expectations. "at least... now it is finished with."

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

Early in the revolution it was deemed imperative for the nation's survival that they exploit this advantage of biological diversity to a maximal degree.

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Against All Odds: Part 40 - True Colours

He explained all about his final argument with maxim, outlining every single word said in anger between them in painfully accurate detail.

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