Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 6: Moving Up

Pirawan jumped over the cut, landing just behind where he had been before, and made a thrust at wade with his leek. to his surprise, his leek seemed to clang with an invisible force surrounding wade, leaving no mark on the dewott. "what the...?!"

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Mao's Feathery Isekai - Owlbear TF

In a matter of seconds, its form and appearance changed, the big leek it was wielding turning into a sword and shield.

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Spin Round and Round

Numa chuckled and twirled her leek again. when david looked back at the thing he couldn't figure it out. it looked just like an ordinary cooking leek you'd put in any type of dish but it felt like he'd been hit with a blunt sword.

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Lost Pokémon Episode 19: The Final Chapter.

Farfetch'd catches the leek in her beak as she prepares to do some acrobatic moves. she tosses the leek back into the air and does a forward somersault, landing while catching the leek again.

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Welcome, Mr. Sedway

Arc perked his ears as rex's shadow leeked onto the victoria styled rug, in his burly arms something twisted and turned in fear, obviously something was hanging from his mouth as he screamed curses to the rat and the son-of-a-dog who kidnapped him.

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The Human Species Ch. 25 - Unique Revolutionist Zoroark

The two of them became quiet as the first pokémon, a large bird holding on to a leek with one of its wings flew at lucario, quickly slapping him in the face with it. he responded by punching the avian straight on the beak. "a-a fucking leek!?"

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The wooded home

I recommend trying the leek and wild mushroom soup" the large man sat down, pointing towards a cast iron pot that was suspended from a wood flame "i gathered and hunted all this food myself.

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Pool Party (unfinished stories #5)

She was reluctant to do so, but really wanted to go to the party, she bobbed her head, each time his cock filled her mouth as she jerked his length, feeling a salty drip leek onto her tongue, she knew her treat was on the way.

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A 'Legendary' Hero - Anthro Sirfetch'd TF

He asked, swinging the leek-like sword about, trying to get a feel for his new weapon. "much better! what you were holding before looked more like a kitchen knife than a proper sword in your hands!"

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Thane of Hearts -a viking age mystery, Part I

The hole was so large that i could easily have passed a leek through it without ever touching flesh and so large that no bone or muscle would have remained intact. and yet he used his right hand as effortlessly as any other man.

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Bane. Chapter 2 : A stroll through time.

." > > "for today we have 'chicken, leek and potato in a pot'. well, i've decided to call it that." he said while lifting a clay pot from the stove and then putting it in the middle of the table.

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North and South Chapter 4: Calygrad

They were black, and carried huge leeks over their shoulders. they marched in perfect unison behind the leader.

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