Evolution's Gate Ch.3 - Zerobi's Story
Would you prefer pebbleon, or stoneon?" "why not just go with rockeon?" she asked, "even stoneon is better than bouldeon!" "oh!" astrid said, "i'm a flareon! my father used to say that all the time!" "no, you're not!"
Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A
Pokemon completely segregated from humans can barely understand them at all, like the stoneon astrid and that female zubat (notice how she didn't respond to anything silver said?)
The Human Species Ch. 25 - Unique Revolutionist Zoroark
![zoropreview.png](http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/7730/zoropreview.png) "I trust there are no objections?" the dark one calling itself Zoroark asked with a cocky tone. It was a wolf-like humanoid who reminded Lucario a lot of himself. It had...
The Human Species Ch. 28 - Trickery (Epilogue of Episode V)
Lucario exclaimed with a smile, the stoneon's childlike and innocent demeanor coming as a nice contrast to zoroark, "you're alright, astrid. be careful who you associate yourself with." "oh..."