Evolution's Gate Ch.3 - Zerobi's Story

Would you prefer pebbleon, or stoneon?" "why not just go with rockeon?" she asked, "even stoneon is better than bouldeon!" "oh!" astrid said, "i'm a flareon! my father used to say that all the time!" "no, you're not!"

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Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A

Pokemon completely segregated from humans can barely understand them at all, like the stoneon astrid and that female zubat (notice how she didn't respond to anything silver said?)

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The Human Species Ch. 25 - Unique Revolutionist Zoroark

![zoropreview.png](http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/7730/zoropreview.png) "I trust there are no objections?" the dark one calling itself Zoroark asked with a cocky tone. It was a wolf-like humanoid who reminded Lucario a lot of himself. It had...

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The Human Species Ch. 28 - Trickery (Epilogue of Episode V)

Lucario exclaimed with a smile, the stoneon's childlike and innocent demeanor coming as a nice contrast to zoroark, "you're alright, astrid. be careful who you associate yourself with." "oh..."

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