Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 4 and 2

Cardia interjected. "oh my god," sko said shaking his head for side to side. "c'mon," my writing counterpart seethingly emitted putting a hand to his forehead and leaning forward on it disappointed. "you're going to do it.

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Mythical Beastmen Ch. 3

"not that," nazuna interjected. "we need to talk about our relationship." "what?" michiru gasped out, confused. "we're still friends aren't we?" "it seems like that." nazuna confirmed.


Southern Free Agents, Ch 5

Most of the party let her grouse, but malik, after the second hour of hearing the kobold complain, decided to interject. "you know... even if there are undead--" djona interjected "there aren't." the gecko continued unabated.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.3)

He only half listened as the old man berated the boy for getting up to mischief, it was only when he stopped for breath that skye was able to interject that there was more to his disappearance than simple mischief. "i'd feared that was so."

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Ardring - Chapter 3

Zerrif's mother interjected. she was a creamy colour, but somewhere in her family line had been golden brown. that's where zerrif got that from.

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Splintered Light, Ch 10.1: Second Place Is...

Willem interjected. "was, or is?" the rigger shrugged. "if they are building it then there's no one around now." the goat snorted. "lumber trip?" viktor was definitive in his answer. "there's nobody there.

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Rangertale, Ch.6: Samnic Intrigue

Mels, ever quick to disagree, interjected. "i do not doubt your skill in statecraft, rumelis, but wouldn't that take too long?

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 6)

"on second thought," interjected solomon rather abruptly. "this job is better suited for carnivores. i hate to ask you this, president, but would you accompany me instead?"

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Chapter 6: Monday

Reis interjected. the three looked at him. "the tobias kid," said joji gravely. reis felt his stomach sink. "tobias? the tiger?" joji nodded. "i was gonna to tell you later, before we release his name tonight.

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Cold Blood 12: Interlude

**senior made it clear to me** , interjected _alpha_. _quellingly._ **it was good to see for ourselves.** the concordance shifted to _dubious-acceptance_, but no particular _alpha_ was willing to challenge the _alpha_.

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Writing Tips vol. 4

One thing i see a lot of is accidental omniscience; random interjections with thoughts of characters other than the current pov character.

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Continued Exchange, Part 1

He was interested but before he could respond, timon interjected. "wait, wait, wait, the monkey's in on this too?" rafiki took no notice. "i have been trying to study this... energy that has done this to you.

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