Michael and Amanda, Chapter 5
Humans still significantly outnumbered humanimals and, even though humanimals were accepted as intelligent beings, some politicians saw them as a commodity to be used and humanimals were, basically, forced into slavery, every kind of slavery."
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 29
About 150 years ago, there was a series of murders, specifically a number of humanimals were murdered." "humanimals were targeted? why?" "nobody knows.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 13
"because when a humanimal female enters heat, she becomes almost insistent to have sex with the male of her choice.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 4
She chooses to learn more about michael first while explaining how humanimals are, genetically, half-human and half-animal, hence the name humanimal.
Gotham Yule
If the humanimals could be trusted those made to be security could make excellent police creatures in any number of different roles.
There's No Way, Chapter 58
Albert and michelle kissed, turned toward the door, and, to the strains of the humanimal wedding march, walked toward the reception room.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 3
As they shopped, michael noticed that either the humanimals hadn't discovered jeans or drs. leo and tigresa didn't care for the material.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 14
As strange as it may seem, knowing his attitude towards having a close relationship with a humanimal, especially a female humanimal, michael was more than a little concerned that she was going to tell him that, because of what he had said to her saturday afternoon
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 30
Of course, there's also the fact that in humanimal society, a divorce is very difficult to get.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 9
Look, michael, the only difference between a humanimal and a human is our heads and fur." "i know. dr. leo and his tutor explained humanimal anatomy to me.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 26
After all, i'd said so many times that i couldn't bring myself to even consider a relationship with a humanimal woman.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 28
If michael hadn't had his mental block about relationships with humanimals, he'd likely be my son-in-law, jacob."