Michael and Amanda, Chapter 1

She meets the local womanizer, albert rooikat, and is not impressed with him, even a little bit, although he's very impressed with her.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 9

Michael looked up from the computer he was currently working on to see albert rooikat entering his office door. "yes, albert. what can i do for you? please don't tell me you're having problems with your computer again."

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 8

VIII Amanda Fuchs True to her word, Mrs. Impisi had housekeeping send someone to assist with making Michael's office clean and presentable that very afternoon. The two of them, the other being a young Rhesus monkey by the name of Miss Apina,...

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There's No Way, Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Michelle's Wedding The next month was a hectic one for Michael and Amanda. They had four weddings to attend, plus plan their own. Reginald and Rosa were first. Even though the Lobo-Rojo family was content to wait a few...

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 28

I understand that he convinced albert rooikat to tone down his rambunctiousness around her and she's starting to warm up to him. i understand that albert and michelle are dating, seriously dating." jacob said, "good.

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