can't make it this week (sorry) - Thursday Prompt Story [#11, 16/3/23]

I didn't have to wait much longer, however, as i managed to actually form my head again from the goop, allowing me to see the world again. or at least, the bedroom i was now stuck in. it was rather small, all things considered...

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Chapter II: Tomorrow Never Dies Hard

He climbed up and got his head in to the elevator and changed it into goop, still controlling his body and changing his body into goop as he changed everything but his arm into goop.

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50 Shades of Black (goo TF)

Even as i looked, the goop crept up my leg. the portion it covered felt like it had fallen asleep. okay. okay. maybe it was some chemical. so i needed to get outside before i blacked out. maybe i was already hallucinating.

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CARDBOARD Episode 2: THe Stellar Failsafe

"had a heck of a time finding and-" he noticed the goop. "that doesn't look good. ugh, shouldn't have left the shrink ray at home."

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044 - The Fool pt.04

-the goop? suggests ell -i mean, i guess? yeah the goop. they clean up the gloop, so butters and by extension: us, are gonna be fine. ell makes a big sigh of relief, before going back to finish their milkshake related task.

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MSBA- Transformation

Once the goop has drained enough for my head to be free i take the mask and pull it out, gasping at the thought of being able to finally breathe freely again.

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The Unintended Curse ch10

She would constantly mumble through the goop until her eyes went even wider as the stuff oozed it's way into her mouth and down her throat.

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Ektus (Commissioned)

Ektus placed a paw in the first's face, the goop quickly wrapping around the head, muffling her cries as his paw acted corrosively by command this time, melting her features and killing her shortly after.

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[The Last Commissions] A Breakfast Story

Smiling to himself, justin ran his knife through the goop, and then watched with delight as he spread it atop the pancake, and it 'melted' not into runny liquid, but instead into the surface of a world. it had everything a world should have.

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Liquid Lunch

Soon the last of him dripped off the chair and onto the hardwood floor, gelling into a thick, viscous goop, vaguely the same dark green as his scales had been. kebabs didn't sound that appetizing anymore.

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Experiment #1231: Appetite Supplement

Your stomach is the size of a beachball, bloated and massive, gurgling with the mix of food and drink and goop inside you. it's like something out of your fantasies. it _is _something out of your fantasies.

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Dough to Bread (Otherwise Untitled)

The loaf of dough in each was a mishapen and tangled mass of sticky goop, though it appeared to be a fair bit larger than when she had left it to set the hour before.

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