A Mind of Confusion - short poem

We decided to make the theme multiple personality disorder. so the horse, that our lovely artist provided us, is a personification of the disorder. i'm a huge fan of doing this kind of stuff. i adore writing in another's point of view.

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Colony Collapse Disorder

#32 of poetry i double checked just now, and according to wikipedia we still don't know what causes colony collapse disorder. i remain convinced that it's going to turn out to be monsanto's fault.

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Borderline Personality Disorder

"borderline," she said, "personality ... disorder. b.p.d. ... we both got borderline personality disorders." a smile. and a giggle-squeak. "you know? you think?" jinx chuckled with her.

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Chikorita Catches a Mudkip: Chapter 2

Jennifer awoke to find her Chikorita staring at her, her eyes beaming with pride. _Okay,_ Jennifer thought to herself, _that is not at all suspicious._ "What did you do?" She asked out loud. Chikorita just hopped from foot to foot making happy...

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Chikorita Catches a Mudkip: Chapter 3

Chikorita followed Jennifer down the trail in silence on her way to some city in which they'd do battle. Chikorita didn't know the name, Chikorita didn't care, her mind was on the Mudkip she had caught for her trainer, who was still remaining silent...

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Blood Rose-6

He wrapped his arms wrapped around her knees, squeezing her tight as she let her more feral side play out on him. Her leap of faith was rewarded, as he dropped the dagger to the ground to fall backwards and bowl them over. He felt her needle sharp...

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, bulimia nervosa (an eating disorder) obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder)_exercising compulsively, any type of compulsive behavior, excessive sex with or without a partner and so on.

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Scribbles of the Insane #1

While they may suffer from mental disorders or death, their writing lives on for them, to show others what minds belonged to yester year or in the present.

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Chapter Seventeen

"he told me that you have borderline personality disorder and clinical depression. he explained how your bpd affects your mood and your actions.

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Des Revell - A brief biography

Compounding his problem, he contracted amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a debilitating neuromuscular disorder that gradually destroys all voluntary motor functions.

The Glowing chapter 3

Mandie and bobby got to know each other do to behavioral disorder. mandie has spent more than a hand full of days with bobby's dad do to disorderly conduct.

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Faith and Truth: Chapter Two

It's not a disorder." brenda quieted down and let her husband speak. alex chalked one point up for his argument. "we're getting off the point alex..."