Tina's Story Chapter 59 New Beginings

With that, colleen grabbed the bag, lydia, and her mink coat, and went downstairs. sean was waiting at the curb in colleen's sebring convertible. colleen stuffed lydia, her stuff, and herself into the back seat, and sean pulled away smartly.

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Tina's Story Chapter 63 The Scandal

"who, colleen? who do you love?" colleen looked back with the softest eyes lydia had ever seen. "you. you are the love of my life." without a word, lydia took colleen in an embrace.

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Star Hopper chapter 11

The guards stopped firing, the one who'd shot colleen looked down at his gun in disbelief, he'd just killed colleen. he felt a nudge on his shoulder and looked up, the pirate was pulling a perfectly fine colleen into the cockpit.

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Tina's Story Chapter 77 Charm School -A Gray Muzzle story

The girls had a great time, feeling closer to each other, and to colleen. "so, colleen did we pass?" violet inquired "yes, you all pass." colleen replied, with obvious pride "so, is this like the end? i love you guys...."

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Star Hopper chapter 16

"colleen, when we get though this i'd like to spend my life with you. will you marry me?" colleen coughed again and feebly nodded her head.

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Star Hopper chapter 14

"colleen, how's the kit?" colleen's face changed, it no longer was one of worry for herself but for her kit.

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Tina's Story Chapter 75 A recap of 'Tina's Story

Meanwhile, colleen ends up sleeping with kc after a night of drinking. then colleen meets an old flame, and sleeps with him. colleen gets drunk, and sleeps with her best friend lydia, who misreads things, and leaves her husband.

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Star Hopper chapter 15

You see," he explained to colleen, "when we fly this low the long radar can't see us." the two shared the pilots seat, ian gave colleen the most room. he still hurt but colleen hadn't even spoke since she heard the news.

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Star Hopper chapter 17 (last chapter)

Ian found out later that colleen had adopted the queen's kit, sapphire. she didn't tell her about her real mother and that she had killed her herself. ian sighed in the spring air, he wrapped his paw around colleen.

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Star Hopper Chapter 10

Out of options colleen sighed and squeezed rilph's paw, he giggled. "how's it coming?" colleen put up a fake smile which he bought, "why don't you feel for yourself!" colleen pulled rilph's paw up on to her stomach and let him feel.

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Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

colleen screamed. "colleen!" hunter screamed. "no hunter! you're far to injured! don't move!" keith said. hunter wasn't listening, he pulled out the auto shotgun and started tearing through the crowd. "colleen! colleeeeen!"

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colleen: yes, it's absolutely ghastly. nitro: that's all the time we have! thank you colleen for being such a great interviewee! colleen: it was a pleasure! i'd better get back to the master.

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