Star Hopper chapter 11
#11 of Star Hopper
11 of 17 of my book star Hopper! once again it will be avalible on after all the chapters have been uploaded. Enjoy!.
Ian woke up with a start, his head spinning. Erit and Luyi were sitting playing with the rocks that littered the ground .
"Oh, look who came to. About time." Erit said. Luyi fell back and leaned against the wall, "well while you were out, things happened."
Ian rubbed his shoulder with a free paw, "Like what?"
"Like your trial, it has been moved to today. You're out of here."
" 'bout time, half-breed." Luyi narrowed his eyes at Erit and continued talking to Ian. "I don't know when it is exactly, but my guess is soon." He looked back at Ian, "well for me it's been nice knowing you."
Ian extended the remark, "Yeah, you too. Although I don't think I can say the same for Erit though."
"What about me! Don't forget me!"
Ian took a deep breath as Colleen materialized in front of him, "Aren't you going to miss me? Well," She placed a finger to her muzzle, "I'm going with you until you die so, I guess I'll say goodbye then. But I'll just hang around here for the time being."
Luyi noticed Ian going into a trance of some kind, he was just staring onto the distance. Luyi followed his line of sight but nothing came up. Suddenly, their cell door turned green and two large burly guards made their way in. "You," one of them pointed at Ian, "get up, you've got a trial."
Ian shook his head and tried to get up, his legs were still weak but he managed and followed the guards who put cuffs around his wrists. He limped out of the cell leaving Luyi and Erit behind, but Colleen followed. The cell door changed to red and the guards pushed Ian out of the cell block and into a transport to the city where the judge awaited.
The room where the court was going to take place seemed very happy to Ian for a place where judgments were handed out on a daily basis. It was brightly colored with seats for furs to sit and watch. To the left of the front of the room were two elaborate thrones, Ian guessed for the King and the Queen. On the other side were two chairs, and in the front was like a stage, a stage for arguing. Although Ian thought that there'd be no arguing in this case, in fact he didn't even know why he was having a trial. Was is just a publicity stunt? For the time being the room was quiet with nobody in sight except for himself and a couple guards standing adjacent to him. Although it was quiet in the room, you could hear the din of the crowd waiting to get through the large double doors that opened into the seating portion. It almost felt as if he was going to perform a play.
A click from the end of the room bought Ian's attention. From the right side of the room a door opened, and in waddled a small fat fox. Quite the opposite of their stereotype. In one paw held a computer and in the other, nestled up under his arm, was a stack of papers. Below his eyes resting on his muzzle lay a pair of perfectly round spectacles. He hurried to Ian and gave him a look, and in a high nasally voice gave his remarks.
"Bah, expected more." He said "You'd think the most well-known pirate in the galaxy would have a little more to show for it. I expected to see some one big." He motioned with his paws in a wide circular motion, "but what should I expect."
Ian had no idea who this strange little fox was and why he got so close to his face. The fox backed away and with his papers still tucked under his arm he moved his paw up and met his face to it to push up his spectacles with a finger. He looked at the guards, "sit him in the seat up front. We're starting soon." One of the guards walked ahead of Ian and the other one pushed at his back to get him moving. They pushed him to the front of the room and forced him to sit in a very uncomfortable chair. It didn't even have a hole for his tail. He glanced over at the pudgy fox and found him setting up at a desk on the right side of the room. After a few brief seconds, without looking up from the papers that he'd just placed on the desk, he motioned. "You can let them in now, we're almost ready."
The guard to the left of Ian nodded his big head and spoke into an earpiece. Within a few seconds the two large doors began to slowly swing open reveling a small crowd of furs, fox and wolf. The din had now turned to a dull roar as they filed into the room looking excitedly around. All at once, the voices stopped and all the eyes centered on Ian as most of them had looked at the pirate for the first time. Whispers echoed through the room.
"Is that him?"
"He looks scrawny, that can't be him."
"Black Son? Really?"
"It's a fraud, that can't be."
"Yeah, it's probably a fake. The real one is probably dead."
"Black son should be large. And well-built too."
Ian couldn't resist that one, he looked and found a she-wolf that was a bit on the large side, her eyes looking at the ceiling. One by one each one found their seat and the talking began to grow again.
The pudgy fox sitting at the desk finally looked up from his work and stood up. He spoke, Ian was surprised how far his voice carried. "Order."
The room grew silent, but there were still scattered whispers around, he waited.
"Thank you, I don't think I need to tell you why you are all here today." A couple quick chuckles escaped, but the foxes face showed that it wasn't supposed to be amusing. "The trial of the pirate Black son will commence in ten minutes." He went back and sat at his desk while murmuring grew to a thunder. After five minutes of continued talking the two large doors at the end of the room where the furs first came in opened in what seemed like a grander scale. In walked the King, his royal robe held by servants behind him. He held himself with a type of grandness and awe that could only be achieved by years of constant praise. Behind him followed the Queen, her vibrant fur drawing eyes from some males from the crowed. Lastly, Colleen walked in. Her fur was in a class in itself, the ones who hadn't gawked at the Queen couldn't take their eyes off of her. Some of them got slapped by their mates.
The three walked, regally, to their seats in front of everybody else. Colleen kept her eyes down and on the floor. Ian kept his head down but let his eyes follow her; she sat down and sunk to her chair with guilt in her eyes. She finally caught a glance his way which he quickly moved his eyes away from her. Even knowing that she couldn't have possibly seen his glance. The little, fat fox stood from his desk again and readied to speak. "We'll begin now."
Skye sat in her chair at her shop with her pads on the counter in front. Her eyes shut calmly as she dreamed. Her chest slowly rose up and down with her slow breaths. On the ground around her lay several bottles. Bot watched her, he sat on the counter near the lamp thinking to himself. He wondered how Ian was, if he was ok or if something terrible had happened to him. Knowing the reputation of the prison that he was sent to, it's more like something terrible had happened. His eyes once again rested on Skye, the fact that she was Ian's step sister still resonated a feeling of "how" through him. Skye moved, her paws stretched out followed by a long, drawn out yawn.
"Wha' thime is it?" She asked, still half asleep.
"Not what time, what day. You slept through the early evening yesterday and into today. I took the liberty of closing up for you. And it's about 10:00." Skye had a binge of alcohol yesterday, he didn't exactly know why. Maybe it was the idea of braving all the court security, nabbing the biggest criminal in recent history out of the chair and running out. All while getting shot at. But how would getting drunk help? He didn't understand, whenever he asked Ian about alcohol he just responded, "you don't understand fear." And every time he responded with a "I have a feeling synthesizer." Which got a "Yeah, a simple one." It didn't matter anyway Skye was groggy and didn't look at all ready to move.
"What day's the court?"
"three weeks." Bot replied, not knowing that his information was way out of date, "plenty of time."
Skye held up a thumbs up followed by a toothy grin, "y... you keep an eye on that for me. I'm a' gonna go back to sleep." She took a bottle from the ground, peered inside it and took one last swig from it and leaned back. But the chair she sat in started to creak, "uh, Skye?" She batted a paw at the robot, "leave me alone!"
"I don't think you should lean that far back?"
With that remark to chair fell to pieces leaving Skye on her butt on the ground. But it didn't matter to her, she just laid down right on the floor and slept.
Colleen sat with her legs crossed only half paying attention to what anyone was saying. Her attention level had dropped from 75% to 35% and was still plummeting. She heard bits and pieces here and there but mostly she didn't care, one look at that dirty, lying pirate and whatever he got he deserved. But with a second look she thought back beforehand, she was happy. Ian saved her, and protected her. So every once and a while she stole a glance at Ian, hoping that he wouldn't see her.
Furs went up and down, telling their stories, explaining why the space pirate should be dismembered in the worst way possible. From what it sounded like the pirate had done almost everything from simple shoplifting to murder.
The latest "witness" walked off the stage and the pudgy fox stood and announced the latest one. "Will the Queen please rise and present her side." The queen nodded, stood and walked to the stage with as much grace as she could muster. She started, this one, Colleen had to listen too.
"Imagine your most favorite thing in the world. Think about the thing that you've always wanted, and then when you finally got it you couldn't express your happiness." She got some nods form the audience.
"Now imagine if somebody took that and broke it, mangled it, downright destroyed it." She paused for a moment to let them think about the scenario. "It would make you mad right, right. You wouldn't push it off like a stubbed toe, hurting for five minutes and it goes away, it sticks with you." Her voice heightened for effect. She quieted down and held up a finger. "Am I right?" Grunts of approved sounded through the audience. The Queen paused for a long while. "Imagine if that was your children, your offspring, your heir!"
Colleen snapped into focus, what was she talking about. The crowd gasped at the question.
"Because that's what happened to me! That dirty low life, that abomination of nature solid my perfect daughter. Because right now that bitch is carrying an impure Kit. One of both wolf and fox blood! A half-Breed!"
She marched over to Ian. "Because of him! My daughter is now impure." She scoffed, "Having sex with a half-breed. That's worse than with a wolf!" She moved to Colleen and leaned in. "You're not my daughter anymore. As far as I'm concerned you're just as guilty as him!"
Colleen was in shock, her own mother disowned her in front of everybody, she quickly glanced at her dad but saw an empty chair. Tears started to run down her snow white fur.
Ian stood, dumb and brainless. Almost as if his brain had exploded, Colleen was carrying his kit, and The Queen just disowned her.
"So, I put forward that not only does Ian die for what he has done, but this lying, careless, slut also."
The shock had spread from Colleen and Ian to the entire room in a matter of seconds, even the fat fox, who'd thought he'd seen it all was taken by this turn of events. The queen however smiled with her success. She'd done it. Her plan was taking effect, she turned to the empty seat where the king would be and smiled slyly, that was taken care of.
The fox stood from his desk at the opposite side of the room, "This turn of events certainly requires some thought. We're going to take a recess for now, so I can consult and come to a decision." He motioned for the queen to follow him into a back room. The second they were gone the room erupted with noise, along with people sending messages to their friends about the events that had unfolded. Guards surrounded Colleen and Ian, not to protect her, but to imprison her.
Ian watched Colleen break down, what could he do? Slowly, and timidly he reached out a paw and touched her shoulder. She nudged it off but then looked back. There was Ian, his body in pieces and soul broken but one look on his face told Colleen everything. "I'm sorry."
Anger swelled in her, "That still doesn't change anything, you ruined me and my entire life. Now I'm probably going to die!" She calmed herself, "No, no I'm not. They're going to see through this." She was talking to herself but let Ian listen in, "No way that they'd just downright kill me. I'm the fricken princess!"
Quietness overtook her. Ian found his window, "Is that really our kit?"
Colleens eyes turned sweeter and she laid a paw on her stomach, "Yes, this little one is ours." He inched forward cautiously not wanting to anger the already furious fox. He reached out a paw to place on Colleen's stomach. She allowed it.
Spectators watched as the mean, uncaring, heartless pirate they'd all heard about tenderly placed his ear next to Colleen to listen to his kit. His actions were completely the opposite of what all of them had heard. Ian stood and drew in a deep breath and grasped both of Colleens paws in his. "Colleen, I'm sorry. What I did I shouldn't have done, it was completely wrong. Please take this apology from every bit of my being."
Tears formed at his eyes and rolled down his fur. Colleen, looking at the floor, lifted her head to find Ian begging her. Warmth filled her in this dire time, a feeling of peace came to her. One that could only be achieved by staring deeply into his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and brought him close, "I don't like what you did, and I don't think I can forgive you for that."
Ian's heart jumped.
" But, that doesn't stop me from loving you."
Through Ian's eyes the phantom Colleen began to break up, her arms and legs dissolved like sand in the wind. Her eyes closed and she disappeared forever.
In his arms now stood the real one, carrying his kit and about to be sentenced to death. Something had to be done.
"What the fuck are you two doing," one of the guards yelled, "get them apart." Two of the now abundant guards pulled them from each other.
The Queen and pudgy fox emerged from the back door to a completely quiet room, it was as though all their voices had been taken. Both glanced around to find the cause and found it in Ian and Colleen who were staring deeply at each other.
"See what I was saying" yelled the queen. "That pirate fucked my princess, now she's a impure bitch with a half-breed as an disgusting offspring."
The hurtful remarks stabbed Colleen like a knife, trying to kill her and her kit, "she doesn't deserve to be royalty. She doesn't even deserve to walk on this ground, the only place where she'd fit is in the Brink!"
The fox sighed and walked to the middle of the room, right in between Ian and Colleen, "Due to thievery, murder, espionage, rape, and piracy. Black son will be sentenced to death, date to be confirmed. Pending a DNA and pre-birth test the Colleen will to be sentenced."
Colleens voice ripped through his decision, "What? I didn't do anything wrong, you're killing me for having a cub and getting pregnant!"
The fox turned to her
"Did you willingly have sexual relations with the pirate Black son?"
His question was pretty bold to say the least, Colleen stole a glance at Ian. The words escaped from her muzzle quietly, "y...yes."
"Are you in love with this pirate?" His paw pointing at Ian's face.
Colleen protested, "this is a court trial, you can't base judgment on feelings!" He held up a paw, "just answer the question!"
Her eyes fell down and to the side. "Yes."
Even though it wasn't too much of a surprise to anybody at this point, the crowd still gasped.
"One final thing, did you have a relationship with a servant named Rilph?"
Colleen was dumbfounded, how could they have known. "Well, yes but..."
He interrupted her, "Thank you, now as shown by these facts, Colleen will be sentenced."
"Wait just a fucking minute!"
The crowed was enjoying this back and forth banter between the judge and Colleen.
"How did you even know that?"
This time a snicker came from the queen, "Do you take me to be that stupid? Really? There is nobody by the name of Rilph, his name is Keal, and he's a personal servant of mine." The now named Keal walked down the aisle, "he is a spy I put in your way."
Colleen shook her head, "No, no that's not him. killed him so he'd stay out of your way. That's not him no no no!"
The queen smirked, "Didn't you think it was a bit coincidental that 'Rilph' happened to look almost exactly like Black son."
Keal stomped up to Colleen and stared her directly in the eyes, "I fooled you. You stupid bitch." His head shook, "Betraying your kingdom like that." He leaned in close and whispered, but he did so in a way that everybody could hear, "and you're shit in bed."
Colleen couldn't take it anymore both her paws clenched and she growled from the darkest parts of her heart. Keal laughed, "do you honestly think you can do something no..."
His sentence was cut off by Colleens paw wrapped around his neck, "you fucking bitch!" She squeezed with all her might. Keal gasped for breath, the noises he made echoed through the room, everybody was too stunned to even realize what was happening. A loud POP replaced the gurgling, she'd broken his neck.
Ian was stunned, the guards stood dumfounded. Colleen snarled and pounced on a nearby guard knocking him on the ground, she went in for the kill, ripping his throat out leaving blood splatter on everything around it. The crowed watched in horror as the princess stood, her muzzle stained and dripping with blood. Before they could make the connection, Colleen had killed again, and again.
Ian knocked himself out of the trance, he saw Colleen take down guard after guard. Blood stained her dress and muzzle giving her an evil look. Ian saw an opening and shouted at her
"Let's go! Come on!"
She didn't stop, the revenge was a drug to her. It was like a sweet nectar that had been withheld for a long time.
He grabbed her paw and raced down the aisle to the two large doors.
"Shoot them! Shoot them!" The queen jumped up and down like a toddler trying to get her guards to do something, the ones that were left finally got the cue and began firing their plasma rifles down the aisle. Colleen and Ian reached the two doors, Ian pushed one of them open as bolts began to rain down onto them. They grazed both of their fur leaving burns and wounds, although, every time Colleen was hit it didn't seem to affect her. Ian dove through the doors followed by Colleen and they ran as fast as they could, running right past guards who had no idea what was going on.
The other guards burst through the double doors racing after their prey shouting "get them! Shoot them!"
Ian looked behind, "Uhh, Colleen, we have about ten guys chasing us!" She didn't care, "shut up and run, there's a hanger in the next wing!"
They pushed their bodies to the limit, Colleen tore her dress along the way leaving tattered shreds behind.
They pushed on through the doors that separated the wings of the building, "To the left! To the left! To the left!" Colleen shouted pulling Ian in the right direction. She pointed ahead, "right there through those doors. There should be a craft small enough to get into warp but leave behind a small enough residue."
They slammed into the doors and found themselves in a huge silver hanger, lined with small one pilot fighters. Colleen searched franticly, "No, no, no this is wrong. There should be something here!" Ian decided he dragged Colleen to one of the fighters, "this'll have to work, you can sit in my lap."
The doors slammed open with even more guards wielding a wider arrangement of weapons, some that even shot obsolete solid shot rounds. The opened fire, Ian opened the hatch and climbed in reaching his paw for Colleen, but a shot found its way right through her chest splattering crimson red everywhere.
She fell to the ground, a pool of blood started to form to the right of her. The guards stopped firing, the one who'd shot Colleen looked down at his gun in disbelief, he'd just killed Colleen. He felt a nudge on his shoulder and looked up, the pirate was pulling a perfectly fine Colleen into the cockpit. All were too stunned to even shut their muzzles, much less shoot.
Ian slammed the hatch shut and hugged her to place his paw on the wound to stop the bleeding, but to his surprise it'd already stopped. "Take off, hurry they're going to get us!"
It took a second for Ian to realize that it was Colleen talking, nobody should have survived that shot. But questions later he slammed the ignition button. The ship creaked, he threw the throttle forward shooting out of the hanger, and even reaching warp before the ship was out of the atmosphere.
The dumfounded guards piled around the pool of blood that lay on the ground, the amount was proof that they'd shot Colleen through the heart. But all of them saw her still alive, one knelt down and felt it between his fingers. Scared, he jumped back, "That's no blood I've seen." All of them sat around the pool, splatter was also present around clearly showing more blood loss. A loud boom brought their attention to the door to the hallway, the queen stood there furious.
"What the fuck are you doing!"
Her tone was one that of a drill sergeant would use against his most hated recruits. She marched up to the huddle, "what are you all staring at!" Her pads almost stepped in the red liquid, but she quickly jumped back avoiding running her perfect fur. "Wait, did you kill one of 'em? Which one?"
They all looked around at each other, not really knowing what to say, neither of them wanted to get her mad. After all, she just disowned her own daughter and wanted to kill her. "Which one?"
Finally, after some hesitation one stepped forward, "Uh, we were unable to capture or kill the targets."
The queen growled, "how do you explain all this blood then?" He looked down for he didn't want to look directly into her eyes, "we don't know. Colleen was shot but she got up like it was nothing and climbed into the fighter with the pirate."
The queen argued against them even though they were there, "no way, she should be dead, are you sure she got up and climbed in." All of them nodded, "she fell, but immediately after she got back up and climbed in with black son. I... we don't know what or how it happened."
The queen closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, accompanied with clenched paws. Her deep growling made all of them take a step back. "Clean this up and take a sample I want to know what is up with her. That bitch."
"Yes ma'am!" All of them said in no specific order and got to their jobs while The Queen retreated back to the hallway.
Colleen held a paw over her wound, her breaths were short and raspy. Her eyes were sealed shut, even though the wound healed quickly and it didn't bleed other than the initial shot the pain was beyond anything she'd ever felt. Each time a short breath entered her body, it felt like the shot dug through her body again. Her raspy breaths reached Ian's ears and he cringed, he couldn't bear to see her hurt like that. "Wh...where a...are we g...g...going?" Her shallow breaths making her stomach rise up and down quickly. Ian brought her in close and whispered into her ear, "Shhhh, don't talk. You don't want hurt yourself more." Her face cringed with more pain. The blood stain on her white dress, now in tatters, was large and prevalent, but it had stopped and that's all that mattered. Ian didn't know what he was dealing with, but he had to get her some medical attention. For not only was she in jeopardy but his Kit lay within her as well.
The stunt fighter entered Alleendro's atmosphere. After almost a two day's flight with Colleen in searing pain, the dust ball looked inviting. As for Colleen herself, she'd dropped in and out of consciousness, causing Ian to freak every time. The ship landed with a soft thud as a cloud of dense dust whipped up around them, making their landing visible for miles. As soon as the engines had died down, Ian pushed the canopy open, he placed his paws under Colleen and lifted her. She moaned and brought a paw up to Ian's face, "my, are you still here? You're supposed to be dead!" Her voice being weak and feeble. Ian stared directly into her deep eyes, tears forming around his own. "No no no no no, I'm fine. But you got shot." Ian's voice quickened, "don't worry though, we'll get you right. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry." He kept repeating it as he carefully descended down the ladder to the ground, mostly telling himself not to worry. With Colleen still in his arms, Ian marched to the city hoping and praying.
Others looked upon Ian weirdly as he ran through the town searching high and low for any type of doctor at all. He was a half-breed carrying a fox who had a huge blood stain on her white dress. His frantic searching brought him to yelling as he ran. "I need a doctor! Excuse me, do you know where a doctor is? Help." Most brushed him off, after all it is the brink. The armpit of the universe, where prostitutes and pirates go to find entertainment, not doctors. "Hey, you! Over here!" Ian twirled around to find somebody leaning out of a door way motioning him to come in. Without question Ian took it, making a gamble. He came into a dark room inhabited by wooden chairs a table and some broken electronics. The thatched room let in little light and the clay walls didn't keep it very insulated.
"Lay her down on the table, I'll get a poultice."
Ian saw the table and carefully placed Colleen on it to keep from disturbing her. He came back after some rummaging with two medical pads and adhesive. "Get those clothes away from the wound, they'll become infected. Use this." He handed him a knife, he took a look at the splotch of black at her chest and began to cut around it. After cutting he peeled the fabric off. He finally got a good look at the wound, or at least what was left of it, the hole was no lager then his small finger compared to the two fingers he thought it was. "What happened to her? This type of wound is only congruent with a solid shell shot, and..." He trailed off, inspecting the wound. "It looks as though its healed some." The stranger then went on to place one of the pads under her at the entry would and then one at the exit, using the adhesive tape to wrap around her entire body restricting her arm movement. When that was done Ian watched the stranger move to her eyes and hold them wide open.
"There's something in these," he said trying to get it out, "I can't exactly make out what it his."
After some seconds of trying, he succeed and peered into Colleens red eyes wiping the contacts from his finger. Then he moved to her chest and placed his ear over her heart. "She's lost a lot of blood, a 4th of all she has at least." He listened again, "but the remarkable thing is, her heart is pumping fine, even after the severe trauma it's sustained. Most of the time it goes into hyper drive when something like that happens."
"Can you do anything about the blood?"
He ran back to where he found the medical pads. When he came back, he held a small bag of tea and a cup of water. "If she drinks this her blood will regenerate at a faster rate, but nothing can replace rest which she has to do for quite a long time. Even longer to get up to full strength."
Ian looked upon Colleen with worried eyes, but they relaxed a bit it seemed that she was going to make it through. But a sudden question entered his mind. "Uhh, I don't know if you could tell me, but she is carrying a Kit and is it ok?"
The look on his face gave Ian a reason for worry, he leaned down and placed his ear on Colleen's stomach to hear a faint "thump thump, thump thump, thump thump." It seemed a bit faster than it should be but nothing to ride home about. "The Kit is fine, just shaken up a bit."
Ian dove at Colleen and wrapped his paws around her crying tears of joy, he turned his head. "Thank you sir! But why would you, if you mind me asking."
He chuckled, "well, you saved my neck. You killed a wolf I owed money too, that I didn't have and drove off the other one. They were gonna' kill me. I was in the bar and saw everything, but you left before I had a chance to talk to you."
Ian made the connection, "but how were you able to recognize me running through the streets?"
"Let's face it, your fur pattern isn't exactly normal."
Ian smiled and stared deeply at the one he loved, "can't argue with that."