Star Hopper chapter 15
#15 of Star Hopper
Chapter 15 of 17 of my furry book Star Hopper. Two years of off and on writing and it's finally done. I don't pretend to be and expert in editing so there are typos that I didn't catch. But please look past those and enjoy the book!
"Oh, this wasn't the best idea." Ian said as the main supremacy planet came into view. It's dark blue look almost like a beacon in the vastness of space. "I only hope they haven't covered up that area where I used to get in unnoticed." The ship flew in a tight orbit around until they came to a non-populated area; Ian ducked the Hopper under the clouds.
"Yup, still here. You see," He explained to Colleen, "when we fly this low the long radar can't see us."
The two shared the pilots seat, Ian gave Colleen the most room. He still hurt but Colleen hadn't even spoke since she heard the news. She sat watching the scenery speed under their small ship. She didn't even twitch at his comments meant to get a response out of her. His cheery attitude didn't help her at all. He sighed and drew quiet, her blank stare somehow saying. "Be quiet." He made quick glances at her, it had only been one day and her stomach was already getting smaller due to her own body taking back the non-developed, small body.
Small suburbs started to speed past under them, it was almost time to set down. Ian pulled back the speed. Far in the distance lay the large capital city of Juriet, it's skyline ripping through the sunrise that crept up behind it. He pulled the speed back more and took a sudden left to Nuimi prison. Ian pulled into a field with the prison in the far distance. His jets blew the trees back and flattened out the grass beneath it. Colleen shuffled around while Ian pushed the canopy open she followed Ian out. Into the green field and through the small forest to the prison.
Skye curled up in her corner again her one clean spot was once again dirty and she began cleaning it but her finger just smeared more grime around. Her stitches had become infected and it looked as though she had mange. Her muscles still ached and her stomach cramped with the disgusting food that they gave the prisoners. Across the way Erit and Luyi both tried to get her attention for the last couple of days but nothing they tried worked and they gave up. For the past couple of hours thoughts had invaded her head about her being crazy, but it was those vary thoughts that kept her sane. She rolled over to her back and stared at the ceiling of her cell. Was this the last thing that she was going to see? Was this going to be her last things that she'll know?
She sighed, "I hope not."
The smell of plasma wafted through the block, her nose scrunched up. "What?" Skye stood up and limped to the door. The smell grew stronger, "Erit, Luyi, do you smell this?"
The two crawled to the door, the plasma discharge reached their noses. "What is that? That's not normal."
Skye looked at them, "You don't know what that is? It's discharged plasma."
They gave her a blank stare, "From weapons!"
Both looked down the hall and stared at the door to the guards stand. Noises of fighting drifted out as the three grew more and more curious. They watched the door intently hoping whatever it was would come through. Suddenly, without warning, the blue doors turned green.
Skye touched the door, they didn't zap her like usual, it was open, she was free. Along Erit and Luyi. They stepped into the hall and began the slow meticulous walk to the door. Skye moved a bit faster as she heard yelling behind the door.
"Through that door! That's it!"
Skye reached the door and moved to the handle, but just as she touched it the door swung open.
Behind it was a guard his size reaching a few feet taller than herself and his teeth glaring as he looked at her ready to tear her head off. He snarled.
"What the fuck are you doing get back to your cell!"
He pulled up a plasma rifle and aimed it directly at her head. "Or you'll give us a new rug."
Skye cowered, but the blow didn't come. She sneaked a peek past her closed eyes and saw his pupils grow smaller. The rifle dropped from his paw and he fell face first into the ground. Just barely missing Skye who had jumped out of the way.
Skye looked up from the dead body and saw Ian put down his pistol, Colleen close behind him.
One look at him and Skye froze. He was here, back in harm's way, ready to die all because of her. She fell to her knees as tears rolled from her face
"Skye! What's wrong?" Ian raced at her kneeling along with her. "I'm here let's hurry!"
Between her sobs he was able to make out some words, "You're here because of me! It's my fault!"
Ian didn't even take it, "No it's not. I'm here to protect you."
She continued, "They know! They know your my brother and they know that you'd come and rescue me!"
Ian quickly dismissed it, "Come on, they had speculation but no hard evidence."
"Oh really?" A voice entered to conversation, one that was not welcome.
Ian twisted toward the voice, there in front of them stood the Queen, along with Commander.
She stood at a slant and her arms crossed.
"She told us." Her head nodded at Skye, "She whined all about you."
Ian looked back at Skye, her eyes told the truth as they fell to the ground.
"It's all her fault, she's the one who 'gave you out.'"
Ian looked Skye down and growled at the two. "But how did you get it out."
Daysus chuckled, "you see that's the funny part. She did it herself."
"You think that's fucking funny!" Ian's teeth gleamed at them. "You fucked with her and her head!"
"She's the one who pressed the button."
Ian stepped back to Skye and Colleen, Colleen stepped up to his ear. "Ian, let's find a way out before they corner us." Her red pupils shifted around noticing the large guards who were quietly taking place around them and Luyi and Erit.
Daysus slowly brought up a pistol. "This time no trial, no public, no wait. This is clean and easy."
Skye whimpered while Ian drew back a bit more.
A smirk appeared on both the Queens and the Commanders muzzle. Daysus centered the sights on Ian's head, his finger wrapped around the trigger. "Goodbye. Ian."
Daysus started to squeeze the trigger. Ian's breathing grew faster, no magical escapes, no miracles, nothing that was going to happen would help them.
"It's been fun."
Ian sat huddled with lover eyes squeezed shut waiting for the embrace of death, too many times had he been in this. They sat there in silence expecting the shot. Nothing came. Colleen looked up first. She saw the Queen holding her paw out,
"Wait a minute."
With his pistol still aimed at them Daysus argued. "What do you mean? If we wait he could escape! Again!"
She smirked, "What about seeing his love fall apart." Her gaze switched to Colleen who took a quick step back. Ian didn't understand. "Fall apart? What do you mean?" The Queen chuckled, "You're dying Colleen. You know that right? Literally falling apart. That thing that kept you alive through your escape and whatever you did before, is also killing you." Colleen pulled up her paws, she rubbed her fur. More than half of it came out with the motion. Her heart skipped a beat.
"I...I'm dying?"
Ian growled again, "No, you're lying." The Queens tail swished back and forth somehow matching her evil grin. "Look for yourself."
Ian turned and saw the fur on the floor. He growled from the pit of his stomach and bared his teeth.
"What did you do to her?"
Colleen still studied her skin. She could see the blackness spreading. Ian barked at them again.
"What the fuck did you do?"
The Queen smirked again, "Absolutely nothing."
Ian turned back and stared into Colleens eyes, they had fear written in them. He flashed back to the station and when Colleen opened her eyes at him. It was almost like that time, full of fear and apprehension. Ian turned his head back to the Commander and the Queen, they hadn't moved. He backtracked to be by Colleens side once again and wrapped his arms around her. Ian kneeled with Colleen, behind them Skye moved close. Ian parted some of Colleen's hair, it fell out in his paw. Tears started to fall from both their eyes.
"Aww isn't this sweet." The Queen jeered, her voice digging into Ian' s soul and mind.
Ian looked up from Colleens eyes at the Queen and Commander, he took several breaths.
The Queen put one paw behind her perked ear. "Just what?"
"Just...Just kill us now."
Skye and the others sat there stunned at the sudden decision. "Ian! What are you talking about? You got through your entire life on your quick thinking and charm. You've survived where others failed before they started. You're going to give up now? What about the Kit!"
Colleen and Ian looked at each other again.
"What about the Kit?" The Queen said walking toward them. "Did something happen?"
Colleen and Ian looked at the Queen, "Oh! Something did happen!" She walked up to them, "I'll tell you one thing. I bet it was that stuff you put in her."
Ian stood up to face the Queen directly, "I did not do anything to her!"
Backtracking away from Ian, the Queen continued. "Oh ok, I totally believe that." She chuckled at her sarcasm. "Oh! By the way, I had a beautiful kit as well."
This conversation seemed kind of useless to Ian who pulled Colleen from her knees.
"Yes, Yes. Sapphire, the most beautiful and perfect Kit ever born."
Colleen fell onto Ian, her legs gave out below her. "Oh, it looks as though you're running out of time."
Ian snarled, "Fuck this! Just kill us already. We can't even move!"
The Queen smiled, "I'd be happy to oblige. Just wanted to let you know what was happening."
A low growl left Ian as he realized she just wanted to see them squirm.
Daysus brought up his pistol and centered the sights, once again, on Ian's head.
But before he could shoot he jerked and kneeled on to one knee clutching his arm, blood seeped through his fingers. He'd just been shot. The Queen twirled around on her feet trying to find who ever shot the stray bolt.
Daysus's pistol rattled on the floor as a guard that protected a door behind Ian, Colleen and the others fell to the ground in pain, a splatter of blood about stomach high dripped from the wall.
"What the fuck is happening!" The Queen shouted, a shot glanced off the floor near her feet, she jumped at the flash. Ian glanced backward, the door out was clear. "Hurry, get to that door!" Erit and Luyi let Colleen, Skye and Ian pass before they followed. Erit picked up the plasma rifle dropped by the huddled guard with his arms over the hole in his stomach. Ian slammed against the door, locked.
"Shit!" He rattled the door handle, "Where is Bot when you need him!" He barked.
"Right here." Bot jumped from his perch and landed right in front of the door, he looked different then when he had last seen him. A new small plasma gun was implanted on his side.
"It was you?" He nodded, "yup."
Ian almost forgot about the guards who were closing in on them.
"I think you'd better hurry up!" Erit shouted trying to hold them back.
Without saying a word, Bot shot the lock with his newfound toy and the door opened a little. Ian opened the door and let Colleen and Skye through before he followed. "Erit, Luyi! Come on!"
Erit picked up another rifle dropped by a dead guard and tossed it to Luyi. Luyi turned and dashed at the door, Erit shot a couple more times and followed.
He made it to the door but a green bolt burrowed its way through his body. The fox fell face first in the room as Ian shut the door and Bot welded it shut. A crimson puddle grew around his body. Luyi turned him on his back, he struggled to speak.
"Knew I'd die in this fucking place."
Not trying to show it, Luyi grew tears in his eyes. Something he thought had dried up many years before. One more quick breath from Erit and he died on the floor of the guard room of Nuimi prison.
Luyi stood up looking at his friend, he sniffed. "Well, that's done."
He pulled the rifle from Erit's paws and tossed it to Ian, "You'd better get out of here."
A loud pounding came from the other side of the door, their attention moved to a small window on the right side of the room. Skye moved to it and glanced outside the glass. It was a fairly large drop, but it was survivable and it led right into the forest meaning an easy find losing their tail. Ian shot the window, it shattered while the loud banging continued.
"Skye go first." Without question she moved to the window and with a quick breath she jumped, landing in a bush. She groaned and rolled out of it slowly orienting herself.
Colleen went next landing in the bush, she buckled and fell to the side cradling her legs. Bot went after her.
"Luyi come on! You're next." Ian stood by the window waiting for him to jump out. He didn't move from Erit's side.
"I'm sorry to say, but I'm not going with you." Pounding on the door interrupted him. He got up and moved to the side of the door. "I can't live out there, I've spent too much time in here and I would have no place to go."
Ian couldn't figure it out, who would want to stay in a hell hole like this. "Why do you want to stay! They'll just kill you!"
Luyi just smiled at him, "That's exactly what I was hoping for."
More pounding came from the other side, the weld started to loosen. "Not a minute ago you were wanting to die."
Ian shook his head, "That was different! I had no idea what was going to happen. Come on!"
"I'm not going! Now leave, before I throw you out the window."
The pounding stopped, Luyi put his ear up to the door. "I think they're planting explosives, get out!"
Ian pulled himself out the window and jumped aiming for the same bush. He rolled out to find Colleen and Skye huddled together.
"What took so long?" Skye asked.
"Nothing, Luyi's not coming. Now let's get out of here."
Colleen shook her head, "I...I can't move! My legs are broken."
Ian picked up Colleen in his arms, she seemed lighter then she should be. "Don't worry, I've got you."
He began to fall back into the forest when the explosives blew. The explosion rattled their insides but Ian kept running with Colleen in his arms. Bot followed closely behind.
The guards invaded the room to find the mangled corpse of Erit and Luyi with a large chunk of steel imbedded in his stomach. The Queen followed in suit inspecting the room, "where could you have gone." She said to herself. She noticed the window and made her way to it.
"Out the window you think?" Daysus said following, still holding his arm.
The Queen glanced out the shattered glass and saw the crumpled bush where they had landed.
She turned around.
Her breathing began to deepen and her paws clenched. "Why is it so hard to fucking kill him!" She kicked a chair, it rolled across the floor and bumped into the side wall falling over with a clatter.
They all stood there listening to the Queen take deep breaths. Behind her, outside the window a small ship, about the size of a Star Hopper class lifted from the tree line and shot away into space.
The wolf stood up straight, "Yes?"
"Ready the Trepidation, I'm going with you to make sure the job gets done."
"Yes Queen." He said. "But where are we going?"
The vixen marched out of the room. "We're going to solar system A11-21-00."