WITD Part 9: It's Party Time
Tao's driving was worse the last time Ryn was in the she-wolf's neon green Mustang. The fox was practically clinging to the passenger seat she was sitting in for dear life as the car swerved and made sharp turns that seemed to come close to hitting a...
WITD Part 5: A Helping Hand
"We're here~" Tao mused, pulling up to a large white building with large, tinted windows around the door. Takiro was confused, but climbed out of the car as Tao grabbed her bag and climbed out as well, strolling casually towards the building with the...
Tao Meets The Luxray Part 2
Tao didn't sleep much that night. Her mind was running into overdrive, trying to figure out all the questions running in her head that circled around a mysterious Luxray. She tossed and turned in her bed, screwing up the thick blankets in her turmoil...
WITD Part 8: Worried
Tao watched as the now frightened fox paced back and forth across the bedroom. She was currently sitting on the bed, frowning as she thought while her eyes followed Ryn. "What am I going to do...? I can't go back to him, he'll kill me for sure if he...