WITD Part 9: It's Party Time
#10 of Whispers In The Dark series
Well, here's the next part!
I tried to make this part as long as possible, which took longer to write than what I thought it would be, while trying to work on dialogue and adding a few more characters.
Next part will probably be a bit harder to write. x.x
Also, this is un-edited.
Dax: © dark58 on FA
Tao, Takiro Ryn, and Aimee: © Me~
Tao's driving was worse the last time Ryn was in the she-wolf's neon green Mustang. The fox was practically clinging to the passenger seat she was sitting in for dear life as the car swerved and made sharp turns that seemed to come close to hitting a few street objects and a few buildings. Though, Tao drove completely relaxed and not even a bit worried about running over anything.
It took about fifteen minutes of crazy driving when Tao finally stopped the car. Ryn was still frozen in fear before she slowly pried her claws from the leather seat she's been sitting in before climbing out of the car and onto safe ground. Her small form shook a little before she picked her head up to see where the hell they were. They were parked along a street lined with other cars, buildings packed close together, though most of them were closed for the night. The building that stood out from the rest was the one a few blocks down from where Ryn stood, the glowing lights standing out against the dark with bright neon colors
Takiro was suddenly jerked back to reality when Tao took hold of the fox's arm and began to drag her towards the glowing building. Now closer, she can hear and feel the heavy bass of music from the inside, and the large neon sign lit up above the door says 'The Paw Pad'. There was a line of people, all dressed up for a night of partying, but waiting to get in.
"This is it! Time for a night of no worries and fun!" Tao exclaimed and made her way towards the big bouncer guy with Ryn in tow behind her. They skipped the whole line to stop in front of a buff lion, who was slowly waving people in one by one through the door. The guy looked down at them when they approached, standing about a foot taller than Tao as she looked back up at him, her tail swaying behind her as she stood in a strange pose, leaning her body on one leg with one hand on her hip as she still held onto Ryn's arm with the other.
The lion guy looked them both over, scrutinizing them before he slowly nodded with a grunt, opening the door to let them in. Tao smiled sexily at the guy as she passed, Ryn being very perplexed by this as they entered the building.
They were both blasted with heavy music as they entered and the door slammed closed behind them. Ryn felt the bass run through her body and shook her bones as Tao led her out into a spacious room filled with people, human and fur alike, as the only source of light are neon lasers and strobe lights that flashed around the room. There were tables lined along the walls that a few groups of people were sitting in, chatting away over the music as their faces were dimly lit by the lit candles on the tables.
The words of the song playing blared in Ryn's sensitive ears, but the music made her want to go out there and dance with everyone. Tao had pulled her off to the sidelines of the dance floor, a few other furs approaching the she-wolf with greetings and chatter that Ryn was surprised that they could hear each other's voices over the loud music.
She stood back a bit awkwardly as Tao and her friends talked before one of them noticed the uncomfortable fox with slight surprise on the fur's face. "Awe! don't feel left out, come on and hang with us!" The girl spoke, Ryn unsure what species she was, before she was pulled closer towards the group by the girl. "I'm Aimee by the way!" The girl smiled, Ryn noticing a few of her features in the dim light. She looked like some sort of feline, with black fur but it seemed stripes of different shades of purple shimmered in the colorful lights along her arms and tail. Her hair was long and dark, along with a few feathers sticking up in a crown above her head around her large ears. Folded neatly against her back were a pair of dark feathery wings that shimmered the same purple stripes in the light. She wore a dark purple and black dress that left her shoulders bare and went down as far as her knees.
Tao's other friends had stopped talking as they finally noticed the now uncomfortable fox in a seemingly awkward position. But Aimee was quick to break the silence. "This is the roommate you were talking about Tao? Ryn right?" She asked, her glowing purple eyes looking to the fox with a warm smile that made Ryn smile slightly in return before nodding.
"So you're the shy type? The name is Dax." someone else spoke, stepping forward. He was a tall male folf, his fur a mixed pattern of dark green and black, while his hair was a soft brown with a stripe of green. He wore a simple red shirt and some jeans, but also seemed like a friendly guy.
"Yeah, she's sort of my roomate." Tao answered simply as she examined her well-defined claws. "Always holing up in her room, so thought it would be a good idea to take her out to her first night partying." She smirked while Takiro took a step back, getting uncomfortable now that she realized that this would be her first night 'partying' as how Tao said it.
"Her first time partying? Ever?" Aimee spoke with slight shock before she broke out into a huge grin. "We're gonna make it a good first time then!" She exclaimed as she grinned at Ryn reassuringly, making the fox seem a bit more comfortable now.
But that didn't last long before she was pulled away by the winged feline and out into the crowd of dancers.
"Maybe you shouldn't have said that, Tao." Dax chuckled as the she-wolf watched as Aimee dragged off Ryn into the crowd. "You know how Aimee gets carried away when it comes to newer partygoers."
"Well, needed to get her loosen up somehow. She's very closed up within herself. And let Aimee have her fun, nothing's gonna happen." Tao shrugged and walked over to an empty table to sit down and enjoy the high of music blaring in her ears.
"Loosen up! You gotta swing your hips like this!" Aimee yelled against the pounding music as she was trying to teach Ryn how to dance. The two girls was surrounded by sweaty bodies of other furs around them, making it a bit hard to move as everyone seemed to move like a wave with the music.
Trying to do as Aimee said, she swayed and danced to the beat in her ears, even though she felt ridiculous doing it. "There ya go! You're getting it now!" Aimee exclaimed, dancing gracefully along the dancefloor among the other bodies around them.
After a few songs and much dancing, Ryn felt as if she just went through an extreme workout, and she was dying of thirst. Aimee was still dancing, now with some random guy that seemed to be grinding into her side, but she didn't seem to mind.
Ryn turned and made her way through the mob of people before she managed to make it to the sidelines of the dance floor and found Tao talking to Dax at a table. She walked over and sat down with them, taking one of the few full drinks on the table and downing it quickly. She nearly choked at the burning sensation as the liquid traveled down her throat before she realized it was an alcoholic drink.
"Woah, slow down Ryn. Be careful with that stuff." Dax warned as he took the glass from her and gave her another glass. "This is just water, promise." He offered with a smile. Ryn smiled back a bit sheepishly and took the glass, drinking this one slowly as it soothed the burning away. It was definitely water.
"Aimee driving you crazy already?" Dax asked, leaning back in his chair as Ryn nodded. "That's definitely Aimee. She's a hardcore party-goer." He explained while Ryn slowly drank from her glass of water.
"But don't worry about her driving you crazy all the time, she's really sweet when she's away from parties." Tao mentioned, drinking brightly colored liquid from a small glass. Ryn didn't know what to make of all this, it was a lot to take in all at once, and the loud music blaring in her ears wasn't helping much. She got up from her seat. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." She practically yelled over the loud music to Tao.
Dax got up also. "I'll go with you." He spoke, bringing his glass along with him as he and Ryn walked around the throng of people and outside a side door that lead to an alleyway. A few other furs and humans were hanging around, talking, smoking, or making out in the dark. Takiro just sighed and slid down to the ground, her back leaning against the brick wall of the club.
"You alright?" Dax asked, sitting down next to her with a soft smile. She just shrugged, hugging her legs to her chest as she rest her chin on one knee.
"I'm not used to being around stuff... Like this." She pointed back to the club behind her. Her ears were slightly ringing in the much more silent alley. "Like, I've been living in a world where I've never really heard music or watched tv, or worked a microwave before. I have been hidden in the dark not by my choice for so long." She explained in a soft voice, her eyes becoming distant. "That was just a lot to take in at once." She pointed back at the club once more.
Dax was quiet at first, but she felt arms wrap around her and pull her against a warm chest into a hug. "You make it sound as if you've had a hard past. And you're so innocent now, and I can feel your sadness coming off of you in big waves." He murmured, his grip tightening slightly. "I can never imagine something bad happening to someone like you." He pulled away slightly to look in her eyes, a soft, sad smile on his lips. "If you ever need anyone, need any help or just someone to talk to, me or Aimee would be glad to help." He told her, making her smile slightly.
"T-Thank you..." She muttered quietly, a little unsure, but she felt safe with Dax. She slowly stood back up, with some help from the green folf, and moved to go back into the club. He went in the club first, with her slowly following behind. Before she could pass through the doorway, someone grabbed her from behind, pulling her back into a now empty and dark alleyway.