RISE Plot summary

Grace Tyler prefers to stay out of the spotlight. A shy and quiet fox, she tends to keep to herself. This lifestyle suits her, that is until she is forced to adapt to a changing world, one that is all about staying alive. The dead have risen and...

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If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 3: He May Struggle with his New Life

If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 3: He May Struggle with his New Life Ethan couldn't keep this up, not forever. His master, Luther, had left him in bondage for what felt like hours. Time felt like a distant memory. His paws were bound together by...

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If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 2: He Will Need to know what he is getting into

If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 2: He Will Need to know what he is getting into. Ethan exited the bus with the crocodile Luther. He took a deep breath and followed Luther down the street. "It's just a few blocks this way. Come on," Luther motioned...

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If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 1: He Will Probably Be Happy

"If You Make a Wolf a Slave" Part 1: He Will Probably Be Happy Ethan Hallow exited the hotel lobby and sighed. With one paw in his pocket and the other carrying his duffel bag, he crossed the street and headed for the park. At 25 years old, Ethan the...

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse?

A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse? "Come on Tyler, open up! Here comes the airplane!" Tyson had a spoonful of mashed squash ready for Kilmor. The black dragon slowly opened his mouth and let the spoon enter. The food wasn't bad,...

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life

A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life Kilmor was awakened suddenly by a smack to his nose. His eyes opened immediately and stared right into the eyes of Laura and Roger, the wolf couple who had kidnapped him. They got on either side of him and...

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home

A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home Kilmor groaned loudly and slowly opened his eyes. His vision was still blurry and his whole body ached. The last thing he remembered was chasing after that robber to get the wolf lady's purse back. He...

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Eight: A Change of Heart

**A Dragon for Christmas Part Eight: A Change of Heart** About two months had passed since Christmas and Kilmor had undergone some changes. First off, he was much chubbier than he was when he was taken by the sadistic wolf parents. He felt slower...

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