A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life

Story by PupThumper on SoFurry

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The next part in my Dragon for Christmas series. Rate and fav it if you liked it. Also comment if you would like to see more or if you want to give me some advice. If you like what you see, watch me or send me a friend request. I'll keep you up to date on this series as well as others.

I've got some other projects planned for the future, so stay tuned!

A Dragon for Christmas Part Five: A New Life

Kilmor was awakened suddenly by a smack to his nose. His eyes opened immediately and stared right into the eyes of Laura and Roger, the wolf couple who had kidnapped him. They got on either side of him and lifted him off the floor. They headed to the open door and into the house. Kilmor was surprised they could carry him.

After a few seconds, Kilmor was deposited right near the overly decorated Christmas tree. He could only see a hallway, which probably led to the garage. Laura spoke to him.

"Tyson is waiting in his room. We told him we were getting his "special" Christmas present. Roger is going to get him now. Don't do anything stupid or I will be giving you a spanking you have never experienced before."

Kilmor rolled his eyes, but made no sounds. The last thing he needed was even more humiliation.

Roger walked down the hall and left Laura alone with Kilmor. A door could be heard opening and Kilmor could tell that Tyson was overcome with excitement. In a flash, Tyson had ran down the hall and came to a halt near his mother.

Tyson was a very cute kid. He had light tan fur, a short nose, and a small bushy tail. He was wearing a Christmas shirt with a reindeer on the front of it. He had pajama bottoms on with little dragons printed all over them.

Kilmor prepared himself for what was coming next. He had seen his little cousins on Christmas day before, madly tearing off the wrapping paper so they could get to the prize inside. How berserk would this kid go?

Roger soon entered the living room. He kneeled down close to his son and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Okay son" Roger said, "your mother and I have your special present here. Are you ready to open it?"

Tyson nodded. "Yes Daddy! I can't wait to see what it is!"

Laura smiled then said: "Then have at it!"

It was all a blur to Kilmor. Tyson had started unwrapping his legs, but then went up from there in a flash. In no time at all, Kilmor was on display to this five year old wolf pup, with a pacifier in his mouth and two diapers on, one still a little damp from last night's accident.

Laura and Roger shouted in unison: "Merry Christmas, Tyson!!"

Tyson screeched loudly and started jumping up and down.

"My baby brother, I have a baby brother now!!"

The wolf family hugged each other together. Kilmor couldn't decide if this image was touching or despicable.

Tyson ran over and hugged Kilmor around the neck. That's when it finally hit him.

True, Kilmor was technically a captive for this family and had to pretend to be a baby, but looking into Tyson's eyes made Kilmor feel even worse.

How could he escape now? He couldn't possibly break this wolf pup's heart, even if he parents were a couple of whack jobs. It made the entire situation even worse. Every fiber of his being wanted to break free and run away from this family forever. But the kid, THE KID! It wasn't his fault that Kilmor was kidnapped and dressed up like a baby. Sure, he wanted a baby dragon brother but how could he know that his parents were so desperate to make him happy that they would hold someone hostage?

Tyson had stopped hugging Kilmor and turned to his parents.

"Mommy, Daddy" Tyson asked sweetly. "Why is he so big? I thought babies were supposed to be small"

Laura responded quickly. "He's just big for his age, that's all. Not all babies are the same size."

Tyson nodded. "Well it's still the bestest present ever!"

Roger had cut the tape that bound Kilmor's arms and legs. Now he could move around.

Attempting to stay in character, Kilmor got on his hands and knees and started to crawl. The whole family cooed in unison.

Tyson sniffed the air. "Pheewww! What's that smell?"

Roger and Laura looked at each other and then at Kilmor. They must have been shocked by how well Kilmor was staying in character.

Roger chuckled. "He must have wet himself, the poor little guy. I'll go change him."

Tyson had started to follow when Laura interrupted. "Tyson, why don't you open your other gifts? Your father and your brother won't be gone that long."

"Okay mommy" Tyson squeaked. And he proceeded to open up another of his gifts.

Kilmor crawled his way after Roger and followed him into a room. The smell of baby powder overwhelmed his nostrils. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The whole room was decorated like a baby's room. A giant crib stood next to a wall, complete with stuffed animals and a mobile. Another wall had a giant changing table that had drawers that were most likely filled with diapers, baby powder, and wipes. A giant playpen was set up in a corner with a few blocks and a toy truck inside.

Roger closed the door behind them. Then he spoke: "Okay you're free from babyhood, for now."

Kilmor stood up with relief. He had spent so much time being tied up that his entire body was sore. He stretched out his arms, wings, and legs and let out a huge yawn.

"Okay" Roger pushed Kilmor in the back. "Enough, just get up on the table, and you can take out the pacifier as long as you don't talk too loud."

Kilmor heaved himself on the table and untied the pacifier from his mouth. He could finally speak again.

"Just how long do you expect me to do this? Your son isn't stupid, he's going to figure it out sooner or later. So why don't you just let me be on my way?"

Roger got out two more fresh diapers and some baby powder. As he took off the two dirty diapers, he said: "I don't think so. It's too late, he's already seen you. And besides you seem to be doing a pretty good job of acting like a baby." He laughed as he threw away the pee-soaked diapers.

Kilmor glared at him. "Do you realize I could overpower you in a matter of seconds? I could easily knock you out and make my way out of here. In fact.....

Kilmor had started to reach for Roger when the door had burst open.

"DADDY!!" Tyson was screaming at the top of his lungs. "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT SANTA BROUGHT ME!"

Roger looked at Tyson and smiled. "Hi son! I was just about to change your brother, do you want to help me?"

"YEAH!" Tyson scurried his way towards the changing table. Kilmor had no choice but to lay back down and get changed.

"Now before we start, could you reach into that drawer in front of you and grab a pacifier for your brother?"

Tyson nodded and quickly pulled out the drawer and chose a bright blue pacifier. He went over to Kilmor and offered it to him. "Here baby brother, a new pacifier just for you!"

Kilmor grudgingly let Tyson put the pacifier in his mouth. As Roger gave him a threatening look, Kilmor started to suck on it.

"Okay, now the first thing we need to do is powder him." Roger said. "That way he won't get a rash."

Roger grabbed the powder and sprinkled it all over Kilmor's legs and crotch. He then flipped him over to powder his naked butt.

Setting the powder aside, Roger lifted Kilmor by his legs, took the first diaper, and pushed his tail through the hole and then placed it under him. He placed the front part over Kilmor's crotch and taped the sides.

"Now because he had an accident, we'll put another diaper on him, just in case"

Roger did the same process with the second diaper, making sure it fit nice and snug.

"There" Roger said, raising Kilmor to a sitting position. "Tyson, I got a job for you. Go tell your mother to grab one of the baby bottles so we can feed your brother."

"Okay Dad!" Tyson ran out of the room and shut the door behind him.

Kilmor pulled the pacifier from his mouth. "I know what you are doing. You think just because he is near that I will just continue to play the part. I will tell you right now that it isn't going to work."

Roger smiled slowly. "It appears to be working so far. I'm actually quite surprised you didn't run from the room right then and there. True, you could have overpowered me and escaped. You could have done it, but you didn't. Why is that?"

Kilmor paused. He was at a loss for words. He didn't want Roger to know the real reason. So he made up something.

"You and your wife told me you would do anything for your son's happiness. I wasn't about to put that theory to the test. If you would go this far, I fear for what you will do to me if I do try to escape."

Roger looked at Kilmor questioningly. He was about to say something when Tyson bust through the door. "I got the bottle, Dad."

"Very good! Now do you want to help me feed him?"

Tyson nodded. He walked over and handed his father the bottle.

"Now you have to make sure to cradle him with your other arm while you feed him." Roger said as he moved the bottle closer to Kilmor's mouth.

Kilmor had no choice. He let the nipple enter his mouth and he started to suck on it. It took him awhile to actually get the liquid into his mouth. Once it did, he regretted his efforts immediately. The formula was absolutely horrible and all he wanted to do was spit it out. But he remained calm and let the formula go down his throat.

Roger removed the bottle from Kilmor's mouth. "You want to try Tyson?"

"Yeah!" Tyson yelled eagerly

He grabbed the bottle and waited for the OK from his dad. Then he put it back into Kilmor's mouth. Kilmor prepared himself for the disgusting formula again. He knew he had to finish the bottle.

After what seemed like hours, Kilmor had finally finished. Tyson removed the bottle and set it aside. He beamed at his father.

"Good job son! Now we have to burp him."

Roger started to pat on Kilmor's back. Kilmor knew he wasn't going to be able to....


A loud burp erupted from Kilmor's mouth. He couldn't believe it! Tyson howled with laughter after hearing the noise. Then he stopped. "Hey Dad, what's his name?"

"Well" Roger answered, "we named him Tyler. Is that alright with you?"

"Yup, it's a great name! It's almost like mine!"

The three were interrupted by Laura.

"Come on everyone, we still have presents to open! And I'm making breakfast! "Tyson leapt up to his feet. "Oh boy! Come on Tyler! I can feed you breakfast!"

Roger and Tyson led the way with "Tyler" following them. As he shuffled along, he hung his head low. He knew that this was only the beginning.