If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 1: He Will Probably Be Happy
The first part to my "If You Make a Wolf a Slave" story series. If you haven't figured it out, I created the title based off of the book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". I thought it would be a fun idea to do.
Anyway, please like and fave if you enjoyed this first part. This tells me you want more and I will certainly make more! And also rate it whatever you think it deserves. Leave a comment if you have some advice for me about the story or if you really liked it!
If only I could draw, then this and my other story could have some really awesome pictures to go along with them!
"If You Make a Wolf a Slave" Part 1: He Will Probably Be Happy
Ethan Hallow exited the hotel lobby and sighed. With one paw in his pocket and the other carrying his duffel bag, he crossed the street and headed for the park.
At 25 years old, Ethan the black wolf was not happy with where he was at this point. He dropped out of college because he didn't know what he wanted to study. Why pay money to take classes that don't mean anything? But leaving college behind meant entering the workforce. And finding a job these days was harder than ever. But that wasn't the problem for Ethan.
There were many offers he had found in newspapers, but he didn't call or even pick up an application. It was true that he needed money, he desperately needed money. Something was holding him back and Ethan knew exactly what it was.
About 5 years ago, Ethan was in a department store, looking to buy a gift for his parent's upcoming anniversary. He got a call just as he was purchasing the gift. His parents were in a car accident and didn't make it. It was at that moment when Ethan's life went downhill.
The worst of it was that he was an only child. There were no brothers or sisters to depend upon or support. It was just him. Relatives had visited Ethan and tried their best to comfort the wolf, but nothing they did had an impact on him. It was during the funeral when Ethan had snapped. He had gotten up while his aunt was giving a eulogy. Everyone had turned to look at him. He didn't cry, yell, or make any noises. He simply walked out and never came back. He bought a plane ticket and moved to a new city. No one saw him again.
The truth was that Ethan was tired. He was tired of life. He never contemplated suicide, but he had no goals or plans for his life. So he just wandered. Then he would stop and take a break. Then he would wander again. The process never stopped and Ethan was getting bored. But if he broke his normal lifestyle, what would he do?
Ethan had almost reached the park when his stomach started to growl. He realized he hadn't had any lunch yet. Looking around the area he was in, he couldn't see any restaurants that suited him.
He stopped near a bus stop and not a minute later, a bus pulled up. Checking his pockets for money, Ethan decided to take a chance and let the bus decide his fate.
After getting on and paying the money, he looked for a seat. He found one near the back that was less crowded. He plopped himself down on a seat, right next to a large crocodile reading the paper. Normally Ethan would not have sat so close to anyone, but he decided to be nice today.
The bus loaded up its passengers and made its way down the street. It made a quick left right turn and continued straight down Main Street. Ethan crossed his arms and stared straight ahead. After a few minutes, Ethan decided it would be okay. He pulled out his most prized possession. An item that could get him money, but he refused to let it go. An Ipod touch.
He turned on the device and opened the photo gallery. Looking around to make sure no one could see, he tapped an album titled "Secret" and flipped through the many photos.
These were not normal photos. These were photos of furs, mainly muscular furs who had one thing in common: they were Masters. They all had their own slave or pet. Some wore lots of leather clothing while others chose to let it all hang loose. Ethan moved from one photo to the next. This was his stress reliever.
Since high school, Ethan had always had a fascination with masters and slaves. Once he discovered several websites that had pictures, he went crazy. His parents had never caught him and no one knew about his secret. His obsession was so big that it had turned into a fetish of his. Ethan had always wanted to be the slave. He wanted to succumb to a master and obey his master's every command. It excited him and he always fantasized about one day actually becoming a slave. But that dream would never happen. And he knew that.
Ethan continued to flip through photos until he came upon his favorite one. It was of a big crocodile completely covered in leather clothing. He was smoking a big cigar and had a leash in one of his claws. The leash was connected to a collar that was on a thin male fox. The fox had a muzzle on as well as a harness on his chest. There was nothing covering his crotch or his butt. Only his paws and feet were wrapped in round leather gloves.
Someone had taken notice of Ethan's collection of photos. And he hadn't noticed him until a voice came from beside him: "Quite a assortment of photos you got there, son".
Ethan jumped and quickly looked to his right to see who this mystery person was. It was the crocodile that he had sat next to. He had set his paper aside and had glanced at Ethan's Ipod.
The crocodile was ripped and very large. He wore a black suit jacket with a white dress shirt and a red tie. His pants matched his jacket as well as his shoes. He smiled at Ethan.
Ethan shoved the Ipod into his pocket. He was completely embarrassed. He tried his best to pretend like it was nothing. "I.....I don't know what you're talking about."
The crocodile laughed. "You can't fool me, kid. I know what I saw. I never knew someone had such an interest in that kind of thing."
"Look, could you just drop it? I don't want to talk about it."
The crocodile shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, have it your way. Besides, I hate that picture. When they took it, I wasn't at my best."
Ethan did a quick double take. His mouth dropped open. "You're the leather guy in the picture!?"
"Yup. That was a few years ago. I don't do it anymore, though. Kind of lost interest in the whole thing."
"Oh I see. Well that's....uh" Ethan trailed off. He so badly wanted to ask this guy to take him on as his slave, but he was too afraid to ask.
"Name's Luther, by the way." The crocodile stuck his paw out.
"Ethan" The two shook paws.
"So why exactly do you have those photos on your Ipod. You get turned on by them or something?"
Ethan hesitated. He thought for a moment, then decided to answer honestly.
"Well, yeah. It's just that....I've always wanted to try it."
Luther leaned forward and placed both paws on his knees. "Well sorry to disappoint you, son. Like I said, I quit that business years ago."
"It's alright." Ethan said, with a small bit of sadness in his voice. He was hoping this was going to be his chance to live his dreams.
The two sat quietly for a minute or two. Then Luther spoke: "Then again, I may be able to help you."
"Really?" Ethan asked
"I know a fella who's looking for a slave. But he's looking for someone with experience. I could train you as a slave under me. Then when the time came, you could work for him."
Ethan couldn't believe his ears. He was bursting with excitement. His heart fluttered a little. He hung on to every word the crocodile said.
Luther continued: "You can stay with me at my house. I'll feed you too. But this training isn't going to be easy. It takes a lot of dedication and effort to be a slave. You have to WANT it, badly. Does that sound like you?"
Ethan nodded furiously. "Absolutely. And besides, I was actually looking for a place to live. I'm low on money and can't afford to stay in a hotel."
"I'm afraid I can't pay you for your service. This is just training. This other master may pay you if you do a good enough job."
"I don't care about the money. I have always wanted to do this. This is a dream come true."
Luther clapped his hand together. "Well that settles it then! How soon do you want to start?"
Ethan took no time in responding.
"The sooner the better!"