If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 2: He Will Need to know what he is getting into
So after a month long period, the next installment of the Wolf Slave series is here! Sorry this took me so long to upload. School has been super busy for me and I can't really find time to write. Hope you guys will forgive me! As always, rate or fav if you liked it. Leave a comment if you are interested in the story or if you have some advice for me. If you did enjoy this installment, think about hitting that watch button. I'll hopefully be updating more and more as time goes on. Thanks everyone!
If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 2: He Will Need to know what he is getting into.
Ethan exited the bus with the crocodile Luther. He took a deep breath and followed Luther down the street.
"It's just a few blocks this way. Come on," Luther motioned with his claw.
Ethan walked next to the large crocodile. He still couldn't believe what he was doing. Every now and then he shook his head, making sure that this wasn't a dream. He was about to be trained to be a slave, something he never thought would happen to him.
The two continued down the street. After about five minutes, Luther stopped and pointed to a tall apartment building. He motioned for Ethan to follow him up the small concrete stairs. Luther opened the door and let Ethan in.
The first floor contained a few doors, one which included the landlord's apartment. Mailboxes covered one side of the wall and there were stairs that lead up to the upper floors. Ethan noticed a sturdy looking door near the stairs with a sign that said: "Employees Only".
"Alright I'll show you my place and then I'll take you some place private," Luther said.
Ethan nodded and was about to make his way up the stairs when Luther stopped him.
"Where are you going, I'm right here". Luther waved his claw at the door leading to the landlord's apartment.
"You're the landlord!?" Ethan asked with disbelief.
Luther chuckled. "Why is that so hard to believe? I have to make money somehow".
Taking out a key, the croc unlocked the door and let the wolf inside.
The apartment was quite spacious. Ethan walked around and took note of the surroundings. Luther motioned for him to sit down on the couch in the living room. Ethan took a seat and Luther sat in a nearby chair.
"Before we do anything, we need to go over how your training will work." Luther said. "First, I expect you to always obey me. I am your Master, at least for the time being. This training is not going to be easy. Those slaves in those pictures worked hard to get where they were. I was proud to be their Master. So I expect the same out of you."
Ethan was taken aback by Luther's sudden change in attitude. The croc seemed so easy going at the beginning. In the back of his mind, Ethan was having doubts. Luther seemed to note this because he smiled.
"I can see your starting to worry about what's to come. This is how I usually start out my interviews. I feel it's helpful to get the hard stuff out of the way first. In the past I would not talk about how hard the training is and I ended up regretting it. Some slaves started out okay, but when things got tough they backed out immediately. That's partly the reason I stopped this business. But something about you really changed my mind. I can see great potential in you."
"This is what I want," Ethan said. "I promise you, I won't chicken out"
Luther nodded. "Very well. But I still have some stuff to talk about."
"I won't make you do something you aren't comfortable with. That is the important thing with any Master/Slave relationship. Don't let anyone tell you differently. There are some Masters who will force you into things you don't want to do. Do not even try to make it work with them. Get out of that relationship immediately."
"Since you are new to this, I am going to start you out at a slow pace. This may frustrate you, but it is for your own good. I don't want to scare you off in the first few hours."
Luther leaned back in his chair. "I think that's everything. We will work out a schedule for you in the near future and I will have some things for you to do while I am busy. Do you have any questions?"
Ethan crossed his arms for a minute. "When will you present me to that other Master you were telling me about?"
"That won't be for a while," Luther said as he reached for a pen and a piece of paper. "I want to make sure you are well trained and ready before I present you. You'll want to make a good first impression. Don't worry, I'll make a slave out of you in no time."
Ethan smiled. "I appreciate that."
"Well if there is nothing else, I want to start off by making a list of the things you are interested in and go from there. I'll see where exactly you want to start off and then see where it takes us. So what are you most interested in about the slave life?"
Ethan rubbed his paws together. He was about to become a slave! He couldn't keep his excitement in. But he wanted to show Luther that he was mature and strong enough to make this work. To get some inspiration, he took out his IPod and looked at his photos.
"Well looking at my favorites," he started off as he searched through the many pictures. "I have a great interest in leather and rubber. I'd like to wear a suit made of either material, if that is possible. Also, I have wanted to try bondage for a long time. I just love the idea of being tied up."
Luther scribbled some notes down. "Okay, those sound pretty reasonable. Bondage I can definitely make happen. How do you feel about pain?"
"I......don't know. I think I have a tolerance for it."
"Well we will just hold off on that. When the time comes, we will give it a try. Anything else?"
Ethan placed his paws on his knees. He thought for a moment, then he spoke: "Yes! A leash. I find leashes to really signify the Master/Slave relationship."
Luther wrote down more notes. "Okay then. We can work on some introduction stuff today and then get you settled in. Oh, could you wait here a second? I need to grab something."
Luther got up and walked past Ethan. He disappeared from a sight and his footsteps could not be heard. Ethan looked through some more photos until he came upon the one with Luther and the fox on the leash. Pretty soon, he would be just like the fox in that photo. He still couldn't believe that this was happening.
He kept flipping through other photos, not noticing that Luther had returned. He suddenly felt something go around his neck. He stopped and looked.
A collar had been placed around his neck. It was attached to a chain that was being held by Luther. Ethan smiled widely.
"Funny thing is, Luther began, "is that I am a fan of leashes myself. It does establish the relationship between the Master and the slave. But it can also signify trust. The Master trusts his slave so much that he must always be with him, to protect him. And the slave can always trust the Master, because he is leading the slave to a better place. Let's give this a try, first walking around and then on all fours."
Luther led Ethan around with the leash. First he walked slowly, then would deliberately speed up and jerk on the chain in order to coax Ethan to move faster. Ethan enjoyed this very much. After a while, Luther told the wolf to get on all fours and crawl. Ethan found this much better and was satisfied with this position. He knew his place and he would never leave his master's side.
This continued for a few minutes until Luther removed the leash and collar Ethan was disappointed by this, but knew better than to talk back. Luther moved towards the door.
"Now I want to show you where most of your training will be done".
The two exited the apartment. Luther locked his door and led Ethan to the "Employees Only" door. Inserting a key and turning the lock, the door opened. Luther and Ethan walked through. The door was shut behind them and locked.
A narrow stairway leading downwards was before them. Ethan followed Luther down, making sure to stick close. There wasn't much light and Ethan had almost tripped a couple of times. They finally reached the landing. A second door stood in their way. Like clockwork, Luther got out his ring of keys and quickly unlocked the door. The crocodile obviously had no trouble distinguishing which key led to which door.
Ethan entered a dark room and closed the door. Luther flicked on a switch and light flooded the room. Ethan stared in amazement.
The room was filled with all kinds of bondage devices. Handcuffs, chains, and ropes covered one side of the wall. On the opposite wall, a large black table stood with restraints on each leg. No one corner of the room was left empty.
Ethan spied a door that had a sign that read "Dressing Room". Luther must have seen Ethan's looks because he spoke immediately: "Before anything happens, I have to get dressed. Give me one second."
The big croc entered the door and shut it behind him. Ethan took this time to inspect the room. He was still thinking that this was all a dream and that he would wake up on a park bench, realizing that he was still a nobody with nowhere to go. But he had a place to go and he was going to be somebody. After a long time, he was finally happy.
Thirty minutes had passed when the door to the dressing room had opened. Luther had stepped out and Ethan jumped a little at the sight of the gator.
From head to toe, Luther was dressed in all leather. Leather hat, leather jacket, leather gloves, leather pants and leather boots. He looked just like he did in the picture. The only difference was that he held a cane in his claw.
"Kneel, slave," he spoke in a more serious tone.
Ethan immediately knelt on one knee. He could feel his heart pounding.
Luther took the cane and placed it on one of Ethan's shoulders, just like a king would knight someone.
"From this point on, you will be my Slave. You will obey and respect me until the time comes when I feel you are ready for a new Master. Are you prepared for this role?"
"Yes Master" Ethan said clearly.
"Good, you may now rise".
Ethan stood up. Luther walked to a corner of the room and grabbed a collar. He placed it around Ethan's neck.
"This signifies your training as a slave. Once you have completed your training, you will be given a new collar. Now follow me. We need to get you into your suit."
Luther took Ethan into the dressing room. A large mirror was on one wall and a large closet was next to it. Luther opened the closet door and started to rummage through it. He pulled out a large rubber suit. There were holes for the eyes, ears, muzzle, and the tail.
"Please strip down now, slave."
"Yes Master"
Ethan removed all of his clothing, including his boxers. He was now completely naked in front of the large crocodile. But he wasn't embarrassed. This was his Master now and he had to obey him.
"I will help you into this suit. Wear it with pride," Luther said as he unzipped the back of the suit.
Ethan stepped into his new skin. He found that it was just his size. His arms fit perfectly into the sleeves and the mask fit snugly on his face. Luther zipped up the suit and helped him put his tail through the hole.
"Go take a look in the mirror," Luther said.
Ethan walked over to the mirror. He found himself looking at a rubber version of himself. He couldn't believe his eyes. He ran his hands over his rubber skin. He smiled and then bowed to Luther.
"Master, I thank you with all my heart."
With a click, a leash was attached to his training collar. Ethan looked into his Master's eyes. Those loving crocodile eyes looked back at him with a strong gaze.
Luther spoke: "I am glad to hear this. Now your training will begin. Come, my slave".
With a tug of the leash, Ethan the slave made his way on his paws and knees, quickly trying to keep up with his Master.