A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home
This is a diaperfur story I am working on. Instead of starting at the beginning, I decided to work on the exciting part of the story. Let me know what you guys think of it. If I get enough positive feedback, I may write out the beginning. But let me know in the comments what you guys want: go back and submit the intro or continue from this point?
A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home
Kilmor groaned loudly and slowly opened his eyes. His vision was still blurry and his whole body ached. The last thing he remembered was chasing after that robber to get the wolf lady's purse back. He had finally got the jump on the guy when he felt a pain in his neck and everything went black.
He tried to sit up, but noticed that his hands were tied behind his back with duct tape. He attempted to scratch at them with his claws, but they couldn't reach the tape. He looked down to see his feet were also tied with tape. He began to look around to see where he was.
It was a normal looking garage, except with no cars in it. The wall on the other side had a workbench which had several tools on it. A door was directly next to the workbench. Kilmor knew that he was leaning against the garage door. He could feel the cold door sending shivers up his spine.
He had to get out of here. He started to maneuver towards the door when it suddenly burst open. The robber he was chasing shut the door and walked over to where Kilmor was laying. He grabbed Kilmor's face and proceeded to take off his mask. It was a wolf.
"Look sonny", the robber said with an icy voice. "if you can cooperate with us, then nothing bad will happen to you. "But misbehave even once...."
He pulled a gun with a silencer and aimed it at Kilmor's crotch. "And you WILL regret it".
Kilmor started to speak, but was silenced when the man hit him with the butt of his gun. Kilmor was dazed for a second until the man proceeded to duct tape his mouth. He wrapped the tape several times around his head and finally ripped off the remaining piece of tape.
"Ah ah ah, no talking! "We wouldn't want anyone to hear you, would we?" the robber smirked at Kilmor.
Kilmor glared at the wolf until the door opened again. Kilmor looked to see who it was. He was shocked at who the person was and what they were carrying.
The wolf woman who was screaming at him to help get her purse back was carrying two rolls of wrapping paper, and a giant plastic bag. She set the items down and turned to the man.
"Roger, we have to be quick. "Little Tyson will wake up soon. "Just get this over with so we can put him under the tree".
Kilmor made several loud noises from behind his gag, until "Roger" pointed the gun at his crotch, this time touching it with his gun.
"Do NOT make me repeat myself."
The wolf lady proceeded to rip the plastic off the wrapping paper and then took some items out of the bag. A few bows were removed, followed by three large rolls of masking tape. But the two items that came next scared the hell out of Kilmor.
A pacifier and a package of large adult diapers were placed on the ground next to the wrapping paper.
The wolf lady stood up and with a sigh said to Roger "Let me handle the baby things, just make sure he doesn't squirm."
Roger took a few steps to the side and pointed the gun at Kilmor.
"No moves, or you won't be having kids EVER. "Go ahead, Laura".
Laura ripped open the package and took a couple of adult diapers out. She cut the tape that bound Kilmor's legs. Then she grabbed his feet and pulled him onto his back.
"Feet up, now" Laura was just as cold as Roger.
Kilmor did as he was told. He raised his butt off the ground, including tail. Laura slid the diaper under him and grabbed his tail. She put it through the hole of the diaper and motioned him to sit back down. She then proceeded to diaper him in the front, taping the sides and making sure he was good and snug.
"Now comes the second one" Laura said as she undid the second diaper.
Kilmor repeated the same process. Laura then spoke to him.
"We aren't bad people, its just that our son Tyson, well he really wants a baby dragon brother for Christmas. Obviously with us being wolves, we can't do that. Adoption takes too long and I DO NOT want to disappoint my baby. He is my whole world and I will do whatever it takes to make him happy."
Kilmor was scared by how passionate this mother was at keeping her son happy. She began to tape the sides and continued with her explanation:
"Now as for how long this little arrangement will last, we don't know. It may be for a few years, heck it may be for a very long time. But know this: You do anything to ruin this for my son, I will keep you here forever, whether or not Tyson believes that you are his baby brother. Just go along with this and you will be fine."
The second diaper was on good and snug. The two diapers on Kilmor made his legs spread apart. Laura took her knife and cut the tape gag. Roger still had the gun pointed to Kilmor's crotch, so he decided to not make any moves.
She grabbed the pacifier. It had a rope attached to it that could be put around baby's necks. But Kilmor knew where she was going with this.
Laura put the pacifier into his mouth and tied the rope around the back of his head. She made sure it was tight as it could be. Kilmor couldn't spit it out.
Laura stood up and admired her work. She let a few tears squeak out of her eyes.
"Tyson is going to love this gift! And besides, haven't you always wanted to go back to these days? "These were such carefree and simple days, you didn't have to do anything. "Don't worry, momma's gonna take care of you"
She leaned down and kissed Kilmor on the head.
"Good God, these people are more than just crazy, they're freaking insane!" Kilmor thought to himself.
"Okay Roger. Time to wrap Tyson's gift. And you, don't even think about fighting back."
The wolf couple, with Roger keeping the gun trained on Kilmor, grabbed the wrapping paper and began to wrap Kilmor like a Christmas present. Roger took the masking tape and used it to tie Kilmor's legs together. He wrapped his legs two or three times on different sections. Kilmor had to fold his wings in order for them to continue. They made sure to leave his nose unwrapped so he could still breath. They left his eyes unwrapped as well. Kilmor could only see the two's upper bodies.
Roger and Laura stood back and hugged each other. The whole thing made Kilmor sick and scared at the same time. The wolf couple made sure that everything was right, Roger bound his chest and arms to make sure Kilmor couldn't move at all.
"I'm going to bed, Roger. I can't wait to see Tyson's face!" Laura squealed with excitement and exited the garage.
Roger looked at Kilmor for a very long time.
"You think we are crazy and sick, don't you?" Roger stepped forward and leaned in so he was face to face with Kilmor. "But this is just two people giving their son the happiness that he deserves. "We WILL be watching you at all times. "Don't ever forget that."
He stood up and began to walk away when he turned towards Kilmor and said:
"I still have some finishing touches that need to get done for your room. You're going to love it. Merry Christmas.....Tyler." And with that, he left the garage and turned the light off.
"TYLER!!?!?!?" Kilmor couldn't believe these two. He wanted to escape and run as far away from these psychos as possible, but he was too petrified with fear to even attempt it. And he was tied up so tight that he could barely move. This was the first time in a while that he was scared for his life.
He was so scared that he actually started wetting himself. He felt the warm pee fill his diaper and spread across the rest of it. At least he was wearing two. Kilmor wanted to tell himself that it was just a coincidence; that he hadn't gone to the bathroom for a while, but he knew it was because he was so scared.
With no other options, the big black dragon tried to get in a comfortable position and sleep until morning. It was going to be hard with a pee-filled diaper on, but he could manage.
He felt his eyes close shut slowly and sleep soon overtook him. Not much of a Merry Christmas.