Romance Rumours and Rocks
_Another little slice-of-life in the City of Wings._ _Inspired by a comment on the last story._ _(2,795 words)_ --- * * * Caden stood at the side of the school field, watching the morning bustle. It was still early enough that bright floodlights...
Duet, Duel, Dessert, Date, Dragons
_More Jarzyl, more Atlas, and another slice-of-life story in the City of Wings. Not sure I like that_ _title, but it'll suffice. (6,435 words)_ --- * * * With a flutter of his wings, Atlas landed on the balcony. The dragon fledgling took a moment to...
Half Horny Fledgling
Jarzyl and Caden were both seated at their desks, side by side, and the two dragon fledglings were comparing their homework sheets before class was about to start for the day. While they had both finished the assignment, their math answers didn't...
Clan Crisis pt 2
Zilarin Mintaka was sitting in the living room, sprawled on her side, resting atop a large floor cushion. The drakka had been reading a newssheet, but she looked up when movement came from the window. The balcony doors were open, and the curtains...
Jarzyl's Clan Crisis
Atlas was relaxing in his room, carefully tuning a wing harp. The musical instrument was a flat rack of hollow tubes in decreasing lengths--with a gap in the middle dividing the instrument into two. One half went on one wing, the other half went on the...
Marked Scales
Jarzyl led Atlas to her bedroom. "Hey, hey, check this out. I want to show you something." Scampering over to her desk, the dragon fledgling snatched up a small cardboard box and showed it to her friend. Atlas peered into the box. Inside was something...
Egg Thoughts
Atlas was sitting on a balcony, leaning against the closed doors. The young drake was hunched over and reading from a library book he held, passing the time as he waited. His attention was occasionally drawn upwards by the thumping sound of wingbeats,...
The Egg Assignment, part 4
_2,828 words_ [Not really related image, but cute](  * * * It was a good nap. When Jarzyl finally stirred from her...
The Egg Assignment, part 3
_4032 words_ [Not really related image, but cute](  --- * * * Jarzyl could have gone home, but she still needed...
The Egg Assignment, part 2
_(2,995 words)_ [Not really related image, but cute](  * * * In the dense urban environment of the City of Wings,...
The Egg Assignment, part 1
_Author ramblings: I think I said in the last journal that I was going to write a story mini-series for Jarzyl's parents, but writing explicit scenes is honestly kind of boring for me. Worldbuilding or silly character development stuff is much more...
Broken Wing Fledgling
_Story time. Features friendship. (8,508 words)_ * * * --- "Hey. Hey, hey, look at this!" Jarzyl bounded across her room and picked up something from her table--a long, cylindrical object made of shiny bronze metal, thicker at one end and thinning...