Lee's Religion // Ch 2.1

The sun had barely risen when a dusty old truck pulled up to the main house. Lee hopped out of the truck with a bounce in his step and started to load in the produce he asked his farmhands to drop by the house. As he loaded the...

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Lee's Religion // Chapter 1

## Chapter 1 - Calling Him Home A strong silver paw ran through the wheat near its owner's hips. The paw belonged to a tall, well built wolf who was admiring the fields of his farmland. He owned a very large farm that helped feed the nearby town, and...

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Clan Crisis pt 2

Zilarin Mintaka was sitting in the living room, sprawled on her side, resting atop a large floor cushion. The drakka had been reading a newssheet, but she looked up when movement came from the window. The balcony doors were open, and the curtains...

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Character Reference Sheet: Vincent

Despite constantly moving, spots of family drama, and parents who worked most of the time, vince's parents did their best to teach him to work hard and be honest, doing well and school and showed music when he was young.


The New World ( Chapter 2 )

#3 of the new world sorry for the long delay, family drama and finals coming up so i've been doing a lot of studying. the next chapter is a third done and is going to be a lot longer then these other ones. hope you enjoy this newest chapter.

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Love Match Prologue

For as little as $5/month you can follow the story of rocky the black-backed jackal as the most important tennis match of his life brings him to reflect back on his start in tennis, his discovery of his sexuality and his first (gay) relationships, family dramas

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Beau - Chapter Six

I'm sorry my family drama is keeping you here with me," i added with an apologetic smile. he grinned back and said, "i don't mind. i've been in worse company. besides, your pretty good looking."

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The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry One

I did not come from the cosmos, thankfully, so their familial drama has little to do with me. i emerged from chaos, which makes me a demon. i have no parents, no offspring.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #9- Hijacked Holidays

"you remember what happened with rolf [korber (doberman, head coach, ida)] a couple years back after his little family drama. i'd rather the team doesn't end up losing games because i'm not 100% focused."

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Against All Odds: Part 1 - The Proposition

"all the things we've spoken about: work, ex-partners, family drama. i'm sure this'll be no worse." the sound of a strong sigh crackled through his headset, "i wanted to say that... we have known each other for a long time now, yes?" "we have.

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Jarzyl's Clan Crisis

Atlas was relaxing in his room, carefully tuning a wing harp. The musical instrument was a flat rack of hollow tubes in decreasing lengths--with a gap in the middle dividing the instrument into two. One half went on one wing, the other half went on the...

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 21

"it's just some family drama," he said dismissively. "we don't want you getting roped into it. i'm sorry." chance exhaled. "it's okay. let me get my stuff."

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