Lu and Evolution

. . Lu and Evolution - 2009-0814.0119 Hey, hey, Darks, Foxy here. While we're all just takin a break relaxin, let me tell y'all some about one lil' corner of the Twenty-Three Dimensions. Sure y'all know most of this, but let's keep it all straight....

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Lu and TechFurs

Lu and TechFurrs - 2009-0812.1428 I know what you're thinking. How'd we get up into this office building, past the guards and dogs? We're Dark Furs, we just went Aside, poof! Whole team's here, Jenny the Cougar and me. It's my first test. You...

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Archie and Lu

Archie & Lu - 2009-0808.2309 I know what you're thinking. What's a guy doing breaking into a rich fur's guest cottage, wiggling the window screen to get in? Tell you the truth, it's because I just got here a week ago, I'm still new at this, and...

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Foxy Goes Dark

Foxy Goes Dark - 2010-0128.2158 I'm a Wildlife Protector Fox. I useta be human but got shot and killed trying to protect some deer. The hunters didn't need the food, they just thought it was 'fun' to chase and kill someone. How come you humans...

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Kevin Foxboy 11

Kevin Foxboy 11) Kevin's Punishment One day I made Trouble in front of the Humans. In the morning we went to the Big Room to Think Over and Try Out our training, and some New Humans came in with a cage about a meter all over. Guards came to get...

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Kevin Foxboy 06

Kevin FoxBoy 6) Kitchen Duty Why was she doing these things? Why had she looked at me at the Vet's when she ignored me that morning leading me to training? What did she want me to do? Why not just Command me as Humans did, as she had done...

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JakeFox 2

JakeFox 2) Furversion OK, Jakeyboy, get a grip. Where was that busty nurse? I yelled up a storm, and the docs came rushing in with more Thorazine. They had a bit of trouble swabbing alcohol on my new furbutt! I started giggling about it, that wasn't...

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Jake the Fox My name's Jake. It used to be Jake Halloran, but now I'm not sure. The humans don't want me using my old name, they say Halloran died when I came about. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but stick with me. I know a lot...

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Dangers of Asparagus

The Dangers of Asparagus A little while ago in a garden fairly close by lived a mighty oak tree, a lovely red robin and a caterpillar. OK, lotsa others lived there too, but the robin sat around on the oak most of the day, and the tree was so bored it...

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Kevin Foxboy 01

Kevin Foxboy 1) Intro R4G2 Fox-Human mix; male; russet hair and fur. BioSyn Montana facility, DNA line K, Variant N, trial 47. Scientific breakthroughs tend to become trivial technology; witness last century's room-sized computers, invented by...
