Gods Don't Automatically Do Miracles

Gods have lived among humans for pretty much the entirety of known human history, and yet people often assume that the gods in question will automatically manifest massive powers of persuasion, telekinesis, and telepathy. Why is it that humans always...


Poem #1

i started writing poems long ago, never gave them titles, posted most on my facebook. Lately i've been told to post them else where, to share my words. I'll be trying to upload them now. i apologize for my gramical errors. Each day is a gift, from...


Spiritual Connection

The oldfolk say there's something special about this mountain, and I'm inclined to believe them. I started ranger work up on Mount Coronet years back; I love pokemon, but the whole trainer thing never was my speed, nor was the contest circuit, and...

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The Spiritual Flight

Timothy Button stood at the bathroom sink, brushing his teeth before bedtime. The eight-year-old raccoon boy took his time, mainly because he wanted to make sure his teeth were clean, but also because... he never exactly looked forward to going to bed....

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A Dragon's Prayer

I don't show it much, but i consider myself a very spiritual person. that spirituality takes an awkward form, and when asked my religious affiliation i tend to respond with 'eclectic.'

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Fields of Zorandor Introduction

**Fields of Zorandor** _Introduction_ _God created all that was good. Even mankind had no hatred or malice in his heart during those first moments of history. However, man fell, and God banished them from the Holy Garden and created a new race. This...

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Simple plant

Simple plant Why can't my life be simple? Like a plant. Like a little bud slowly emerging from the ground, finally seeing the light. I would not worry myself with the intangible dramas of everyday life. I would not feel the pain of insults and...

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On the morning of every day, when days are warm and there is no rain, on days when Lyut knows when it is day and when it is night, he will gather his ingredients onto a small board and sit at the entrance to his cave and make his incense for three days...

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floating shadows

Where There Is Light; There Is Shadow Where There Is No More Light; There Is No More Shadow Only Darkness Remains... I Balance Between The Candle And The Rising Star Between The Storm Cloud And The Sun I Balance Between The Midnight And The...

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Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter two - The Mirror (revised)

I was walking through a maze with a backpack upon my back, I found my way to the middle of the maze and there was a little hill where i set up the telescope and began to gaze at the stars. I was smiling and humming. Suddenly there was a rustling...

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Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation

_ "Alright alright settle down everybody,"_ I said with a grin. This was my third time visiting my family on the reservation in Wisconsin and upon my arrival I was immediately surrounded by the children of the village. _"Ayasha!"_ They would scream...

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Foxy Goes Dark

Foxy Goes Dark - 2010-0128.2158 I'm a Wildlife Protector Fox. I useta be human but got shot and killed trying to protect some deer. The hunters didn't need the food, they just thought it was 'fun' to chase and kill someone. How come you humans...

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