The New King of Furope
A day of great reckoning had fallen upon the lands of Furope, and the commoners of the world were none the wiser to what was to transpire. Over the course of many months, Nbowa the Great sought to unite the small, random countries and castles of...
The Magic of a Smile
In Penolt Village, everyone seemed to have a purpose, and unlike most places in the screwy world that we live in, everyone there seemed to be happy with what it was that they did. Talents were never squandered, but instead, people were encouraged to...
A Painful Antidote
I returned to that place, once again. I invited him out, and I knew he would follow. Those wonderful days of resting up at the top of the hill, cradled by the soft, uncut grass and warmed naturally by the shining sun simply couldn't be beat. This...
Two Halves of One Whole, Part Three
If Askim said that he didn't often think back to the night that he and his sister made a decision that they could never take back, he'd have been lying. If he said he regretted it, that would be an even **greater** lie. "You know why Mommy can't be...
I Wish I Could Go Back to Fur Con
(Fur 1) I wish I could go back to fur con I was so wasted back then (Fur 2) What would I give, to go back and sleep on the floor in a furpile again... (Fur 3) I wish I could go back to fur con At fur con there's so much to do You sit in the...
A Shifty Discount
If humans were good at one thing in particular, it was using the elements of their world to find new ways to make money, and when those elements were willing to help, there was no ceiling to what kind of financial gain could be accomplished. To say...
On the Job Training
Desperate times put plenty of people into a job that they didn't really **want** to work, but at the intersection of personal responsibility and swallowed pride, there were plenty of opportunities to work for minimum wage. Firr didn't relish the idea...
The Dangerous Path Less Traveled
Higher and higher into the hills the bus continued to climb, tired wheels and rusted brakes squeaking with an uncomfortable grind every time that the vehicle had slow down in order to navigate a turn. Like most field trips, the ride to the...
Tales of Furope: The Adventure Begins!
"I'm weary and I'm dreary, need a place to rest my head. I'm weary and I'm dreary; got no place to call a bed! I'm weary and I'm dreary and I really need a nap, but a lion never gets to sleep when he is hauling crap!" Tired digits were riddled with...
Struggling With Inadequacy
Something about splitting wood the old fashioned way was just so, so satisfying. The power of one man was still something to be reckoned with in the early 1800's. It was true that there were machines popping up in the larger cities back east that...
Making Your Own Omega
There were few creatures in the world who were more certain of their royal prowess than Nbowa. With red shorts and blonde bangs that were known the world over, Nbowa ruled over the kingdom of his house with an iron paw, and his appetite for raw...
Two Paws Deep In Icy Cold Trouble
To have a reprieve from the struggles of life was a truly beautiful thing. Gloria, despite all of the troubles she'd gone through in her young life of sixteen years, was lucky enough to have a place that she considered her own little hideaway, and...