Chapter Two: Thrice Warned

**Threads of Destiny** **Chapter 2** : **Thrice Warned** (Cameron) The night was filled with an unnatural fog that seemed to creep over everything it could reach. The moon, partially obscured by clouds, gave scant light on the ground below....

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Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful

**Chapter 4: Memories Fond and Fearful** **(Aimee)** Aimee entered her old bedroom. It looked exactly as it did all those many moons ago. The desk at the foot of her bed was tidy, not a spot of dust on it. The bedsheets were made neatly and wrinkle...

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Chapter Three: Dark as night, Twice the blight

**Chapter 3: Dark as night, Twice the blight** **(Aimee)** Aimee quickly rushed down the stairs, her mind on autopilot. _"The Narrator? Here? Why now?"_ she thought while making her way to the first table and began looking over each one. _"Which...

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Chapter One: The first step of a thousand mile journey

**Threads of Destiny** **chapter 1** : _The first step of a thousand mile journey_ (Aimee) "Are we there yet?" Cameron asked while chuckling from the passenger seat of Aimee's midnight blue suv. "No," she sighed. "I told you the last couple...

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Chapter Five: Yowling in the Light

**Threads Of Destiny** **Chapter 5:** _ Yowling in the Light_ Cameron: Cameron walked down the hallway briskly, eyes scanning for Aimee. Suddenly, without warning, a figure exited the door on his left and ran straight towards him. "Aime-"\*oof\*...

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