Chapter Five: Yowling in the Light
#6 of Threads of Destiny
In which our heroes wish they brought a ball of yarn...
Threads Of Destiny
Chapter 5: _ Yowling in the Light_
Cameron walked down the hallway briskly, eyes scanning for Aimee. Suddenly, without warning, a figure exited the door on his left and ran straight towards him. "Aime-"*oof* he managed to say before his friend bowled him over and landed on top of him.
"Cam! Thank the lights. I've been looking for you. Where have you been? Never mind that, look, look at this new friend I made!" Aimee said excitedly.
Cameron cleared his eyes of dazed sparks and semi adjusted the weight of the smaller girl on his chest as she giggled and parted her hands just enough to show him a small quivering ball of dark black fluff. Two tiny ears and a fluffy cotton tail gave Cameron the impression of a bunny. "Is he a dust bunny?" he asked curiously, his mind beginning to wander to the female sitting on him.
"Dust bunny? Hmm....Are you a dust bunny?" Aimee said absently. She then turned promptly and asked the dusty "ball" in her hands. The bunny wriggled a bit and bounced up and down.
"Now, that we have the introductions out of the way." Cameron said uncomfortably with his nose pinched with one hand. "Could you get off? You're covered in dust , and I'd rather my allergies not act up today."
Aimee finally took stock of where she was sitting and blushed a deep red. "Um, yeah, so what have you been up to?" She said while clambering off of Cameron.
"Aside from enjoying getting run over and sat on by a cute girl? Well, not much." Cameron said nonchalantly, a smile on his face. This earned him a shoulder punch from Aimee. "However, I did run into your uncle Jake."
"Wait...when? Where? How?" Aimee fired questions off while flailing her arms around wildly.
"It was after you were fighting off that hat or man thing, and I kinda used the key I found downstairs. The door to his room unlocked, and he was inside. He's uh, putting it bluntly....downright hot and sexy." Cameron replied with eyes on the floor and a guilty look on his face.
Aimee noticed. "Cam? oh wouldn't happen to have a crush on some random guy you met in less than one day, would you?" She teased while shaking her finger at him.
"I think it may be more than a crush. I don't know, it was so intense." Cameron replied dreamily.
"Ok then," Aimee whispered awkwardly while turning around and walking through a nearby doorway and down the hall. "I will again say that I know very little about my uncle. I kinda want to keep it that way."
Cameron ran to catch up with his fleeing friend. "C'mon now, you can't tell me that all you know about your uncle is what your mother Claira said. What did your mother Ceridwen say about about him?" he asked curiously, as they passed through an upstairs hall filled with a fireplace and table set.
"She was even worse! At least Claira laid it out straight. Ceridwen always half-dodged talking about him." Aimee began ranting. "I see he's got potential... He's really trying.. Or, one of my personal favorites...Not everything is as simple as night and day. We are all comprised of both." Aimee recited in a falsetto while air quoting to indicate what her mother said.
"Aimee hun?" Cameron said while opening the door ahead of his companion. "Me thinks you have some undealt with mother issues. Which we can talk about any time. My office hours are 5-7 on Tuesdays and Saturdays."
"Laugh it up chuckles. At least I'm not a love struck bisexual wit---ch." Aimee snarked back. She stuttered the last part and pointed down the dark hallway at two glowing red eyes crouched low near the ground.
Cameron looked over where Aimee was pointing. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Cam focused his eyes in the dim room and made out what appeared to be just that. A large black panther with glowing red eyes was preparing to pounce at the group. "Sweet Elisabeth P. Jorkins! Out of the room, Out of the room, Shut the door, shut the door!" He shouted while backing up quickly and keeping his eyes locked on the large menacing feline.
Aimee turned quickly, in an effort to bolt from the room, but found the door already shut. Wiggling the knob, she realized they were trapped. "Um, Cameron, how well do you think you could take that cat in a fight?" She asked nervously. Her fists tightened around the croquet mallet she pulled in front of her.
Cameron sighed deeply, reaching his hands into his jeans pockets and pulled out the two tessen. "I suppose that means the door is locked?"
"Yep!" Aimee said in a a cheerily hysteric tone. The Panther began stalking closer, strafing left to right, looking for an opening.
Before Cameron could blink, the creature had bolted past him and bowled Aimee over onto her back. "Ahh! Get off, Get Off!" she screamed.
Aimee was inches away from having her face ripped off by the creature's jaws. Somehow, she had wedged the shaft of the croquet mallet in the panther's mouth. She caught Cameron standing in shocked horror. "A little help?"
"Ehm' yeah, sorry." Cameron mumbled as he jumped back and flipped the metal fans open. Their surface rippled as the dim light shifted over them. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Come play with Cameron. Come on." he coaxed. Reaching sideways in a well practiced motion, he threw the first one and then second tessen at the humongous feline. The blades rolled and spun through the air, heading toward the cat. Unfortunately, to Cameron's dismay, and Aimee's eye roll, the first tessen missed the beast by three feet and smacked the nearby wall. The second tessen however, was better aimed. It sliced the air and landed in the cat's shoulder with a thunk.
*Yowl!* The creature yelled angrily.
"I told you to get off!" Aimee said from beneath the feline, while raising the sparking mallet and slamming it into the cat's head. The dark cat crumbled to his side, dazed from Aimee's quick blow. Quickly, she shimmied out from under the creature and ran over to Cam. "So, got a plan?"
"A plan? Why am I supposed to have a plan? You come up with one." Cam said worriedly. "You might want to do it fast, kitty's not done yet."
Sure enough, the big cat picked it's self up shakily and started slowly advancing on the two.
"Cam!" Aimee whispered loudly. "Do something!" Cameron stepped in front of Aimee and shielded her from view. *Hisss* Cam yelled at the creature. The creature stopped for a moment, wary as it circled to the young adult's left.
"New plan. I want you to stay behind me as I circle the cat. When you see an opening, strike with the mallet." Cam said, his attention focused solely on the panther.
"Sigh, this better work or I'm going to haunt you to the end of your days. Ugh, on second thought, a constant yaoi movie is not my taste. Cameron shakes his head, while Aimee begins walking behind him.
"She's going to be cracking jokes, even on her death bed." Cameron stops circling suddenly and arches his back with hands to his side. "Kakaw!, Kakaw!"
The dark panther yowls loudly at Cam and advances on him. Aimee, taking advantage of the distraction had moved away from Cam, raised her electric mallet, and charged the animal.
Right before the blow could be struck, however, the feline batted a paw sideways and knocked the croquet mallet across the room. "Any other bright ideas Cameron?" Aimee said upset.
The two started backing up and away from the hungry predator. Cameron backed into the wall, and sighed deeply. "I suppose there are worse ways to go than being mauled to death by a creepy wild cat with your best friend."
The dark cat's teeth glistened as it ducked down, wiggling it's butt in preparation for a final pounce.
"What the hell? I don't want to die here. But what can I do? What the heck can I do?" Cam thought while glancing around quickly and checking his pockets, wishing he still had a tessen. Behind the cat's pouncing form, a glowing fan lay on the hallway floor.
Half hysterical, Cam began ranting to himself. "I need you over here. Not over there. Get over here now!" He shouted as the world slowed down. The teeth and claws of the cat raked Cam's arm and shoulder. His flesh being sliced open. Intense pain lanced through his body.
Just before Cam thought the pain couldn't get any worse, the Cat made a weird yowling noise and jumped quickly around, his back to the two survivors. A tessen was lodged in the now bleeding shoulder blade of the feline.
Cam and Aimee looked at each other questioningly and began easing toward the door at the other end of the hall. They got about halfway, when the hissing sound of the black cat signaled that their ploy had been discovered.
The giant feline charged down the hall, and stood in front of Aimee's mother's room, blocking the only current route to safety. A feral smile played on the cat's face, almost as if he knew he'd won.
Cam realized victory against this creature was impossible. That still didn't stop him from jumping in front of Aimee when the dark feline pounced toward her. The weight of the snapping fangs, claws, and fur brought Cam to the ground in an instant. "Blasted demon, you should be ashamed to wear the face of a cat!" he shouted while struggling to keep the jaws of death off his neck. The claws of the creature raked his arms and side, causing blood to seep into the floor.
Aimee rushed up quickly with her mallet, but was once again swatted away. "Cameron!, ugh. Hold. On." She said while picking herself off the floor.
*Boom* *Thud* *Hiss!*
Cameron lost his grip on the cat's neck when the feline suddenly flew across the hall and into the nearby wall. "NO ONE TOUCHES MINE!" A familiar voice roared somewhere above his head. Shapes and shadows began melting together as the world began tilting at a strange angle. "Jake, is that...y-?" he managed to ask before slipping into unconsciousness.