A Moan in the Night - Chapter 1
Character pics: Hank: [http://e621.net/post/show/170462/anal-anal\_penetration-balls-barazoku-bdsm-bit\_gag](http://e621.net/post/show/170462/anal-anal_penetration-balls-barazoku-bdsm-bit_gag)- Jane:...
Silent Hill - Chapter 4
"Dude look..." Draco slowly picked the picture up, holding it a few inches from the tip of his snout. "That looks just like my son..." He walked over to Foxx and handed it to him, looking around the room once more. "I wonder where he went, though.." He...
Silent Hill - Chapter 2
"What?" Draco said as he peered out across the gap in the road. "This...is just like what I read about on the net a while back...but I thought it was all fake..." He then turned around and began to slowly walk back towards the town with his paws still...
Silent Hill - Chapter 1
Prologue "...I don't know why they did this to me. I didn't do anything to the people who lived in this town. I was a good little boy, yet some of the people who lived here believed me to be evil incarnate for some reason. This group of Baptist...
Opposites Attract - Chapter 2
"Ok... Brake fluid, check. Steering fluid, check. Oil, check. Water, check.." Draco slammed down the hood on his vehicle after school, glad to see he wouldn't have to refill anything just yet. He sat down on the hood of his vehicle and turned to...
Opposites Attract - Chapter 1
"Damn it son get up! You will be late for school!" Samuel barked at his son from down the hallway of their small home in the suburbs. Draco sighed some as he slowly rose up from his small bed in his pig stye of a room. Right now he wore only a stained...
League of Enforcers - Chapter 1 - Part 2
"Three....two...one...clear! Three...two...one...clear!" Came the faint sound of the doctors voice as James came too. Blurred figures clouded the dragons vision, but his eyes finally adjusted to the...
The Power of True Love - Chapter 2
Samuel Drawing [http://www.deviantart.com/download/67101596/Zulf\_the\_Grey\_Wolf\_by\_humbuged.jpg](http://www.deviantart.com/download/67101596/Zulf_the_Grey_Wolf_by_humbuged.jpg) Humbuged on DeviantArt Character myself Draco (As he...
The Power of True Love - Chapter 1
The Power of True Love "D-Damn it... Banesworth!" Draco panted out with a vengeful growl as he sank down to his knees in defeat. It was late at night, the only light coming from the stars above and a small bonfire encircling Sara who had been tied...