League of Enforcers - Chapter 1 - Part 2

Story by DracoAzule on SoFurry

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"Three....two...one...clear! Three...two...one...clear!" Came the faint sound of the doctors voice as James came too. Blurred figures clouded the dragons vision, but his eyes finally adjusted to the light. "Unnhh... Where...what happened? Where am I?" He slowly rose up and examined the IV needles they had stuck in his arm. The small hospital room was full of doctors examining his body and writing down notes on clipboards. One of the doctors leaned in close and shone a light in his eyes. "Eyes look good, both of them respond to bright light. You should be ok after a bit of rest. You took a good beating in that explosion.." The young, female nurse said with a smile, her eyes shining bright in contrast to her pitch black fur.

James groaned as he relaxed back into the bed. "Don't tell me. Was it that radiation bomb? I had a bad feeling about it." The nurse shrugged some and shook her head. "I don't know. But all I know is you had a fever of 800 when we brought you in here. Good thing you fire types have such a high heat tolerance or you'd be toast. Literally."

After a few minutes, she left with the rest of the doctors. James switched on the tv, and watched as his father was interviewed by a news crew. "Mr Johnson. What do you have to say for the employees who were affected by the explosion?" The red dragon pushed the reporters out of the way and made his way towards his limo. "Not right now. I have something more important to attend to." James smiled. Maybe his father would take the time to come see his son in the hospital. "My investors are threatening to pull out and I need to have a talk with them."

"Pssh. Not surprised..." He said with a sigh as he laid in bed and started at the clock on the wall. "It gets boring here... I wonder if Billy made it out in time. Poor guy.." After a few hours, the same nurse walked back in with a smile on her face. "Well all seems well. The doctors say you're free to go now. Here are your clothes." She tossed him the set of clothes he was wearing during the accident and began to unhook the equipment, before taking his paw in hers and helping him up to his feet.

"Thank you." He gave her paw a gentle kiss as he stood up. He was surprised actually. In his mind, he'd already be fantasizing about this girl. Usually at least. But now he couldn't bring himself to think of it for some reason. The nurse blushed heavily underneath her fur. "Hehe. Such a charming dragon." She winked at him and wrote down her phone number on a piece of paper. "Thanks, ma'am." He blushed some as he tucked the note in his jeans pocket. He was just being a gentleman; he had no sexual or romantic intentions with the woman, but he defiantly felt flattered..

Soon the dragon was back at his home. That is, his college dorm room anyhow. The poor - middle class style dorm room wasn't big enough at all for him. The roof was only a foot or two above his head, and his body took up one bunk which took up about a 4th of the room, which was littered with trash, a few video games, and his clothes. Outside, it was relatively quiet at this time of night. The only thing making any sounds were the occasional pedestrians. His dorm room wasn't on the main road so it was quite peaceful.

"HELP! LET ME GO!!!" A pure white female wolf came running down the darkened alley as fast as she could, clutching on to her purse and trying to find her pepper spray. Behind her was a large black rottweiler named Jason holding a knife, and with a bulge in his groin the size of a softball. He wore a thick leather bikers jacket, a tight muscle t - shirt underneath, and a baggy pair of blue jeans. Without even so much as thinking about it, James hopped down from the window in front of the girls attacker.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are?" The canine snorted out, his large eyes like pointed arrows at James. The dragon growled deeply and said not one word. Instead, he reached for the dogs arm and twisted it behind his back, before grabbing the knife from his paws and kicking him hard to the ground. "I suggest you leave now before I have to put in any effort. Got it?" He didn't notice it yet, but his fisted paws had begun to smoke. The dog simply chuckled as he reached inside his coat, pulling out a small .25 caliber automatic pistol and aiming it at Flames chest. "Fu-" was all James had time to say as the loud sound of gunfire filled the alleyways. He winced and brought his paws to his chest, covering up the spot where he'd been hit. "Damn it!!!" He brought his paws back down and expected them to be covered in blood. However, there was nothing. Nothing except a few bullets with the ends dented in. His shirt had holes in it where the bullets had torn through. But his scales remain untouched. "Holy shit..." He dropped the bullets on the ground and looked up at the canine, whos eyes were wide with fear and disbelief. The dog fired the last two shots he had in the gun and began to inch away from him. "Who...what are you...?"

James had newfound confidence and adrenaline. He knew something had happened to him, and more than likely it was caused by that radiation blast he'd been hit with. Suddenly, both his paws spontaneously caught fire, and the flames slowly grew and traveled up his arms, yet he felt no pain. He held up his right paw and grinned down at the canine, taking a few steps forwards and reaching down to pick him up with his left paw by his neck. "I just became your worst fucking nightmare. That's what." With that, the dragon reared back and slammed his paw as hard as he could into the dogs face, giving him 2nd degree burns and breaking his nose completely all at once.

The white female wolf could only stare in complete awe at what she saw, as the flames slowly dissipated from James arms. He turned around to face her and got on one knee, hoisting her back up to her feet and smiling warmly at her. "I hope that guy didn't hurt you. Are you ok? I can bring you to the hospital if you wish.." The young girl simply shook her head as she gathered her things and put them back in her purse. "I'm fine, thank you so much. I guess it was dumb of me to come through here this time of night. Oh yes, my name is Brittany. What's yours?"

"My name is James. But you can call me.." He paused for a second and thought about it, trying to come up with a name that sounded cool yet fitted him well. "Hmmm.. Flame."